Happy, but in denial.
This snippet of conversation reminds me of the times when people try to “convince” Trump fans that he’s a racist.
If you say what about
this stuff, they just explain it as misunderstandings, false accusations, fake news, alternate facts, or anything else besides the truth.
And every time you point to another racist thing that comes out of his mouth, they would go into their sick tap dance.
These are the same people who don’t want the unvarnished truth about the racist underpinnings of this country taught in schools. They like their nice, comfy white supremacy. And will fight you to the death to hold on to that comfort.
When they look at Billy Bob stomping through the Capitol with a giant confederate flag, they see a patriotic tourist.
So, you’re absolutely correct not to waste time or effort trying to convince them of Trump’s immortality or criminality.
There are 70 million of them - half of the voting public - and they don’t need to be persuaded or tolerated.
They need to be defeated. Period.