Rove was the source of the Plame leak... so it appears

Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 07:55 pm
Ok here's the wager, if I lose I will pay you One Hundred US dollars, if you lose, you will post a full face picture of yourself as your avatar.

I say that at least two members of the Bush WH will be indicted. If so, I win, if anything less, you win!
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Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 08:08 pm
Give it up. I'm hetero.
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Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 08:10 pm
Lash wrote:
Give it up. I'm hetero.

Meaning what?
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Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 08:11 pm
So does that mean you like women?
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 05:58 am
kuvasc posted:

"Or of course, maybe American jurisprudence has suddenly resorted to the application of the seven-valued logic of the Jains, called the Sapta-bhangi: a thing may be Syat asti; a thing may not be Syat nasti; a thing may or may not be Syat asti nasti; a thing may be inexpressible or indescribable Syat avaktavyah; maybe it is and is inexpressible Syat nasti ca avaktavyah; maybe it is, is not, and is inexpressible Syat asti ca nasti ca avaktavyah. "

Hysterical laughter here.

Well, I got it.

Take off your blinders. Chide, chide, chide.

Too lazy on this Sunday morning to click on Post Reply, so do Quick Reply.
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 07:25 am
Re: Leak Prosecutor Seeks Discrepancies
kelticwizard wrote:
JustWonders wrote:
Could it just possibly be that he's [Rove's] just sitting back and laughing at these reports in the Post, Bloomberg, etc., knowing all the while that he has incontrovertible evidence to the contrary?

Why, sure it's possible.

Just like the quarterback who tells the coach at halftime that he threw four interceptions in the first quarter on purpose, just so that he can demoralize the other team when he goes out and beats them in the second half. Rolling Eyes

Tsk, tsk. BBB took all that time to post all those articles and you didn't even bother to read them. It's there in black and white.

Fitzgerald is scrutinizing discrepancies in the Grand Jury testimony all right. But...it isn't Rove's testimony that's in question.

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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 07:28 am
``You know, Laura, I've been trying to figure out this whole Rove thing, how to get out of the mess. But nothing made sense to me until I read that Kerry and Hillary think I should fire Karl. By golly, that's just what I'll do. Hey, Scott, is the briefing room available?''
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 08:08 am
A summary of the trouble the Bushies are in, from kos:

Bloomberg is reporting that Rove and Libby both gave testimony to the grand jury that flatly conflicts with the testimony given by those they said they talked to.

We now know that the top secret memo most consistent with the talking points that Rove and Libby told reporters was seen in the hands of then-press secretary Ari Fleischer in the days before the leak occurred. And that Fleischer told the grand jury he never saw it.

And Steve Clemons has verified that John Bolton was one of Judith Miller's regular sources on WMD issues, and that MSNBC stands by its story that Bolton gave testimony to the grand jury about the State Department memo in question. Bolton, you may recall, has previously been identified to have been involved in the Niger uranium claims that Wilson's trip helped disprove ...

This is, to use the most calm and soothing phrase possible in such circumstances, extremely f*cking bad for the administration. It shows the broad outlines not just of multiple perjury charges, but indeed of linked conspiracy charges against a number of administration officials.

We know that there are members of the administration familiar with the attack against Plame/Wilson who have been talking to prosecutors. At least, we can assume they've been telling prosecutors at least as much as they've been telling the press, or we'd have a whole passel of reporters likely joining Judith Miller in her Fortress of Suddenly Discovered Integrity. The fact that other administration officials have been giving their side of the story perhaps poses the most serious risk of all for Rove and others -- because it wouldn't be very difficult, for people in the right places, to shatter what little plausible deniability Rove, Libby, Fleischer, and others have been clinging to.

That branch may already be broken, in fact. I don't think it's possible to exaggerate the amount of legal danger here for Rove in particular, and Fleischer and Libby as well. The special counsel is likely trying to solidify how, exactly, Rove learned the information in the memo, since it's looking increasingly implausible that reporters told him, and looking more probable that Rove and Novak "agreed" on a storyline after the fact (reports are now saying that Rove's and Novak's stories don't quite match, too, further raising the stakes.) Note, however, that it may not matter whether the grand jury can fully identify how he came by the information. Rove has now been identified as confirming the classified info to both Novak and Cooper; that in and of itself represents a likely crime under the Espionage Act.

Some time today, we should see timber weigh in with another pompously confident "nothing to see here, move along" post...

Do you think you'll have trouble, Big Bird, getting that hundred from Lash to send to the Greens if I happen to lose our wager? Laughing Cool
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 08:14 am
The evolution of a policy.

No one involved in this will be in my administration.

No one who is indicted in this matter will be in my administration.

No one who is actually convicted of a crime will be in my administration.

No one who is actually convicted of a crime and who has exhausted all possible appeals will be in my administration.

No one who is actually convicted of a crime on an even numbered Thursday in an odd numbered month and who has exhausted all possible appeals will be in my administration.

No one who is actually convicted of a crime on an even numbered Thursday in an odd numbered month and who has exhausted all possible appeals and has not actually reported for incarceration or has used up all of their allowed phone call privileges will be in my administration.

This morning I am announcing a new prison outreach program from this administration. As part of their rehabilitation, this administration believes, it is important for inmates to practice their own administrative skills, we are reaching out to members of the prison population to help them help us understand their world or our world or something like that.

Good morning.

No questions.

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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 08:29 am
Eight Days in July

NYT also has two news stories on page 1 on Traitorgate. It doesn't look good for the administration.

Gonzales looks like a no go for Supreme Court as he was involved in this too.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 08:40 am
California is a democratic strong-hold, but htere's an interesting poll on whether Bush should fire Rove because of the leak. Over 70 percent said "yes."
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 09:03 am
Hi CI, hot down there? It was hot in the city yesterday. And it is getting even hotter inside the beltway.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 09:13 am
Yes, Chrissee, it was the hottest day since 1917 (in San Jose). The forecast calls for another hot day. When I go to Bali next month, it's gonna feel like winter. LOL
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 09:28 am
You only need to come up here to Twin Peaks, it is actually cool right now. It is really weird though, I walk three blocks down towards The Castro and it gets hot.
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 09:50 am
How hot was it?

It was so hot that Rove leaked the names of Ben and Jerry.

-Jay Leno
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 10:13 am
My brother-in-law lives up there in Twin Peaks. We also have several friends that live in San Francisco.
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 11:44 am
Lash wrote:
Wilson outed her, along with Corn, to make the case against Bush.

Nobody knew she was a NOC until Corn and Wilson said so--in their effort to drag the WH into a scandal. Otherwise, it would only be known she was an EMPLOYEE of the CIA.

that is absolutely the stupidest thing i have ever heard.

perhaps it is within your mental bearing to totally trash your spouse in the name of your political/religious agenda, but you would be a real enigma to just about everybody else on the planet.

well, perhaps a suicide bomber would appreciate that concept.

really lash, you should consider what you are proposing there...
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 11:57 am
Chrissee wrote:
You only need to come up here to Twin Peaks...

we would, but the last time we saw agent cooper he was not quite himself and exhibited a bizarre fixation involving a tube of tooth paste...
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 12:26 pm
timberlandko wrote:
A fairly objective synopsis, regularly updated, of what actually is known about the Plame Game may be found at Factcheck.org: The Wilson-Plame-Novak-Rove Blame Game.

A couple observations here. One, the name calling which has popped up from time to time in this discussion strikes me as originating primarily within the faction in opposition to the Currrent Administration. Another, to my perception, the entire Plame Game is built on a blatant character assassination attempt, an attack orchestrated, maintained, and cherished by The Opposition. I suspect that at the end, this all will prove quite to the embarrassment of the CIA and to those who have championed the assault. Of course, I could be wrong.

We shall see.

Under the heading of "Things That Astonish", I note the following:
- hitting a comet that's moving at thousands of miles an hour when it is millions of miles away with a thingey the size of a dishwasher...and taking color snapshots of the kersplat!
- Nicole Kidman's bum
- endless supplies of suicide bombers coming off a religio-fruitcake assembly line in a hidden location in Central Pakistan which has exactly the same rainfall and temperature parameters as Lubbock, Texas
- the world, as experienced at the downstream end of Timber's rum and agent-orange-soaked synapses
- murderously, viciously psychotic video games get the good housekeeping seal of approval, unless they have hidden sexy bits hidden by, surely, satan
- party loyalty of the sort that makes someone this blind to balance and relative importances

To wit, "blatant character assassination"..."attack orchestrated"..."the CIA and those who have championed the assault..."

Let's say, just for perspective, that Karl was on the hot seat for a White House blow job from an intern or Jeff Gannon. Other than hypocrisy on the 'character' issue, who here would give a damn?

But after what was done to Clinton in the nineties (note the fit there with "character assassination...orchestrated attack") the Republican Party would have no moral altitude from which to criticize the opposition now if were merely a secret blow job at issue. Of course, what is at issue is incomparably greater.
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 12:55 pm
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
Now perhaps someone can provide a reasonable explanation for why it is necessary for posters to intrude on threads with "breaking news."

Presumably those who frequent A2K are quite inclined to use the web for news updates as well as opinion posting.

I concede BBB had a valid reason for her seemingly excessive "cut & paste," and so I am open to an explanation for why A2K Walter Cronkites must provide us with the latest headline.


You're right, that is a different species of thing.

I think it is mostly explainable in the context of how modern political discourse has evolved in the US...the CNN instant-information phenomenon together with the short-attention-span pundit-bites. Anyone working in political news now really has to be on top of this and must play the game to some extent at least.

Deeper or more careful analysis has become increasingly rare in this environment with really nothing much on TV (where most folks now get their political news) which isn't quick and geared to the dramatic.

Print media, journals and books are where we turn if we wish to know more, or if we care about accuracy or breadth of understanding. It's not difficult to identify who here bothers to go these big extra steps and who doesn't.

I don't mind the addition here of "news update" posts. I don't think they hurt or degrade the discourse. But I do wish there was rather more of the other thing.
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