farmerman wrote:As I recall, you were the one who lanced out and called all NON nat aspirated cars a "car for girlie men"
Actually I referred to the
engines as little girly engines.
I was referring to the size of the engines, not to their aspiration. But regardless, I was referring to engines and not to people.
Although... it would be fair to presume a raised eyebrow on my part when I hear people extol the virtues of little girly engines.
farmerman wrote:Oh yeh, that road(rt 50) includes Estes PArk (where you claimed there is no national PArk)
Estes Park is a town of more than 6000 people. It is not a national park.
farmerman wrote:Your intellectual malaprops are legend. Of course I have em.
A malaprop is like a spelling or grammar error. Who cares?
That said, I'm calling your bluff. I say that you can't link to any malaprop on my part.
farmerman wrote:I just dont take some defiant stance that my "MIGHTY INTELLIGENCE" doesnt allow me to admit being wrong.
Neither do I. I'm always quick to admit when I'm wrong about something.
farmerman wrote:Youre claims are thusly quite laughable in that regard.
You talk and you talk and you talk, but I'm not seeing any links to these supposed errors of mine.
I do of course admit to two errors in our past conversations. It is your claim of further errors beyond that that is at issue.
farmerman wrote:BTW, I only keep posts that I consider important and let all the others drift away. I rely on my very good memory for fact, as well as lit, art, and a few others.
So does this mean you can't back up your claims about me?