Lovely scam! Wonderful scam!
Thanks, In Utah But Not Mormon. Sometimes I feel sorry for the moderators of web sites such as this, who have to find a way to keep these people's "u loser schizo u go get a life" tactics under control.
Activator, "uniquely low level of intelligence" did you say? Wow look, more personal attacks. Way to go
Ladies and gentlemen -- and perhaps I am using those words loosely, but my mother always told me to be polite -- this is an enormous website and there is far more to it than bickering about NeoTech.
But if the personal attacks continue, you may find yourselves not only with this topic locked but potentially also with your access to the entire site taken away.
I do not wish to do that. We would rather that you all behaved like civilized human beings and argued without stooping to personally insulting one another. It is possible, you know.
In the meantime, if someone really steams you, you can always report the post by clicking the report button. Or you can walk away. Or you can, I dunno, click on the Forum Index and check out what else we have to offer, like help with fixing your car or your relationship, or talk about dog training or getting rid of spyware or just playing a silly word game.
Deep breaths, folks. We'd love for you all to stick around -- but not like this.
Thank you in advance for listening.
Neo-Tech can help you excel
In Utah but Not Morman says the Neo-Tech company has "sock puppets come to websites like this and pretend that they are satisfied customers." That's classic paranoia. He doesn't understand or doesn't want to understand that a tremendous number of books have been sold and that there are actually people who appreciate the books. So he makes up this paranoid conspiracy theory.
I've read Neo-Tech material and I think it's good stuff. Anyone can benefit from it. It's helped me to see the world in a more rational way. I've given up Christianity and other such nonsense because of Neo-Tech. I no longer sacrifice my self interest for "higher causes," and it shows in my personal life and financial situation. I'm doing great. I live in this world for my own personal gain and have no guilt about it. Neo-Tech is freedom. And the interesting that happens when you start discarding mysticism (not just the mysticism of religion) is you become a lot smarter. Those gaps in your thinking disappear and everything comes together. You start thinking at the speed of light, so to speak. You will more easily succeed in business and everything else. You can easily outmanuever those polluted with mysticism, and can even manipulate them for your own benefit if you want. I highly recommend Neo-Tech. It is the tool that can set your thinking straight and prevent you yourself from being manipulated. The knowledge Dr Wallace imparts is invaluable to anyone looking to rise above mediocrity.
And if you, Utah but Not Mormon, want to think I was sent here from the Neo-Tech company, you go right ahead. But look out for the guys in the white coats. And don't expect me to argue with you and Bi like some of the others here beacuse I won't be back to waste any time with you non-producers who can't handle the real world. I'm writing this simply as a benefit to those who are curious about Neo-Tech.
Facts? Who needs facts?
"I won't be back to waste any time with you non-producers"
Wow. Not a day goes by without some self-styled "Neo-Tech supporter" ignoring
hard evidence, spewing a bunch of just-so stories, and then launching content-free potshots at people.
Someone please lock this thread already.
It's MORMON, not morman
Back again so soon, Activator?
Bi, did you notice that Activator misspelled my name on page 26, and now "Passing Through" is doing the same thing? It's because "they" are the same person.
Activator, it's spelled MORMON. NOT morman. And now you're using a different name because Bi reported you. It's so obvious. And you're still hurling insults at us. Is this mature?
"And don't expect me to argue with you and Bi like some of the others here". Oh, please. You already did argue with us. Do you feel better now that you lied? Good. Now get lost.
I agree with you Bi . . . Lock it down.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Hello, I too, know about this and can only tell you, it is all really up to you, I know from experience, it was told me it was a secret, and I know what i know now because I mailed in for mine, i received exactly what I needed, and with that, that is all I think I will say for does cost the price it costs, but honestly, if your curiosity is not going to rest, its harmless, and only up to you to decide for
I wonder if you ordered that book since then. I have received the same letter and am curious to see what it is. But if that book is about some type of business related, then I'm not interested in it at all. They may have picked my name because I ordered some psychic reading or home based online business...?
Well it is not free, but...I know what they are saying is true as I have been a scientologist for many years and it coincides with Ron Hubbards words, and I can tell you because of all of the above, I have been an extrememly successful person and never finished high school. The principles are real, but you have to have an opened mind. If you don't, you will stay stuck, just like everyone else. Family and friends who are stuck do not want you 'unstuck' you have to be tough and want to know the truth. I'm glad I did. Miss Annabelles Secrets is phenomenal, and littered with my handwriting to testify to my family later when I am gone that the same thing has been read in Scientology and they both can't be wrong. The problem is, most people say "Oh,....blah, blah, blah..." I just really give everything a good look, and THINK FOR MYSELF...NOW THAT IS WHAT THE WORLD DOES NOT WANT YOU TO DO AND THAT IS HOW...HOW YOU STAY STUCK. YOU JUST HAVE TO READ IT FOR YOURSELF.
@Arella Mae,
Your expression, "to suck people in....".....doesn't Coca Cola "suck people in", how about the use to be "cigarette commercials"..don't they suck people in, and what about all the different drugs advertised on t.v. so you can "ask" your doctor..doesn't that suck people in? And now some of those drugs are killing people, "really sucking people in", and what about the lawyers now coming to the rescue with their advertisements, aren't they "sucking people in"....well, think for yourself on this one...just some things to think about. Learned how to think for myself through Scientology, and this coincides with Scientology principles...but Scientologists know better than to think someone else is trying to "suck them in.." main difference in thinking mentalities on the planet. I myself, actually make $1.6 million a year, what do you ear with your thinking processes the way they are. Can you differentiate with someone trying to "suck you in", or someone "telling the truth?" Again, just think for yourself. Evidently, I and others know something you do not know, and we are willing not to downgrade something before investigating for ourselves. You should try it.
It is definitely NOT LIKE READING A HOROSCOPE IN THE PAPER. But if you do waste your time reading Horoscopes in the paper you definitely do not read works from great people, and are scared of the truth. I never read anything from a Horoscope in the paper, but I do read Miss Annabelle's Secret and also Scientology works by Ron Hubbard. I have an open mind, and can see how you may want to peek into these two works.
Definintely not the truth what you are saying, but you are a sceptic.
All except the information which is the truth....I can attest to that being a Scientologist for 20 years, but using the information instead of putting my nose up to it like I know everything. I have always said there is one thing I do know and it is that I don't know everything. The few that use Ron Hubbards Ethics book can control their business like I have. I bought a business that could not make more than $70,000 a month. The first month in business we produced $100,000, also using Ron Hubbards Ethics book I produced more every single year until we produced $1.6 million that year. Guys in town with the very same kind of business and with more people working for them produce maybe between $150,000 and $500,000 at the most. So, there was something I knew that they didn't and I did not get this info in college or church or my family or friends. But, I did learn to LOOK, READ, AND DECIDED FOR MYSELF WHICH ACTUALLY IS WHAT THIS INFO TELLS YOU TO DO.....SO, WHERE IS THE SCAM?
I think they may have mistaken you for someone else. I do belong to the society, I have those special powers....yes, they got the wrong address. Just throw the letter away, I am sure you will feel better knowing someone outside of your mind, suggested what you should do with your life. These are not the people we are looking for. Nope. They got the wrong address. Please forgive them, mistakes are made everyday...
Exactly my friend. Everyone wants to be a doctor, but they just can't make the committment in time, energy, or start saying bad things about it. Congratulations, you definitely are one of those with special powers. Yes, you are. Glad to know you are on board.
I own and operate a $1.6 million business, and believe me there are more than 50 complaints. Some people like to complain because they don't have or want to have the $90, some people complain because they are fat, ugly, tired, and sick of their life...yes, those are the main complainers...fat people..ugh. Some people complain because they LIKE's an awful lot easier than doing something about your own condition, some people complain about the "History" degree they spent tons of money on but can't get a job,,,well, duh, you should have gotten a "science" degree...oh, but no, that would have been too hard, too much work, too much..whatever. See, on this planet, there are the "producers" that Neo-Tech speaks about, and then there are the "complainers" ......that's all. Think about it. Look around if you don't believe me, just open your eyes. In your own family, who are the doers, who are the complainers. Doers...Do......and ....Complainers...don't Do....different mentality really. Think about it for yourself. It takes time and energy to Do....doesn't take much of anything to not Do.. Read Atlas Shrugged.....the whole weight of the world is on the shoulders of the very me. I am one of the Few that can Do, Produce, Take care of, etc. But I don't do it by sitting in front of the t.v. munching on some junk food to make me fat, mad, miserable and, oh, yeah.....complain....Now, there is something you can do about it....but will you? Probably not. Complainers are complainers, thieves steal, cheaters cheat, and liars lie...There you go.. Simple isn't it.?
I responded. At first I thought it was a scam and I hesitated to reply but I took the chance of ordering the books, more out of curiousity than in hope of finding super powers. I recieved a huge book and read all of what seems like 6000 pages and I enjoyed what I read. I found the reality to what was meant to be "super powers", I would call it self awareness and self dicepline with a large dose of reality. If you have an open mind, you would enjoy these books. You may never walk on water or find the fountain of youth but you would appreciate the reading. it isn't for those who are stuck on one theory in life, or those that don't believe in what they do not yet know or are afraid of different views of what reality is all about. To those of you who love to explore the different philosophies of the world, this would end up fave list. It may seem like a large investment, but in all reality if you spend money on self help books, relaxation tequniques and are interested in learning some of the nitty gritty about business and have bought information on that, add up the cost and the cost of the books is only a fragment in comparison. People spend small fortunes hoping to hit the lottery and never win and all they have to show for it is a useless piece of paper, at least here, the paper holds value, even if you don't buy into the rest, the books are worth reading. once you have bought the books, you are not required to pay or buy anything else. I personally love to read and have hundreds of books that i've spent from $10-$100 on and I read some good stories and learned some interesting facts but as far as any of those books making an impact on my life, these would be it. I do not at all regret the purchase. I will not tell anyone that this information will be of utmost benefeit to them, nor that it wouldn't. It helped me get through some things that I never before found applied to me or my views and nothing else helped me solve some of my own short comings as this did because it helped me identify with myself, not others opinions or views or dogma. That is this 28 yr olds opinion. Since reading these books, I found peace within myself, removed hatered and negetivity from my life, ended a bad relationship and found a good one, great one and put my life on the track i've always wanted it to go. The books didn't do it but they did help me to do it. You have to read it for yourself. It is not anti-religous bashing, it is not anything like scientology, that's so bogus, it is not a church or anti-church it's based on the philosophies of Dr. Frank R Wallace and others who shared his views about society and the betterment of self and humanity. Some say the man was different, some not so nicely, but different isn't necesarilly bad, sometimes, different is quite refreshing from his books and writtings. Look it up with an open mind and judge for yourself and keep in mind histories genius', they were all considered mad before they proved they were right, here we are all individuals and you will agree in full, in part or not at all you would at least find some helpfull tips, and it's still great reading. For those of you concerned about the bashing others have done of the philosophy and their choice words such as scam, cult, hoax...I can honestly say this isn't a scam, the truth is we are all looking to get paid and the value here surpases the is in no way a cult, maybe there are extremeists as there are in any belief but the philosophy itself teaches of inividual freedom, not chaos or control, in fact, the opposite is true. You are not locked into some fortune deteriorating buy the books, you read them and then you take the path that best fits you with no requirement to invest or donate anything else. You pay for a product, the print, the glue, the paper, and as with any self help book you buy, the guidance and like any other author and edititor and so on also get a cut and in my opinion it's worth it's weight in gold. That is the best way Ican explain it. Anyone who does not agree with me; I mean no offense to anyone or their individual beliefs and do not force mine on anyone, it is purely my individual opinion. Hope it is of some help to you all.
Yes, I replied to myself becuase I wanted to note that I am in no way saying scientology is bogus, it's not for me and but to each their own. I was refering to the comparison of the 2. There may be theories in common but the concept and the foundation are quite different, at least in my opinion. I have found, as part of this neo-tech society, that it's basis is freedom to all. We take a judge no one stance, just a reminder to those that are taking this personally. In our meetings, and in our literature, we are reminded to judge no one, nor their beliefs, nor their feelings, nor their worth or lack of as humans and although I admire all opinions here for exactly what they are, opinions, it may be right for me and some of you but for some, it may not be their way and I didn't like the insults that i've read on this page, that is not how we do. Remember, in the words of M.H, those of us in this society are in it becuase of our search for it, because we wanted it and everyone else will have to do just that to find it. None of us can force anyone into anything nor judge anothers views, it is not within our morals, if we did, we would be like them. We are all human here, and the enrichment of humanity is our purpose, not to insult those who do not agree or are not open to the information. We each made a choice to reply, our very own, individual choice and so will anyone else with enough interest and thirst for truth and information. Those of you who have at least researched it and kept an open mind, are the type of people I have met within our society. Peace and love to all, even if you don't agree with me.
Greetings everyone, well theres not 1 of you here with an open mind as you are complaining about the cost of a book when you probably spend 100s more on other books or rubbish anyway.My point is this.None of you kept it confidential like it said so you failed in the first attempt. What they are showing you is to see from another perspective but only the selected few will see that.I too have been shown the way and believe me , they are telling the truth..These books are nothing but PHENOMINAL.......
I got the weird letter in the mail too, I guess I'm a sucker, I paid the $99 for the 1100 page book. I ended up buying 3 books. But, you know what, it actually changed my life. Its hard to describe here just how much knowledge is in those books, but those are the best books I've ever read in my life, and I've probably read over 1000 books, including the ones I had to read in school. It really breaks everything down, society, religion, government, the key to happiness, wealth, everything. It's truely amazing. Like I said, its turned my whole life around. My husband has even started reading the books too. It was a major breakthrough for us. Best of luck to you all!

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