Mon 1 Feb, 2021 11:20 pm
The sense is obvious, it's the title of a beautiful Gregorian chant cd from the Schola Gregoriana Pragensis ensemble (they no longer perform I fear.)
However, in trying to establish the precise translation of the three words, Google translate failed me! It rejects the word 'Homo' !!!
Woke algorithm nonsense gone mad!
Would I have had more luck typing in the words:
Ach Gay Fragilis ?
But that isn't the title of the CD!
In my ignorance I assume the translation to be "Ah fragile man" but having little or no knowledge of Latin I could be entirely wrong!
Thanks to anyone who would kindly help out.
@Odette Sacroug,
Add "Latin" to the forum tags. You might grab the attention of someone who could help.