Neo-Tech and Nouveau Tech Society

Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 10:03 am
still waiting
Bi: Yes, a specially chosen select few. They're not going to mail everybody in the phone book. Take a marketing class will you? You have to narrow down a target audience. You have to obtain qualified leads. The more precisely you target, the more efficient your marketing is going to be. It's not everyone who has the qualifications to receive Neo-Tech advertisements in the mail. You screen people out who are not qualified in order to avoid wasting money.

I have read most of this thread and I don't see evidence of a scam anywhere. You're just making empty accusations of lies, etc. I'm still waiting to here what the scam is supposed to be.

And what is "crackpot" about the ideas?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 10:10 am
still waiting...
Bi: Yes, a specially chosen select few. They're not going to mail everybody in the phone book. Take a marketing class will you? You have to narrow down a target audience. You have to obtain qualified leads. The more precisely you target, the more efficient your marketing is going to be. It's not everyone who has the qualifications to receive Neo-Tech advertisements in the mail. You screen people out who are not qualified in order to avoid wasting money.

I have read most of this thread and I don't see evidence of a scam anywhere. You're just making empty accusations of lies, etc. It appears to me that you're the one that's lying. I'm still waiting to here what the scam is supposed to be.

And what is "crackpot" about the ideas?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 11:58 am
Activator goes "nyah nyah nyah"
"Take a marketing class will you?"

Well, reportedly our state-of-the-art method for obtaining "qualified leads" turns out to mail to

- dead people
- people who are too poor to shell out US$140
- people who are already highly successful

I'm sure I need a marketing class to learn how to do that!

In any case, since you told people to "take a marketing class", did you take a marketing class yourself? Are you perchance a professional marketeer?

= = =

"It appears to me that you're the one that's lying."

Wow. "It appears to me"! Who needs facts? Who needs evidence?

= = =

"[...] I don't see evidence of a scam anywhere."

Great, because that firmly puts you into the group of liars. No evidence? How about this for starters? And did you really miss this which was immediately above your first post?

= = =

Just like AnotherUser, you've not bothered to point out any verifiable examples of real, concrete benefits that Neo-Tech buyers have been shown to have over those who buy Neo-Tech.

Not only that, you decided to ignore facts so that you can claim there's no evidence of a scam, and then cast unsubstantiated "it appears to me" aspersions on other people.

Go away.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 12:26 pm
still waiting...
Bi: Who are you to question whether they're strategy is successful? They've been is business for a long time, and since they're still in business, and I'm sure they know who to target. Of course there might be errors where someone has died, or they can't afford to buy a book (such as might happen if someone lied about their income on a credit card application when someone purchased a list from the credit card company), but so what? What are you saying? And yes I've taken marketing classes. I'm a business major.

I looked at the Better Business Bureau Report, and they've had complaints. So what? That's what happens when you run a business. There are misunderstandings. But, I don't see evidence of any scam there. It says their membership was suspended for a time because of some complaints, but Mr. Ward met with them and gave them the other side of the story and their membership was reinstated. The report says "On May 24, 2006, Mr. Wallace Ward, President of Neo-Tech Publishing Company, appeared before the Bureau's Board of Directors to appeal the company's suspension and possible revocation of membership. After discussion with Mr. Wallace, and a review of the company's complaint history and business practices, the Board of Directors upheld the appeal and fully reinstated the company's membership status."

The reports says "this company has a satisfactory record with the Bureau."

As far as having a 35 year history, they probably do. But, not under the name Neo-Tech publishing. My father has books from them that date all the way back to 1970's under the name I & O publishing. They either changed the name of the company, or dissolved then reincorporated under a different name.

As for your second link, I don't know what your pointing to or how it relates to a scam.

So where is the scam?

As far as concrete benefits, my father is pretty wealthy, owns his own engineering firm, and he's read a lot of the stuff. How is one supposed to prove that integrating Neo-Tech into one's own life helped them be more successfull? What do you want, some kind of research study comparing people who have read Neo-Tech books with those that haven't?

I'm still waiting. Where is the scam?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 12:41 pm
No 35-year record with the BBB

"How is one supposed to prove that integrating Neo-Tech into one's own life helped them be more successfull?"

Huh? What's so difficult about providing some verifiable details about your father's so-called company? Name? Address? Web site URL? Your father owns a successful company but it's so successful that it doesn't dare show itself?

= = =

And Neo-Tech says "anyone can query the BBB about our 35-year record of satisfactorily resolving every delivery and refund problem brought to our attention." If so, where are the records from 1970--1992 which anyone can query? There are none. Neo-Tech lied.

Oh, and Barbie Diamond falsely accuses Pax Neo-TeX of being a "theistic" web site. But let's ignore that, so we can claim that there's no evidence of Neo-Tech's lies... shall we?

= = =

I'm still waiting. Where are your scruples?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 12:55 pm
still waiting...
Are you serious? You expect me to give out personal information like that? You sound like a nut, so who knows what you're going to do.

And what would giving you the name of the company prove? That doesn't prove that it has more income that it would otherwise have if he hadn't read Neo-Tech books. Don't you realize that? There is no way to prove such a thing. I can say that reading Neo-Tech stuff has helped me, and I think I'm better off for reading it, but how would one go about proving that? What you're asking for is not proof at all. You're not very smart, are you? If you don't want to believe that Neo-Tech can help you be more successful then don't. Why don't you try it for yourself? Do what the books recommend, use the strategies, and see if you become more successful.

So, have you queried the BBB about the 35-year history? Call them up and ask them about I&O. I don't see them promising that the info is going to be on the BBB website.

If you're the author of that Neo-Tex thing, then you are a nut. Are you schizo or something? Why would anyone waste their time on that?

Still waiting... Where is the scam?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 01:13 pm
Wow. Wow. Wow.
"Are you schizo or something?"

That's it. You just crossed some sort of line when you wrote that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 01:18 pm
still waiting...
Then I crossed a line..whatever. You write a crazy schizophrenic web page like "Neo-Tex" and you're requesting personal information about the name and address of my father's business. You seem to spend all your time attacking a publishing company for no apparent reason. You make claims of a scam with no evidence whatseover as if you have some kind of personal beef with the company and its ideas. What is one to think?

Neo-Tech is not a scam at all. It's a company that sells useful books that can help one be more successful in life.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 01:35 pm
No need to wait anymore
"Are you schizo or something?"

There's a "report" button above your previous post. And I just used it.

Just to let you know.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 01:37 pm
For those who genuinely want to know more about Neo-Tech...
Check out the alt.neo-tech Frequently Asked Questions, an FAQ about (or, rather, against) Neo-Tech.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 01:41 pm
And, ScamDetector talks about a link between Neo-Tech and Kevin Trudeau.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 01:45 pm
no scam
Bi: You reported me for what? Is someone going to come and arrest me for hurting your feelings? Or am I going to be kicked off this website for upsetting you? Do I look like I care either way? No loss here. You on the other hand seem to base your whole sense of self-worth on criticizing and lying about Neo-Tech, when Neo-Tech is a great value to their numerous customers. There's something very wrong with that picture. You need to reexamine yourself and get a life.

(And that FAQ you just linked to is not credible information. It's just written by some joker on the net, kind of like your Neo-Tex page. Neither is to be taken seriously)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 01:57 pm
Oh, thanks for asking
"You reported me for what?"

Personal attacks. Thanks for asking.

By the way, this "joker" who wrote Pax Neo-TeX actually bothers to substantiate his points by citing sources. And he invites everyone -- everyone who's genuinely interested in Neo-Tech, anyway -- to look up the evidence for themselves.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2007 01:57 pm
More rumour mongering on "scam detector."
0 Replies
In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 05:24 pm
Where is my God-Like Power? I'm still waiting!
Why is it so painful for Activator to admit that Neo-Tech lies?

Yes, Neo-Tech did LIE about Bi . . . claiming his website was "theistic". Activator won't comment on that because then he would have to admit that it's a lie.

Yes, Neo-Tech did LIE about having a "35-year record" with the Better Business Bureau. People can go to the BBB and see for themselves that Neo-Tech lied. Activator said that his father bought something from Neo-Tech a long time ago . . . . prior to 1992. So what? It's completely irrelevant. That has nothing to do with the Better Business Bureau.

And what about the "god-like" powers that Neo-Tech said I would get? What about the "$100,000" in cash that I was supposed to make "in the next few weeks"? And what about the fact that Neo-Tech "Guaranteed" that I would "get an instant promotion" . . . "be having sex with beautiful women of your choice in one week or less" . . . "get rid of your recurring illnesses, physical incompetence, pains, allergies . . . . " etcetera.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 10:48 pm
An incorrect interpretation about Bi's silly website doesn't constitute lying. It looks like somebody at Neo-Tech interpreted the website as the guy upset at Neo-Tech for being athiestic. That went across my mind too. It's strange that someone would go through such effort to criticize Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech appears to be a threat to Bi somehow. I would guess he believes in God too. But most likely he's just a loser kid with nothing better to do.

Contact that BBB for yourself and ask them about I&O publishing which was the name of Neo-Tech publishing before they changed the name. There's no lie there. They've definitely been in business for a few decades now. They didn't say that the information would be on the BBB website, but that you could ask BBB for information. There's nothing underhanded at all going on with the claim. They just forgot to mention that the name of the business changed over the years.

And yes Neo-Tech can indeed give you "god-like" powers. Neo-Tech just means "fully integrated honesty" which means continually and rationally integrating information. Once you obtain enough information about the universe through the use of science you can have god-like powers. It may take a few decades or more, or you may die before it happens, but it's possible. That's all they mean by that. You'll never understand the claims unless you read the books.

And yes you can be having sex with beautiful women this weekend if you really put some effort into it. I do.

And yes you can make $100,000 in the next few weeks. What's to stop you other than not trying? There's nothing impossible about that. If you don't then return the book for your money back. It's not a lie if you say "I promise that if X doesn't happen that I will give you your money back."

And yes, science (Neo-Tech applied) can cure illnesses, etc. The claims just sound unbelievable because you don't understand them.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 11:28 pm
More personal attacks from Activator
In Utah But Not Mormon:

(Oh, by the way, I apologize for confusing your user name with DanielN earlier. Again, you should really set up a web site documenting your findings on Neo-Tech, citing the primary evidence of course. Very Happy )

What kind of "interpretation" will it take to turn "Neo-TeX is against the phrase `under God'" into "Neo-TeX is theistic"? A dishonest, despicable, lying interpretation, that's what.

Then again, what else can we expect from Mr. "oh r u schizo oh did i hurt ur feelings oh u hv no life man" Activator?

Clearly, someone feels so threatened by my Pax Neo-TeX that he has to resort to hurling such obvious, blatant, content-free slurs at the person.
0 Replies
In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2007 01:15 am
So now lies are called "incorrect interpretations"
Bi . . I did notice you confused me with DanielN. No big deal. But just think of all the attacks I would get if I started my own web site. Those Neo-Tech supporters are a vicious group, aren't they?

And look Bi. Now any lie can turn into an "incorrect interpretation". Neo-Tech can lie about anything it wants to, but Activator will not dare call it a lie. They're not lies, just dishonest interpretations. And dishonest interpretations are supposed to mean "fully integrated honesty". Anybody confused yet? With Neo-Tech, nothing needs to make sense.

I already knew that Neo-Tech has used a variety of different names, which is on the BBB website. But the company didn't become a member of the BBB until 1992. That is a FACT. If Wallace Ward started this scam 35 years ago, who cares? The company has NO RECORD of membership prior to the year 1992. If they did, the BBB would mention that. They didn't forget. Neo-Tech lied. Period.

And Neo-Tech didn't cure my allergies. Or my back pain. Or do anything for me. All I got from Neo-Tech was one lie after another. Which is the same thing we get from Activator.

Activator keeps saying that Neo-Tech can do such amazing things, but he offers absolutely NO FACTS and NO HONESTY whatsoever. It's so obvious that he just doesn't know any "secrets". Which is why his answers are . . . well . . .worthless. How else can I put it?

Yes Bi, Activator is threatened by you. And reality. And honesty. These things are too much for him to deal with.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2007 01:15 am
Bi, don't think for a second that you're fooling any of us. It's obvious that you and Utah are the same person. It's easy to tell because the uniquely low level of intelligence is evident in your messages.
0 Replies
In Utah But Not Mormon
Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2007 03:33 am
All the sex with beautiful women you want? Yeah right.
Activator, don't think for a second that you're fooling any of us. It's obvious that Neo-Tech is a scam. It's easy to tell because the only way Neo-Tech can sell their books is by lying to people.

Then they have sock puppets come to websites like this and pretend that they are satisfied customers. Who are they fooling?

And why are so many customers asking for refunds? Maybe Neo-Tech's membership in the BBB would not have been suspended last year if they were giving people refunds like they're supposed to. The consumer complaints just keep going higher, don't they?

Also, why are you spending so much time attacking Bi today? Shouldn't you be having "sex with beautiful women this weekend"?

No, I'm not Bi. But thanks anyway . . . I didn't realize I write as well as Bi does.
0 Replies

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