Do not believe what you see on TV.
Trump voters range from:
1. Former liberals who had their own party push them too far.
2. Small business owners who have been scraping by for years having laws like Obamacare, with its huge penalty for not being insured shoved down their throats (btw, being forced to close their businesses because of COVID or because having a pipeline wasn't eco-friendly or whatever the hell excuse Biden used, doesn't endear the them to Biden either).
3. Black voters who actually saw things turn worse for race under Obama, and better under "racist" Trump.
4. Women who got tired of being competed with for femininity by trans types.
5. Legal immigrants that saw illegal ones "jumping the line" and getting benefits for sneaking in. That's right, the most "racist" against Hispanics are actually those who came there lawfully.
6. People in general who were tired of this crap.
I'm no longer one of them, because I've come to realize that an ideal government in this world is the way of the Antichrist, and voting, by definition, creates social divide. I saw how the more Trump failed to get the punishment they wanted for him, the more unhinged the left became. Almost as though, this is a seesaw effect.
But you should know that how CNN portrays Trump voters as a sort of while male Christian cult is wrong.
As you can see, chunks of Hispanic, black, and female voters voted for the guy.
There are actually people who didn't vote for Trump at all, they voted to protest leftist extremism. They voted against Hillary and Biden. That's people like me.
This stuff, btw, is not called religion. It's called nationalism. And it's something Europe ran out of, when they all got trashed by World War II and then subjugated by the EU. When your country is told they can't even fish their own harbors without bureaucratic red tape, you're not in the mood to be patriotic.
The most racist group in terms of denying undocumented (as you put it) immigrants are actually the Hispanics.