My wife is a Dr of Psychology and Criminology. As such I also know a very great deal about criminology (and psychology) after our 30+ years together.
Irrespective of country the expectation of crime in the public rises and falls in direct ratio to actual crime figures ... The more crime the less the fear of crime. The less crime the greater the fear.
As a simplified example ..... My wife and I live in an uber rural situation. Our nearest shop is 35km away in a small village of c.2000 people. That village and surrounding area
has no reported crime for 2019 ... and that is normal.
So if we had say a random murder, then the fear of crime would go through the roof for most .... although the likelihood or them suffering crime is still next to 00.00%
However if my wife and I still lived in our last major European city, as we did back in 2008, if there was not several murders every other week ... That would be odd .... Hence our fear of crime was very low because it was the norm. It was what we expected.
In truth criminal activity levels have little to do with policing or judicial systems. Crime is dependent on the society, education and relative wealth.
It is a inalienable fact that the type of Retributive 'justice' favoured in the US & say the UK, is totally dysfunctional.
Right now the USA & UK are at around 60% first year adult recidivism and the deeply depressing 80% first year for youth offenders. Endless academic research clearly shows that retributive systems simply do not work for the surrounding society .... Such systems do not cause rehabilitation to happen in prisoners .... The more brutal the system, the longer the sentences .... the more it increases crime.
In N Europe however such as in Denmark, they use supportive rehabilitation methods/systems for criminal activities ...... following academic guidelines.
* All possible ways to
not criminalise/imprison people are used
* Any sentences are uber short on purpose
* The goals have no cells, each prisoner has a single room. Which is en suite and definitely 3 star hotel level at minimum.
* The inmates doors lock from the INSIDE to protect their privacy
* Prisoners work for a proper wage in real jobs
* They are encouraged to shop at the on site supermarket
* They have their own cooking facilities in their rooms
* Sites are open ... no walls, no fences
* Conjugal visits are encouraged
* People with young families can choose to live on site in a bungalow with their family
* All prisoners have mobile phones
* The staff are NOT allowed to search the prisoners rooms by law ... Indeed one was recently sacked for doing so
* All in mates are given skill and social skill rehabilitation courses
* When they leave they are given as required - housing, social support and a proper job.
Now I could continue ..... but before the 'Hang 'em high' mob kick off in their total ignorance of the facts .... Do realise this.
The USA remember has 60% adult recidivism 1st year and in fact about 98% recidivism over 5 years ... Youth offenders 80% at year one and indeed 98% over two years ... Once in this system then youth or adult, they are almost certain
to never leave it. So in the USA they let a prisoner out and within a year 60 of every 100 are back inside ... within 5 years, 98 out of 100 are back inside.
Denmark? They of the super low sentencing and hotel style accommodation? They have under 20% recidivism over 1 year ... and indeed over 5 years.
In Denmark they all pay huge taxation ... because they want to ... This is because they are an adult, educated society. They understand society is the responsibility of all within it ... If someone is sent to prison the question the public ask is
"How did we let them down?" and want that fixed.
The US voting pool seem to spend most of their time fretting about paying a cent in taxation .... It is taxation which creates a modern, decent society. It is society which supports (or not) all those within it. America is a horror story, a truly nasty, viscous place, which is supposedly a meritocracy.
But that is not true, now the US is almost entirely post industrial it's various societies have collapsed in most every city ..... and the ignorant are looking for someone to blame.
Due to their lack of education and understanding they always start blaming anyone that is not 'them' ... Ergo, it has to be the fault of immigrants, and religious minority groups and socialists. When in fact the people who are the issue are the ignorants who vote for the like of Trump.
Somehow I doubt any of the Trump type understand it is precisely what happened in Germany and why Germany ended up with National Socialism.
It is pathetic to behold.