How stupid is Trump?

Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2022 04:49 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
If you would have the popular vote, you wouldn't know who will be the next president and vice-president.
Should have been "wouldn't", of course.
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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2022 12:33 pm
This essay explains in part the elevation of Trump to a quasi- messianic/fuhrer status by his followers.

On Trumpism: Donald Trump as a God’s “Chosen” Political Messiah and Savior.
June 6, 2022

Former American president Donald Trump positioned himself as the savior of America. Millions of Americans responded enthusiastically in a way that consolidated for Trump a messianic status.

According to scholar Mimi Yang, “Manipulating Americans’ patriotism and singling out the setbacks of globalization, the rhetoric of “America First” and “Make America Great Again” indeed sounds redeeming and elevates Trump to a messianic figure to save and deliver America” (1). A messianic tone is detectable in Trump’s catchy remark that he “will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created. I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Mexico, from Japan, from so many places. I’ll bring back our jobs, and I’ll bring back our money”.

Strategically capitalizing on widespread fear allowed Trump to demonstrate to his supporters that he alone could fix and overcome all the obstacles that stood in the way of the “American Dream” (3). As Trump stated: “Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before”.

Successfully projecting confidence onto the political and world stage, Trump proved to his followers that nothing would stop him. He refused to be bound by rules when it came to achieving what he desired. In fact, so convinced that his followers would support him no matter what, Trump remarked in January 2016 that he “could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” This is a bold claim and perhaps Trump was correct that he would lose no votes should he have performed such an action, especially none among those who view him as God or some representative thereof, “Glorious news, everyone! Donald Trump is God! Everything makes sense now, and the final purpose of all things is at last clear. Donald Trump on Wednesday proudly quoted a messenger who said he was ‘the second coming of God,’ and he described himself as ‘the chosen one,’ looking up at the sky. As I said, wonderful, good, normal news!”

In an interview with reporters on the lawn of the White House, Trump referred to himself as “the chosen one”, which is a phrase that many Christian evangelicals have often used to describe Trump as a vessel that God has chosen to undertake God’s perfect plan.

Right-wing populists present themselves as the “true representatives of the people,” while previous politicians and their opposition are lampooned for being untrustworthy and failing to represent the people and the country. In this context, populist politicians emerge and embody “a ‘saviour’… a (more or less) charismatic leader…’” (6). Trump’s announcement speech was titled “Our Country Needs a Truly Great Leader”. In the speech, Trump presented himself as a great leader; Antonio Reyes explains, “This truly great leader would confront issues by himself like a true savior in his own terms, not as a politician or diplomatic but with hostility in a “Trumpian” way, as a Super hero ready to solve by himself all the problems, nationally and internationally. The construction of a truly great leader goes from being right about future prediction: “And I’m the one that made all of the right predictions about Iraq” to being “the greatest jobs president God ever created”.

The main argument of Trump’s candidacy and message was: “I will make America great again because I am great”. As the greatest creation of God (job-wise), Trump would revive the American dream and make it bigger, better, and stronger (8). Scholar Ruth Wodak’s research suggests that in right-wing populist discourses and political parties “We encounter new and self-defined saviors of ‘the people’ dominating the political stage, presenting themselves as authentic and trustworthy” (9). Trump has presented himself frequently as such and his followers have responded fervently, “The roar came when Trump read his press statement aloud. It was a long, fullbodied roar — hands clapping, fists stabbing the air. The roar you give when things that you and your family and your friends have long believed are suddenly utterable on what is arguably the greatest stage on earth: the American presidential election. It was a roar of relief: These were no longer notions that had to be muttered under your breath. Trump wasn’t just “saying what he means” … He, the freest of men, was saying what they meant”.

According to Reyes, “Through the cult to his personality, Trump has self-proclaimed his persona as able to save America, the American dream and American jobs. The way he deals with issues is not much different; he does not make alliances or address threats with a team of experts. As a hero, he stands alone against the issues and obstacles”,

The messianic dimension to Trump’s rhetoric and self-perception as “the chosen one” will likely resonate with many in his Christian base (12). Preachers and their organizations have given spiritual legitimacy to Trump and many of these pastors, priests, and politicians have been at war with political correctness. Scholar and historian John Fea says that “there is embedded within that phrase this idea that God chooses certain people — and evangelicals will believe this — that God chooses certain people for particular moments in time to serve his purposes”.

According to Reyes, “Through the cult to his personality, Trump has self-proclaimed his persona as able to save America, the American dream and American jobs. The way he deals with issues is not much different; he does not make alliances or address threats with a team of experts. As a hero, he stands alone against the issues and obstacles” (11).

The messianic dimension to Trump’s rhetoric and self-perception as “the chosen one” will likely resonate with many in his Christian base (12). Preachers and their organizations have given spiritual legitimacy to Trump and many of these pastors, priests, and politicians have been at war with political correctness. Scholar and historian John Fea says that “there is embedded within that phrase this idea that God chooses certain people — and evangelicals will believe this — that God chooses certain people for particular moments in time to serve his purposes”.

The televangelist and prosperity preacher Paula White was Trump’s spiritual advisor during his presidency and taught that if one was against Trump or failed to render proper support, then that individual was also against God (14). White also famously dedicated the White House as “holy ground sanctified by the superior blood of Jesus” and claimed that Trump had been “raised up by God because God says that He raises up and places all people in places of authority. It is God that raises up a king, it is God that sets one down and so when you fight against the plan of God, you’re fighting against the hand of God” (15). Multiple high-profile evangelical and charismatic leaders claimed that God intervened in 2016 to ensure the election of Trump.

A film called The Trump Prophecy was produced in 2018 with the help of faculty and students at Liberty University and referred to how Mark Taylor, a former firefighter, claimed he received a spiritual message in 2011 that declared “The Spirit of God says I’ve chosen this man, Donald Trump, for such a time as this” (16). Similarly, Lance Wallnau, a self-proclaimed prophet who appears in the film, once declared Trump “God’s Chaos Candidate”, predicted he would become president and claimed God told him that “Donald Trump is a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness.”

0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2022 07:15 pm
I suppose you agree that Biden handed Trump "his ass on a platter"?

Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Too phunny.

Didn't even bother to campaign, and spilled his guts about it before the "election" was over.

Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2022 09:16 pm
You didn't actually READ the article you posted, did you? If you did, you missed this:

Clip was Taken Out of Context

The video Kelly aired has been taken out of context. When Biden bragged about his voter fraud organization, he was talking about how he worked with former President Barack Obama to set up countermeasures against voter fraud.

It is clear that Biden was talking about preventing voter fraud at the time and what he most likely meant to say was "voter protection" in that sentence.

The baseless claim has also been debunked in numerous fact-checks since Trump's allies have been taking Biden's words out of context for months in order to push the claim that he was admitting to election fraud.

However, Kelly chose to ignore all of this as he cited the video as "evidence" of Biden's confession to "credible" allegations of widespread voter fraud.

Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2022 09:34 pm
It's typical builder!
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2022 06:02 pm

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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2022 07:44 pm
I have no idea why anybody would argue this real life richie-rich married to his talking maid anymore. We voted him in because nobody wanted the White Witch of Narnia. That is it.

Next R-tarded election we might vote him in again if they make the election about gun-violence, because that is a stupid topic to begin with. Nobody is really solving any problems and it is a laughable thing to the "Happy Few".

Seriously your life is going by like somebody being bitten by a snake and all you could do is talk about this person who never worked a day in his life outside of picking up where his fathers business like when North Korean leader brother who drowned in a pool. Seriously just pure sadness.

We had a war.
It cost money
We was lied to the reason why that war took place.
It was about oil, and just to have a reason to go to war...aka "progress"
Those Money Lenders started this from the France v. British,
Those same Money Lenders created the Federal Reserve via the Republican party, which was really a sneak attack via the former Whig and Central Banking party.
They freed the slaves which created poverty stricken southern white folks.
Those former slave owners had their value in human-bodies.
Bodies that would work the land to produce profit.
There was no more of that.
People died for no reason at all.
Just like the war of 1812.
Which was caused by taxing tea, via the Boston Tea Party and finally the Boston Massacre.
Yes those money lenders consisted of people of the Jewish faith.
But again remember the Roman Empire ( which is the founding kingdoms of modern day, Russia( before the expansion of the Salvs ), France, England, Italy, and Spain. ) enslaved the Jews from North Africa, and bred them like machines.

So remember the reason why we have all the hate is because
1. The Roman enslavement of Jews.
2. The Jewish descendents penetrating modern day politics.
3. The Enslavement of African peoples via Triangle Trade
4. The discrimination of other people via imperial exploration of the world. #
5. Finally the fact that nobody re-embersed those slave owners.
6. discrimination via segregation, jim-crow, and people not hiring people.
7. The raising of standards that did not need to be raised, and excuses

That is where we are. In a Mussolini situation.

Mussolini ?

He waged wars for no reason at all as a solution to his nation problems. Similar to the way Venezuelans live today due to pouring all their faith into oil rather then other productions.

Because of the company store mentality.
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2022 08:40 pm
So was this just a lengthy tirade of yours to point out that you don't like Jews??? I think everybody already identified that stench you swim in.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2022 04:11 am
Clip was Taken Out of Context

Explain exactly how creepy Joe's words were taken out of context.

He openly admits the election was a foregone conclusion. Doofus.
Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2022 05:43 am
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2022 05:50 am
Trump - The stable genius who stared into the sun and conceived a vision of nuking hurricanes and internally bleaching viruses. Amen and huzzah.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2022 07:12 am
He openly admits the election was a foregone conclusion.

You really don't know much about political campaigns in the USA, do you – nearly all candidates try to project an air of impending victory. Trump said he'd win in a "landslide". Doofus.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2022 01:54 am
In admitting that you think creepy Joe didn't admit to election fraud, you'd be the doofus here.

The fact that the media rushed to make excuses for the fkn clown adds credibility to the claim that the election was rigged long before it began, and that's why creepy Joe didn't bother campaigning at all.

Foregone conclusion, clown.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2022 03:56 am
'creepy' Builder wrote:
In admitting that you think creepy Joe didn't admit to election fraud, you'd be the doofus here.

I'm not "admitting what I think"; I'm informing you that your accusation of electoral fraud is not true. No evidence has established that stupid contention, which Donald Trump first rolled out in the '16 election!
FactCheck wrote:
(...)Before we dig into the political uses of “rigged,” though, let’s set the scene with Trump’s odd boast, made during a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on July 5 after the FBI director announced that he would not recommend criminal charges against Clinton for her use of a private email server when she served as secretary of state.

“Today is the best evidence ever that we’ve seen that our system is absolutely, totally rigged,” Trump said. “It’s rigged.”

Trump then went on to say that he was the first to use the term “rigged” in the Republican primaries, in reference to his displeasure with not being awarded delegates proportional to his vote tally in some states. Then “all of a sudden,” he said “rigged” became “a hot term.” People like Sanders started using it, Trump said, and “now everyone talks about ‘rigged.'”(...)

It's a preoccupation with Trump and not a charge to be taken seriously. The guy will say anything!

a fkn clown wrote:

The fact that the media rushed to make excuses for the fkn clown adds credibility to the claim that the election was rigged long before it began...

No it doesn't add credibility to that lie at all.
'creepy' Builder wrote:
...and that's why creepy Joe didn't bother campaigning at all.

During a pandemic it's irresponsible to hold large gatherings which may turn into "spreading events". Fortunately we have inventions like radio, television, and – you may not have heard about this – digital technology, which allow for effective communication to large audiences. And since people were strongly motivated to vote against Trump Biden didn't need that exposure – every time Trump opened his mouth more people were convinced to vote for the other guy.

This is from your own link:
When Biden bragged about his voter fraud organization, he was talking about how he worked with former President Barack Obama to set up countermeasures against voter fraud.

It is clear that Biden was talking about preventing voter fraud at the time and what he most likely meant to say was "voter protection" in that sentence.

The baseless claim has also been debunked in numerous fact-checks since Trump's allies have been taking Biden's words out of context for months in order to push the claim that he was admitting to election fraud.

a clown wrote:
Foregone conclusion, clown.

No, just another stinking alt-right canard.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2022 04:04 am
hightor wrote:

'creepy' Builder wrote:
In admitting that you think creepy Joe didn't admit to election fraud, you'd be the doofus here.

I'm not "admitting what I think"; I'm informing you that your accusation of electoral fraud is not true. No evidence has established that stupid contention, which Donald Trump first rolled out in the '16 election!
FactCheck wrote:
(...)Before we dig into the political uses of “rigged,” though, let’s set the scene with Trump’s odd boast, made during a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on July 5 after the FBI director announced that he would not recommend criminal charges against Clinton for her use of a private email server when she served as secretary of state.

“Today is the best evidence ever that we’ve seen that our system is absolutely, totally rigged,” Trump said. “It’s rigged.”

Trump then went on to say that he was the first to use the term “rigged” in the Republican primaries, in reference to his displeasure with not being awarded delegates proportional to his vote tally in some states. Then “all of a sudden,” he said “rigged” became “a hot term.” People like Sanders started using it, Trump said, and “now everyone talks about ‘rigged.'”(...)

It's a preoccupation with Trump and not a charge to be taken seriously. The guy will say anything!

a fkn clown wrote:

The fact that the media rushed to make excuses for the fkn clown adds credibility to the claim that the election was rigged long before it began...

No it doesn't add credibility to that lie at all.
'creepy' Builder wrote:
...and that's why creepy Joe didn't bother campaigning at all.

During a pandemic it's irresponsible to hold large gatherings which may turn into "spreading events". Fortunately we have inventions like radio, television, and – you may not have heard about this – digital technology, which allow for effective communication to large audiences. And since people were strongly motivated to vote against Trump Biden didn't need that exposure – every time Trump opened his mouth more people were convinced to vote for the other guy.

This is from your own link:
When Biden bragged about his voter fraud organization, he was talking about how he worked with former President Barack Obama to set up countermeasures against voter fraud.

It is clear that Biden was talking about preventing voter fraud at the time and what he most likely meant to say was "voter protection" in that sentence.

The baseless claim has also been debunked in numerous fact-checks since Trump's allies have been taking Biden's words out of context for months in order to push the claim that he was admitting to election fraud.

a clown wrote:
Foregone conclusion, clown.

No, just another stinking alt-right canard.

I doubt you will ever get through to that guy (I doubt anyone ever will), but continue to attempt it. You do this rebuttal stuff better than just about everyone here. It is a delight to read...and it is informative.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2022 05:50 am
@Frank Apisa,
I just don't understand people who continue the push the Big Lie. Over 60 Court cases were lost, multiple lawyers lost their practicing privileges and no substantial evidence has ever been produced.

What is the issue with admitting there was no voter fraud, the election was secured and Biden won a legitimate Presidential race?

Dislike/hate Biden all you want, but at least be honest that Trump lost.

Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2022 06:32 am
neptuneblue wrote:

I just don't understand people who continue the push the Big Lie. Over 60 Court cases were lost, multiple lawyers lost their practicing privileges and no substantial evidence has ever been produced.

I think it’s the same thing that has kept them from acknowledging ALL Trump’s lies, all along. From the “biggest inauguration crowd ever” to releasing his taxes, to Mexico building the wall, to the coronavirus being under control, to sharpie altering weather maps, to windmills causing cancer, and on and on into infinity.

If they acknowledge the lies, their whole world crumbles around them. They get exposed as dangerous, sick people that followed a mad idiot and did serious, possibly irreparable, damage to our country.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2022 07:04 am
It's like the deranged nonsense spouted by the conspiracy nuts here.

It's seductive, they convince themselves they're part of a select few able to see through the matrix or whatever.

The alternative is accept that they're delusional, gullible idiots who have been suckered into believing a load of horseshit because they're too stupid to see the truth.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2022 07:29 am
izzythepush wrote:

It's seductive, they convince themselves they're part of a select few able to see through the matrix or whatever.

I think that’s exactly right, about how they twist themselves into pretzels to feel as if they belong to something important.

And this is on top of the ever-present seductiveness of feeling like they are defenders of the supreme white status quo.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2022 09:20 am
It is all virulently racist and antisemitic, all this vonspiracy bollocks vomes from the same place.
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