Your theories about dinosaurs

Sun 17 Oct, 2021 11:11 pm
@The Anointed,
is that all youve got? cant make any deft analyses so you go after my "bodies inconveniences"

Yes thats what youve missed, Youre ana;lyses were about 63 MILLION years all askew.
Like Dimetrodon is not a common ancestor of early mammals, neither are your examples on a "common ancestral line" to hominids and hominins. Being a "second cousin" can ignore evidnce of entire fossil famliess rather than make the cladistic errors that give palontologists the shivers.
Im not paleontologist but we employ several in our craft, and as an economic geologist I would like to see references of our'' index fossils'', whenever quoted and asserted ,at least be done accurately
If you play in my court, at last try to get your references more scientifically enlightened rather than silly clips from arts n crafts 'kiddy' science sites.
The Anointed
Mon 18 Oct, 2021 02:05 am
Youre ana;lyses were about 63 MILLION years all askew.

"Youre" Did you mean 'You are=You're', or just 'Your'?




Guess who I believe FM? An amateur like you, or one of the many experts?

Nighty night mate.
Mon 18 Oct, 2021 05:24 am
@The Anointed,
you cant even maintain youre point that you made in your original post. Ive been an "Expert" in this subject for 43 years, you cant even comprehend a series of kiddie science sites.

heres whatI figger, Your reading comp and analytical skills are not in an upper percentile (speaking of paleo trash). SOOO, I wonder whether your spittle spewn religious posts come from the same bodily orifice.
Im not here to give you lessons in paleo, but please dont embarrass yourself by mixing up your references .
I just ignore yer religious posts cause I have no idea what relevence youre shooting for whn you post geologic drivvle along with your detailed Biblical rferences. If youre interested, perhaps you should stop including AIG as valid science and take a course in entry level paleo. Oz has got some rally good schools for GIT's

Those of us in the geological trade love kids who try to lern, but we really dislike douche bags like you who try to peddle garbage to convince the readers that its mind food.

Mon 18 Oct, 2021 05:33 am
OH yeh, as far as the iki on the K/T extinction events that include Chixclub, 2 of my colleagues and one employee had input to the tub . The AGI offers our services to review or contribute writing for Wiki so they can avoid the paleontological debacles of the 90's where Creation "scientists" offered up some of your type of bullshit and calling it mind cany. (Most of that Bullhit came from Australia) by associates of the clown who built the "Ark Park" in Kntucky. Think of all that money that could have gone to support real science education rather than a bunch- a Biblical Squat babies.

As far as my spelling, Ill work on it if you promise to try to lern and process actual FACTS.
0 Replies
Mon 18 Oct, 2021 07:27 am
farmerman wrote:
such "profound statements" are easily spoken in large groups specially since it has already happened

What's wrong with you that? It's an interesting subject.
Mon 18 Oct, 2021 07:29 am
farmerman wrote:
Like Dimetrodon is not a common ancestor of early mammals, neither are your examples on a "common ancestral line" to hominids and hominins. Being a "second cousin" can ignore evidnce of entire fossil famliess rather than make the cladistic errors that give palontologists the shivers.

I have to get my gorgonopsian qualities from somewhere....
(This post is intended as humor.)
0 Replies
Mon 18 Oct, 2021 09:57 am
oralloy wrote:
farmerman wrote:
such "profound statements" are easily spoken in large groups specially since it has already happened

What's wrong with you that? It's an interesting subject.

Strike the "you". That was supposed to be: "What's wrong with that?"

I'm playing with my new iPhone and I assume autocomplete threw in the "you" without me noticing.

I need to go figure out how to turn that "feature" off. It's beginning to get irritating.
Mon 18 Oct, 2021 10:35 am
Im looking for a new fone and hav been torn between a new I phone or a Galxy Fold. Its all based upon the best CAMERA. I have a new text of geologic features planned and, while I will use my Canon-D-for the really artsy fartsy, I wonder whose camera is best cause Im using much sat imagery, as well as clor thermal imagery and I want to do some close up low angle oblique "landscapes
and I want as good a res that I can get for RAW shooting.
have any preferences??
Mon 18 Oct, 2021 11:40 am
As far as I know Samsung and Apple keep up with each other pretty well on their flagship models.

I would maybe check CNET reviews on the latest versions just in case one of them had a surprise breakthrough in their new models.

I got my new phone mostly because Apple was offering $1000 off on a trade in for the new models. Since minimum RAM is fine with me, that meant an iPhone Pro for free or a Pro Max for $100.

And to top it all off I got to see Megadeth in concert again:
0 Replies
The Anointed
Mon 18 Oct, 2021 04:34 pm
you cant even maintain youre point that you made in your original post.

The point that I made in my original post was; " The extinction of the reptilian dinosaurs some 66 million years ago, was a blessing to mankind, as they would have been the greatest threat to the continued evolution of mankind from our ancestors ‘The Mammals,’ of which our oldest known primate-like mammal ancestors, were the Plesiadapis, which came from North America; or the Archicebus, which came from China, or any of the other similar basal primates, which were widespread in Eurasia and Africa during the tropical conditions of the Paleocene and Eocene geological Epochs. And the evolutionary history of those primates can be traced back 65 million years, shortly after the time when the dinosaurs became extinct.

Ive been an "Expert" in this subject for 43 years

Yea, we know that you are always claiming to be an 'EXPERT' on all things, and now you are falsely claiming that you are an 'EXPERT' in the fields of Palaeoanthropology and Palae-ethnology, which obviously you are not.

Those of us in the geological trade love kids who try to lern,

What a pity you have never 'LEARNED' to spell, although you may be an 'EXPERT' on dyslexia.

BTW, Your usual insults in your futile attempt to silence any opponents to your (Ha Haa) EXPERT opinions, such as calling me a douche bag, doesn't work on this young 80 years old Student, old mate.

So, if you'll just wipe off that verbal dysentery that's dribbling down your chin, I'll be happy.

Catch you around old mate.
Tue 19 Oct, 2021 01:31 pm
@The Anointed,
and now you are falsely claiming that you are an 'EXPERT' in the fields of Palaeoanthropology and Palae-ethnology, which obviously you are not
I ont think Iv claimed any xpertise in any of the palo disciplines that have to do with HOMINIMS Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the etymology of words,"Paloethnology and paleoanthropology have nothing to do with sauropods ,only humans and immediate ancestors. I am, however, an expert in the use of these DINOSAUR fossils that youve miscast and stratigraphically mislocated. (Their "kind" goes way back 62 more million years than you assert) They are a widespread time sequenced family that allows us to do relative dating by using them as index fossils). They dont walk upright, have opposible thumbs, or have discovered fire.
If you understand what the various geological disciplines are about, I wouldnt have to treat you like a stubborn child whose mind is closed to facts.

Oh well,

Being a douche bag isnt age limited.Embrace it. I love how you scramble up your thinking and then try to weasel out

I realize you use my poor spelling as a means to piss me off. Better than you have tried and have also been left looking like fools.

You need to larn more about PALEOTAPHONOMY, INDEX FOSSILS, PHYLOGENY, and BIO_STRATIGRAPHY. Why not ask some 11 yer old ki who knows about dinosaurs . That kid can make it clearer for you, Im sure.

PS, dinosaurs are not lizards any more than KING KONG was a monkey
The Anointed
Tue 19 Oct, 2021 04:10 pm
I realize you use my poor spelling as a means to piss me off.

Oh, not only your spelling difficulties, but also your apparent inability to understand that which you have read.

Dyslexia, is a learning disability which affects skills involved in 'READING, SPELLING AND WRITING', you may be able to overcome your learning difficulties by getting support from trained tutors. Private face-to-face tutoring is designed for people like you with special learning needs.

The synapsids included the lizard-like pelycosaurs, some of which closely resembled the monitor lizards of today.

The diapsids were the ancestors to dinosaurs and other ruling reptiles as well as birds, crocodiles, tuatara, snakes and lizards. True monitor lizard-like animals (varanoids) appeared in the Late Jurassic era, about 180 million years ago.

The Aigialosaurs were small aquatic lizards that were probably closely related to the monitors. They gave rise to mosasaurs, a diverse group of water lizards growing up to 10m long that roamed the seas for over 100 million years before dying out altogether, and as they disappeared monitor lizards first appeared on the land.

Catch ya later mate.
Tue 19 Oct, 2021 04:32 pm
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:
The synapsids included the lizard-like pelycosaurs, some of which closely resembled the monitor lizards of today.

You and I are synapsids as well. We are descended from pelycosaur ancestry. All mammals are.

I miss the bony sails. Our ancestors should have kept them. I'd look good with a nice dimetrodon sail protruding from my spine.

The Anointed wrote:
The diapsids were the ancestors to dinosaurs and other ruling reptiles as well as birds, crocodiles, tuatara, snakes and lizards. True monitor lizard-like animals (varanoids) appeared in the Late Jurassic era, about 180 million years ago.

Modern birds and reptiles are diapsids as well. The descendants of diapsids remain diapsids. The descendants of synapsids remain synapsids.
The Anointed
Tue 19 Oct, 2021 04:37 pm
You and I are synapsids as well. We are descended from pelycosaur ancestry. All mammals are.

Correct! Modern birds and reptiles have evolved from the diapsids, from which the dinosaurs evolved as well.

Turtles are among the anapsids, as are many extinct reptile groups. Diapsids have two temporal fenestrae behind the orbit, one superior and one inferior. Groups in this category include the dinosaurs, crocodilians, birds, tuaturas, lizards and snakes. Synapsids have one temporal fenestra behind the eye.

0 Replies
The Anointed
Tue 19 Oct, 2021 05:00 pm
PS, dinosaurs are not lizards any more than KING KONG was a monkey

Dinosaurs are considered to be reptiles, with characteristics such as being cold-blooded, being covered in dry, scaly skin, laying eggs, and more. Dinosaurs are most closely related to reptiles, as oppose to mammals or birds, because of these characteristics.

And so old mate, If the lizards and snakes who crawl in the dust of the earth, did not evolve from the great upright walking dinosaurs, from what did they evolve?
Tue 19 Oct, 2021 05:07 pm
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:
If the lizards and snakes who crawl in the dust of the earth, did not evolve from the great upright walking dinosaurs, from what did they evolve?

Reptiles evolved from amphibians.
The Anointed
Tue 19 Oct, 2021 05:19 pm
Reptiles evolved from amphibians.

They reckon if dinosaurs were still in existence today, they would be classified as reptiles under the sub-tribe Archosaurs, that also includes crocodiles. The pelvic structures in dinosaur skeletons resembled those found in crocodiles and lizards, and they moved similarly, additionally, dinosaurs laid eggs and built nests just like modern-day reptiles.

Tue 19 Oct, 2021 06:12 pm
@The Anointed,
what about theropods that had feathers? There were those found to be warm blooded,( we can see that from bone structure) many had hips and many features like birds and skulls like mammals, and, dont believe Jurassic Park. Hell, we know that the old "Rules " of what defined species and what doesnt have been trashed years ago.Many Gastropods and Fish give live birth (viviparus and oviviparus famileis).We know of at last 5 extinct mammal genera that layed eggs (other than living monotreme). We also know of fossil birds with scales an teeth. Its been a quandry as to where and how do we move the speciation fence about and its more complex than your resources want to speak to you.
I fashion that youve a large chunk of Carl von Linnaeus in yor quiver. His system of classification was Creationist, anagenetic , and unable to include genetic information(mostly because it didnt exist yet). We know better now. There are thos that believe in anagenesis but evidence rfutes that belief. We still u the Linneaan system just bcause its "cute" and actually, a scientifically based alphaneumeric classification ytem would not give budding rsearchers, as well as dedicated amateurs any information about the beast or plant under review.

The Iguanadons, the first "dinosaur" werent even dinosaurs,
We "called them reptiles early on but scientists and evolutionary scholars have ferreted out that the Darwinian "Tree of life" is really a big multi stemmed Forsythia bush.

That particular argument is gradually being supplanted by more modern analyses .. I use Dave Quammens "Tree of Life" to teach economic geologists the bases of growth of the concept of index fossils. Its a damn good read and, Im really not being derisive but Roy Chapman Andrews has been dead for over 60 years and weve found new evidence via genetics and continental drift (for the new) as well as fossils (of the old)
The Anointed
Tue 19 Oct, 2021 06:22 pm
Its been a quandry as to whre and how do we move the fence about and its more complex than your resources speak to you.

And also more complex than your resources speak to you.

Accept the fact mate, that there is not enough fossil evidence to prove the absolute truth concerning the creation as it is today, through the process of evolution from what was in the distant past of millions of years ago.

But you must believe that which you choose to believe, while I continue to believe that the heavenly being, who was the spiritual Godhead to the MOST-HIGH species to have evolved on earth before mankind, was the one who deceived Eve and was then cursed and cast down to the earth where he now crawls in the dust.

Catch ya later mate.
Tue 19 Oct, 2021 06:38 pm
@The Anointed,
They reckon if dinosaurs were still in existence today, they would be classified as reptiles under the sub-tribe Archosaurs, that also includes crocodiles.youve made my point. Evolution made certain reptiles (Diapsids) of today, but even though retile were a common ancestor, they also gave rise to birds The pelvic structures in dinosaur skeletons resembled those found in crocodiles and lizards(wrongedy wrong wrong again, the main ancient reptiles that gave rise to dinosaurs were not the "bird hipped" but the "lizard hipped" there were actually 3 main tructural families and
snakes and crocs are rhyncocephalians and phytosaurs. Dinosaurs are saurichia and ornothischia
9totally differentsuborders0
, and they moved similarly, additionally, dinosaurs laid eggs and built nests just like modern-day reptiles. (except for those like theriopods who were mammal like reptiles)

ya got more homework to catch up on. I unsertsnd the religion/"science" mixture, only a small group of dinosaur fans actually believe all that .That stuff has been on record and most arguments delt with about 40 years ago. Quammen did a really nice job of consolidating much of the evolutionary vidence into a strong redable story that wont talk "own" to you (like most Creationist crap tries)

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