Wed 3 Feb, 2021 05:11 pm
I'm not really educated in this sort of stuff but didnt really have anywhere else to ask. So on like TikTok and stuff there has been #KAM going around (#KillAllMen) and i dont know if this is prominent in this movement but isnt that a bit far ? I understand women have and still are facing serious threat in our society but I dont understand why it would be kill al men and not a more specific term or action ? Sorry if this can be percieved as offensive in any way as i said i am not educated very much in this subject.
If you do find anybody claiming they are feminist and want to go around killing men, it's not a representation of the majority. I've never came across someone like that. The big names in the feminist movement that I know of have nothing to do with it. The biggest part of feminist people simply think men and women are equals, and should be treated this way.