Tue 25 Mar, 2003 02:31 pm
MSNBC reports that the Senate slashed the Bush Tax cut plan by 50%
Ever think this may have been good foresight on the part of the president? When we create budget requests for the year we always ask for twice as much as we really need, because we know they are going to cut them.
"Foresight?" This president? Awe, come on, cj, give us a break. c.i.
C.i. If on your travels you'd go to the midwest or the east coast or the south, you'd find a vastly different perspective than you do in California, or France, or Canada...
Dubya may come across as dumb when he speaks in public, but everyone in Washington knows he's a shrewd diplomat.
Shrewd, maybe. But a diplomat? Unless that word has changed its meaning, I don't think it applies to Bush. He's managed to alienate most of our allies. In what sense is he diplomatic?
Quote:Dubya may come across as dumb when he speaks in public, but everyone in Washington knows he's a shrewd diplomat
I was laughing so hard when I read this I nearly fell off my chair.
It reminds me of the saying I once heard. "Yesterday I couldn't spell engineer today I are one"
His diplomacy
is what got into the mess we are in.
cj must be one of the rich ones that are getting a windfall of $62,000 a year. If the news is correct that the Federal gas tax is going up to counteract loses to the Department of Transportation, then my $100 tax break will be eat up and doubled with new taxes.
Once again, the administration lies and the people believe. Maybe these are the people you will find in the "midwest or the east coast or the south" c.i., the "true" believers - no matter what lies are told!
How do I sign up for my $62K windfall?
I also take offense at the way the term "engineer" is used these days. I worked hard to become a professional one, and to see it applied to janitors and building maintenance personnel just pisses me off.
Than you understand the irony of the saying. I hope you also see how it applies when Bush is called a diplomat.
Well, his foreign diplomacy isn't what I was talking about. I was speaking of his dealings on capitol hill about domestic issues. I'm not making this up - lawmakers have been very impressed by his style. Say what you will.
errr, somehow 'coming across as dumb when he speaks in public' and a 'shrewd diplomat' sound oxymoronic to me. This is the Meriam-Webster description of diplomacy:
1 : the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations
2 : skill in handling affairs without arousing hostility : TACT
i don't see either one in your president, no offense.
no offense taken, but if you add the "cowboy" to his name quite a few of us will take offense. cowboys have a tradition of honesty.
Quote:i don't see either one in your president
You would if you were wearing rose colored glasses. No offense. Many of us understand the tragedy that has overtaken us.
And let me add, he hasn't fooled any politicians in DC either. They know he's dumb!