I guess it depends - what is more important - that you get to see him in person or that he "stays in place" as is suggested to for health reasons?
If I were you - I would be happy that he is somewhere safe and not going about where you has the potential to contract covid-19. You can use the internet to talk with him and to have contact with him. I know it is not the same but things are a bit different now.
I would find out when they determine it is safe for him to move about due to the virus and arrange for him to stay with you then.
The focus should be on the safety of the child and not spreading this virus - secondary should be your right to be with your child.
In the mean time - reach out to your lawyer and see what he suggests - yes the child should definitely spend time with his father as long as it is safe to do so.
And if it is because she is being unreasonable and not because of the safety of the child - this will come out as well. Unfortunately with some situations it is best to use your lawyer (yes it would be nice if you could work amicably together on this as you both should be doing what is best for the child) - using the lawyer should hopefully prevent any "ugliness."