farmerman wrote:Scalia, when asked about applicbility of heller on the 2nd Amenment said "Well its regarding weapons that are hand held only
So that lets out cannons and tanks. "...( WE WERE WRONG ABOUT TANKS AND CANNONS)
How were we wrong about tanks and cannons? I believe we both considered them to not fall under the individual right of militiamen. That sounds like we both agree with Justice Scalia.
farmerman wrote:He then said that." As far as grenades and rocket launchers, (an RPG can bring down an airplane). So this will have to be seen"
It would be a pretty lucky shot for an RPG to bring down an airplane. However, there are Stinger Missiles.
Stingers might be crew served though. And they are a lot more expensive than an unguided bazooka round. So there could be grounds for the courts to rule that they are more like a tank or cannon, and therefore outside the realm of the Second Amendment.
farmerman wrote:I suppose youd have to see whether you can get a live grenade onE- bay or through Amazon. I kinda doubt that they even handle that stuff. gun shows , have not had rpgs or grenades for sale as ive ever seen. they do sell jugs of tannerite but you can make that at home and its considered a binary explosive which needs a muzzle velocity over 2k fps to detonate
Militiamen have the right to purchase the same machine guns, hand grenades, and bazookas that the government can purchase.
Weapons manufacturers have the right to sell the same machine guns, hand grenades, and bazookas to militiamen that they sell to governments.
I do not claim to be a militiaman. However, if someone wants to pay all my legal bills, I will join the Michigan Volunteer Defense Force and then sue for my right to have machineguns, hand grenades, and bazookas.
Suing the government in federal court costs a lot of money though, so I'll only do it if someone decides to pay all the bills.