Sun 23 Mar, 2003 07:56 pm
Sadaam Hussein is a very evil man. He tortures his own people of Iraq. He is a dickhead who has no life. This war isn't just about oil i stupid ass mofo's... theres many more reasons why we are at war with Iraq. Where you there when the World Trade Center's Collapsed? Was your mother, your brother or anyone your close to in the building when it was hit and died? This is also a fight againts Terrorism. This world has changed. you have to be careful if u even go to a ball game now a days with these damn terrorists. We also are trying to disarm and destroy Sadaam Hussein. He is #2 biggest faggot ever behind Hitler. Would you like to live in Iraq under the control of Sadaam Hussein? I don't think you would. If we don't bomb Baghdad and Iraq then Sadaam Hussein is a threat to the U.S., Kuwait, etc. This is bullshit. Oh yeah and protesting does you nothing. Where already at war and were not going to turn around and just come back. We are not trying to hurt the Iraqi citizens just the soldiers and Sadaam's republican guard and of course Mr. Dick himself. Yeah that Josh Howard guy from Wake Forest is like oh yeah this is Bush's war just for oil... Howard keep ur damn mouth shut and concentrate on hoops alright pal? Most Americans are supporting Bush in the war. Just think if Al Gore were our president... our Nation would be a disgrace to the world... Gore is a ******* faggot. George Bush knows what hes doing so I say you best keep your mouths shut... he is our president you know and he is highly qualified for president. My dog would be more qualified for president that Gore. Back to Iraq. Sadaam has weapons of Mass Destruction and we need to disarm him. Remeber Afghanistan? Yeah they love us now because we desrtroyed the Taliban and now they love us. Iraq would be a much better nation without Hussein at the reigns... So yes we should go to War... It is necessary. If we don't then Terrorism will strike America again and again.... Don't diss George Bush or i Will personally kick ur sick asses... Yeah im just a little 14 year old and i Know more **** than half u dickhead librals on this ******* message borad... L8r
I have found that it is very difficult to "kick sick asses" through a message board. Digital mediums are notoriously incompatible with physical force.
Craven de Kere wrote:I have found that it is very difficult to "kick sick asses" through a message board. Digital mediums are notoriously incompatible with physical force.
cdk, one of the best and funniest responses i've seen in a while.
I believe the RSPCA (royal society for the prevention of cruelty to animals) may have something to say about your ass-kicking proclivities BushIsTheMan - and it nearly Easter - shame!
I see no reason to doubt the author of this thread has the maturity and judgement of a teenaged punk. He certainly has the vocabulary and writing style of one. But then, that's just my own liberal bias showing, I suppose
Er...some teenagers show great reason and judgement!
Punks? Hmmm - not so many of them, I guess, do the same.....
BushIsTheMan- Now if you would go back to your desk and rewrite this so that it doesn't sound like a teenage punk foaming off at the mouth, maybe people would show you more respect.
I don't know if you are indeed 14 (you certainly sound like it), but you sorely need to take a communications course!
Bushistheman does sound like a teenager (as does Bush sometimes). But I will answer his or her question directly:
Why shouldn't we be at war with Iraq?
1) This war will end the lives of at least hundreds of young Americans and 10's of thousands of Iraqi's including women and children.
2) This war will cost $70 - $90 Billion (this is the latest Bush estimate) This money could be used in much better ways including education and health care. (I would be happy with .01%) of this money.
3) There is almost certainly no significant link between Saddam and Bin Ladin. They are natural enemies and their only connection is us.
4) This war will have horrible consequences in the future. In the near term we are locked into a military occupation of a hostile country. In the long term we have set a precedent that one country can invade another for unproven "future threats".
5) Most 14 year olds think they know everything. In a couple of years you will discover that you don't know as much as you think.
6) One of the things you will hopefully learn quickly is that using vulgar attacks does not help your argument. You just label yourself as ignorant. If you want to participate in an adult discussion you should try to sound mature enough. (Many adults should listen to this as well)
Okay, Timber - my day to let the old liberal bias shine through, too.
Is this "BushIsTheMan" blushing or is he a natural born redneck illiterate punk or maybe he's a cheap stand up comic.
Man, this kid(bushistheman) shows some "sickass" writing skills. A "master of the pen," if you will.
He should write for Or something.
Perhaps BushIstheMan, just hatched, should crawl back into the shell and gestate a bit longer before presenting his/her views here.
I'll say one thing; this thread sure drew a helluva crowd, and one remarkably, even uncharacteristically in general agreement
It's one of Karl Rove's kids.