1. Bolton hasn't made his intentions known. So far, all we know about Bolton is that the liberals in Congress find him unappealing. I believe undermining the UN would be far from the Bush agenda as, so far, the UN has presented little blockage moving forward. If nothing else, perhaps Bolton can bring the US back to the UN and once again make it a worthwhile organization for American interests.
2. Rumsfeld has made a few mistakes. I do not believe any of them to have been worthy of his dismissal. Neither has Bush apparently.
3. That's not Bush, it's the conservative media and pundits doing the name calling and the liberal traitors performing the stunts deserving the title.
4. Bush has never used 9/11 as a motive for the war in Iraq. It has been used as a motive for the global war of terrorism. Iraq is just one of the stages the war is taking place on. It also happens to be the largest stage.
5. Fiasco? Maybe. Maybe not. I can imagine it being a whole lot worse than it really is. But, at any rate, are you actually asking an Anerican politician to stop BSing the American populace? LOL!
Like that will happen...