Republican attacks on democracy are a national emergency. Will Democrats ever fight back?

Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 12:03 am
Republican attacks on democracy are a national emergency.

Will Democrats ever fight back?

The Republican Party is attacking American democracy in plain sight. The party of Trump is doing this without fear, with little need for guile or subterfuge and with unabashed, bold confidence.

In essence, the Republican Party and its followers and allies have declared that no American election is considered valid unless a Republican candidate wins. This is obviously the stuff of fascist, white supremacist and anti-democratic regimes where the endpoint is a form of "managed democracy" similar to Vladimir Putin's Russia or Viktor Orbán's Hungary, where elections still occur but one party rules indefinitely.

Michael Flynn, the retired general who was briefly Donald Trump's national security adviser, even appeared to endorse a military coup during an appearance at an event Sunday in Dallas "that was attended by prominent peddlers of the QAnon conspiracy theory and the Big Lie," as CNN reports. A member of the audience reportedly asked Flynn why an event similar to the recent military coup in Myanmar — which has been celebrated by many in the global far right — couldn't happen in the United States. "No reason, I mean, it should happen here," Flynn said.

Sidney Powell, an attorney associated with Trump's efforts to steal the 2020 election, also appeared at the Dallas event and reportedly said Trump should be "reinstated" as president, suggesting that a "new inauguration day is set."

Republicans behave as if they possess secret knowledge that predicts or preordains their future victories. Perhaps they know something that the Democrats, the news media and the American people do not?

In comparison, Democrats behave like a sports team that's badly losing a game. In effect, they protest to the referee that the opponent is cheating and flouting the rules. Republicans respond by laughing in their faces, having concluded long ago that winning is all that matters.

For the most part, the American media has no idea how to cover such a game. Its major commentators and institutions keep referring back to the old rulebook, which the Republicans have now made obsolete.

In his newsletter Press Run, Eric Boehlert explains the media's failure — or willful inability — to grapple with the Republican Party's self-seduction into fascism:

Unfortunately, the Beltway press has no idea how to cover this story. It still refuses to use the proper tools and language to put the troubling actions of the GOP in context via its straight news coverage. Hiding behind Both Sides journalism, timid language, and purposeful naïveté, news outlets still aren't being honest about the dire threat Trump Republicans now pose to the country. …

The GOP and its followers have become consumed in deliberate lies, yet the press still views the party as a serious entity whose views deserve to be treated respectfully.

"It's time the media stop covering the GOP as a political party — it's not," tweeted SiriusXM radio show host [and Salon contributor] Dean Obeidallah. "Today's Republican party is a white nationalist, fascist movement and those exact words need to be used by the media so everyone gets the threat the GOP poses to our nation."

The Republican plan to overthrow multiracial democracy must be understood as a multi-spectrum attack. Across the country on the state, local and federal levels, Republicans are using such tactics as gerrymandering, imposing onerous ID requirements, restricting mail-in and absentee voting, closing polling places in Black and brown communities, removing drop boxes, conducting phony audits to manufacture evidence of fraud, and placing party loyalists and operatives in key positions to guarantee that their preferred candidates will always "win."

In a video leaked to Mother Jones, the executive director of Heritage Action for America — a lobby group affiliated with the right-wing Heritage Foundation — was recorded at a private fundraising event in April bragging that her organization was writing Republican voter suppression laws across the country, and observing how easy it is to subvert democracy.

Common Cause Texas recently discovered an online briefing in which a Republican official outlined a Jim Crow-like plan to deploy poll watchers tasked with intimidating Black and brown voters in the Houston area, the state's largest and most diverse population center — and home to a high concentration of likely Democratic voters.

Republican elected officials and other spokespeople have publicly declared that their efforts to "protect the integrity of the vote" from "fraud" are really designed to reduce the number of votes, especially from Black and brown people and other groups who support the Democratic Party.

Even Rep. Liz Cheney, the "respectable" Republican "patriot" and supposed hero of democracy who has been celebrated by the chattering class and mainstream news media, has supported her party's efforts to replace multiracial democracy with a new Jim Crow regime.

Even if a Democratic candidate for president (or other high office) manages to survive this new gauntlet of anti-democratic "reforms," Republicans have now established a precedent with Donald Trump and the 2020 election under which they will feel free to invalidate Electoral College votes and use their power in gerrymandered state legislatures to decide the real "winner."

Furthermore, if a Democratic candidate somehow manages to survive that concerted campaign by Republicans to override the people's, then right-wing terrorists and other paramilitaries may also be used to nullify the election. Donald Trump's coup attempt and the attack on the U.S. Capitol by his supporters offered us a preview of that future.

Fox News and other elements of the right-wing media are playing a central role in propagandizing their public to believe in the Big Lie about the 2020 election and to prepare them for whatever means may be necessary — up to and including lethal violence — to prevent Democratic Party and its voters from obtaining or holding political power.

Why are Republicans and their supporters so bold and unafraid in their attacks on American democracy?

Essentially, they view President Biden and the current exceedingly narrow Democratic majorities in Congress as a type of speed bump on their road to inevitable victory. That is not unreasonable, since to this point Trump-supporting Republicans have faced no serious consequences for their systematic attacks on American democracy and the rule of law. Many Republicans and Trumpists sincerely believe themselves to be "patriots" who are on the correct side of history, and therefore believe that anything they and their allies do to win and keep power is justified. (Others, no doubt, view this struggle in far more cynical terms.)

Today's Republican Party and larger right-wing movement has become a type of religion. Its followers are united by faith and committed to their "truth," which exists outside of human reason and empirical reality.

Moreover, many of Trump's followers — especially among right-wing evangelicals and Christian nationalists — literally consider Donald Trump to be a type of savior or messiah, perhaps prophesied in scripture.

The American far right has yearned, hoped and schemed to overthrow democracy for decades. Trumpism is a symptom of a deep crisis in American society — especially in white America — about the inherent legitimacy of multiracial democracy. It is not the cause.

Ultimately, the bulk of the Republican Party and the broader right-wing movement have concluded that Democrats are weak, naïve, shortsighted, divided and unwilling to do what is necessary to stop them. To this point, that conclusion appears correct.

In June of 2020 I interviewed Bosnian-born novelist Aleksandar Hemon for Salon. Watching the tumult in America over the past year, culminating in Trump's coup attempt and the Republican Party's embrace of neofascism and authoritarianism, I have thought a great deal about what Hemon said about how a society breaks apart, drawing on what happened in Yugoslavia during its civil war:

With Trumpism the news media has to change the entire way in which they interpret and engage with reality. The American news media, for the most part, cannot do it. They cannot make that pivot. The rules are different with an authoritarian such as Donald Trump.

At the same time, the advantage of Trump and his movement is that they do not care about reality or the truth. They are a death cult. They are not afraid to die. The Trumpists and Republicans are excited and motivated by the possibility of remaking reality itself, because they are in revolutionary mode. The Democrats and everyone else are, by comparison, trying to find a magical way to retain the status quo. Which, even if the status quo was somehow good enough, is now impossible to salvage. The American right's, and the global right's, revolutionary process is far too advanced at this point.

The Republican Party's attacks on democracy are a national emergency. Will the Democrats stand up and fight, doing everything possible to defend American democracy? Or will they simply roll over for the forces of authoritarianism, protesting the whole time about rules and norms and the tremendous unfairness of the process?

No one really knows the answer, least of all the Democrats themselves. They and we — and all people around the world who still look to America as a symbol of democratic possibility — are running out of time.

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Type: Discussion • Score: 9 • Views: 3,983 • Replies: 101

Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 03:12 am
@Real Music,
Across the country on the state, local and federal levels, Republicans are using such tactics as gerrymandering, imposing onerous ID requirements, restricting mail-in and absentee voting, closing polling places in Black and brown communities, removing drop boxes, conducting phony audits to manufacture evidence of fraud, and placing party loyalists and operatives in key positions to guarantee that their preferred candidates will always "win."

It's difficult to resist or fight back because the Republicans have largely secured the primary mechanism of democracy — voting — and have it under their control. They managed to accomplish this over the past two decades, beginning slowly with a two-pronged attack where well-funded groups like the Federalist Society and ALEC promoted conservative judges and pro-business legislation while populist jackasses like Limbaugh and Gingrich worked to divide the country over racial and cultural lines.
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 11:53 am
Trump impersonating a public official is a jailable offence.

Trump will be in jail by August...

The republican led crime spree is about to come to an end.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 12:20 pm
@Real Music,
American politics has become two outraged extremes throwing insults at each other. Neither side is interested in finding solutions to problems. They would rather attack each other.

- The right wing extremists say "The left is threatening the core of democracy and taking away our freedoms.

- The left wing extremists say "The right is threatening the core of democracy our rights"

Whether the propaganda is from the right or the left, it is the same game. These are exagerrations, fabrication and fantasy based on some truth but twisted to fit the most extreme narrative

Take this rant... change a few words:

Repubican -> Democrat
QAnon -> Antifa
Capitol Protest -> BLM Protest
Trump -> Obama

... and you would have a rant that would be cheered on any right wing sight. This extremist propaganda does no one any good.

Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 12:28 pm
@Real Music,
The reason the Democrats don't "fight back" is obvious. They are not idiots. The Democrats goal is to win elections; if they don't win elections than nothing else matter.

I have voted for the Democrats in almost every election since I turned 18 (including voting for Hillary Clinton in spite of the fact she disgusts me). I vote for the Democrats because they support policies I agree with including immigrant rights, racial equality, labor rights and LGBT rights.

I want the Democrats to stand for reasonable, sound, policies that make our society better. That is how Joe Biden got my vote (and in my opinion Joe Biden is doing a very good job).

If the Democrats ever decide to be the party of hysterical left-wing conspiracy theorists, they will lose votes of people who want reasonable government. If the Democrats lose the votes of people outside of the left-wing extreme, they will lose elections.

That is the reason that the Democrats are ignoring the left wing extremists. They want to win elections.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 12:29 pm
That is a lie.

The Republican Party is extreme. In Europe only far right parties share the same values as the Republicans.

The Democrat Party is central. It is not that different from mainstream right wing parties in Europe, like the Conservatives or the Christian Democrats.

You sound just like your hero Trump claiming the Nazis marching in Charlottesville were no different from those protesting against them.

In a desperate attempt to appear centrist you’ve shown your true colours, a far right white supremacist masquerading as something else.

Do you actually think anyone believes your bullshit?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 12:37 pm
I will not respond to Izzy's childish attacks (other than this).
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 01:29 pm
@Real Music,
It is funny to me that both left-wing Democrats and right-wing Republicans are claiming that US elections are being "stolen". For anyone who thinks this argument is serious, answer this question; yes or no:

Do you believe that American elections are free, fair and legitimate?

For the record, I believe they are.
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 03:37 pm
@Real Music,
I essentially accept your article as the truth. I have very nearly given up that the public will stand up to this shi- caca- in time to rescue civilization and ultimately the world.
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 03:55 pm
Do you accept the article unequivocally... is there anything you are willing to question?

The conspiracy theories they are suggesting are pretty far out there. I suppose we have reached a point in our political divide that people will accept anything without question as long as it comes from their side.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 08:18 pm
Republican attacks on democracy are a national emergency.

Will either Senator Joe Manchin or Senator Kyrsten Sinema ever fight back?
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 09:16 pm
@Real Music,
What the hell do you want them to do?

Storm the freakin' Capital???
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 09:48 pm
@Real Music,
I am curious what exactly you want Joe Manchin to do? Joe Manchin is a Democratic Senator in a state that voted for Trump. This "national emergency" must be pretty bad if you think the Democrats should throw the Senate down the drain for it.

This is idiocy.
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 09:54 pm
The must idiotic part of this is that you are insulting American voters. Once you call someone a fascist, you can't then ask for their vote.

Hillary insulted voters and played to the hysterical handwringing left.

Biden respected voters and focused on how he would help solve problems.

Biden is president. I am hoping the Democrats have learned something over the past four years.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Sat 5 Jun, 2021 10:02 pm
Do you believe that American elections are free, fair and legitimate?

1. If the republicans current attacks on democracy are successful, then American elections will no longer be free, fair, and legitimate.

2. So, the point of this thread is keeping American elections free, fair, and legitimate.

3. With republicans continuing their relentless attacks against American democracy,
What will Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Kyrsten Sinema do to save American democracy?

4. What will Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Kyrsten Sinema do to keep American elections free, fair, and legitimate?
Reply Sat 5 Jun, 2021 11:51 pm
@Real Music,
You didn't answer the question.

What specifically do you want Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to do?
Real Music
Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2021 02:02 am
You didn't answer the question.
What specifically do you want Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to do?

1. Due to republicans continued relentless attacks against American democracy,
Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema should support ending the filibuster for the (voting rights bill).

2. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema should support ending the filibuster in order to keep American elections free, fair, and legitimate.
Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2021 07:20 am
@Real Music,
So your plan to save Democracy from evil Republican attacks involves

1..Ending the filibuster
2. Handing the Senate (now with no filibuster) back to the Republicans.

It seems to my that you are being a little politically short sighted.
Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2021 09:15 am
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:

You didn't answer the question.
What specifically do you want Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to do?

1. Due to republicans continued relentless attacks against American democracy,
Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema should support ending the filibuster for the (voting rights bill).

2. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema sh
ould support ending the filibuster in order to keep American elections free, fair, and legitimate.

Ignoring the parliamentarian would help too. Never heard of that position until this year. Likely because nobody else paid heed to what they recommended.

Manchin in particular has set himself up to block anything Biden claims to want. Biden should concentrate on this man instead of making nice with his enemies.
Real Music
Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2021 11:11 am
Republicans uses 'nuclear option' to stop filibuster for Supreme Court nominee.

The U.S. Senate set is scheduled to vote on the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch after Senate Republicans used the so-called "nuclear option."

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