Rove was the source of the Plame leak... so it appears

Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 12:07 pm
A hehehe ehe


I revealed in yesterday's taping of the McLaughlin Group that Time magazine's emails will reveal that Karl Rove was Matt Cooper's source. I have known this for months but didn't want to say it at a time that would risk me getting dragged into the grand jury.

McLaughlin is seen in some markets on Friday night, so some websites have picked it up, including Drudge, but I don't expect it to have much impact because McLaughlin is not considered a news show and it will be pre-empted in the big markets on Sunday because of tennis.

Since I revealed the big scoop, I have had it reconfirmed by yet another highly authoritative source. Too many people know this. It should break wide open this week. I know Newsweek is working on an 'It's Rove!' story and will probably break it tomorrow.


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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 12:35 pm
If I remember correctly, George Bush publicly demanded that his "staff" immediately tell him if they were the source of the leak. If Karl Rove complied with his boss' demand and admitted he was the source---and Bush did not inform the special investigator of his knowledge, then George Bush would be guilty of obstruction of justice. Isn't that an impeachable offense?

Wouldn't it be funny if Kark Rove brought down George Bush? Sometimes there really is justice in the world even by a circuitous route.

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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 12:38 pm
These are not boring times in which we live. Though I understand joe's sex life may fall outside the pattern.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 12:42 pm
Perhaps Karl Rove and Tom DeLay could be cell mates. Kind of scary idea because I recall that both Hitler and Lenin wrote books developing their political philosophy while in the slammer.

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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 12:52 pm
This is a story desperately in need of verification. Nobody is touching it yet...no mention on AP, for example.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 12:56 pm
blatham wrote:
This is a story desperately in need of verification. Nobody is touching it yet...no mention on AP, for example.

MSNBC Analyst Says 2nd Source Confirms Karl Rove as Plame Leaker

By Greg Mitchell

Published: July 02, 2005 1:00 PM ET

NEW YORK Now that Time Inc. has turned over documents to federal court, revealing who its reporter, Matt Cooper, identified as his source in the Valerie Plame/CIA case, speculation runs rampant on the name of that source. Lawrence O'Donnell, senior MSNBC political analyst, now claims that at least two sources have confirmed that the name is--top White House mastermind Karl Rove.

O'Donnell first offered this report Friday night on the syndicated McLaughlin Group political talk show. Today, he went beyond that, writing a brief entry at the Huffington Post blog:

"I revealed in yesterday's taping of the McLaughlin Group that Time magazine's e-mails will reveal that Karl Rove was Matt Cooper's source. I have known this for months but didn't want to say it at a time that would risk me getting dragged into the grand jury.

"McLaughlin is seen in some markets on Friday night, so some websites have picked it up, including Drudge, but I don't expect it to have much impact because McLaughlin is not considered a news show and it will be pre-empted in the big markets on Sunday because of tennis.

"Since I revealed the big scoop, I have had it reconfirmed by yet another highly authoritative source. Too many people know this. It should break wide open this week. I know Newsweek is working on an 'It's Rove!' story and will probably break it tomorrow."

Here is the text of what O'Donnell said on Friday:

"What we're going to go to now in the next stage, when Matt Cooper's e-mails, within Time Magazine, are handed over to the grand jury--the ultimate revelation, probably within the week of who his source is.

"I know I'm going to get pulled into the grand jury for saying this but the source of...for Matt Cooper was Karl Rove, and that will be revealed in this document dump that Time magazine's going to do with the grand jury."

Other McLaughlin Group panelists then joined in discussing whether, if true, this would suggest a perjury rap for Rove, if he told the grand jury he did not leak to Cooper.

Besides his career at a TV journalist, O'Donnell has served as a producer and writer for the series "The West Wing."

According to published reports, Patrick Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor in the case, has interviewed President Bush and Vice President Cheney and called Karl Rove, among others, to testify before the grand jury.

"The breadth of Fitzgerald's inquiry has led to speculation that it has evolved into an investigation of a conspiracy to leak Plame's identity," the Chicago Tribune observed on Friday, "or of an attempt to cover up White House involvement in the leak."
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:15 pm
My my my...
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:17 pm
Look Karl, you've become a liability . . . don't think of it as being thrown to the wolves, rather, picture a storm at sea, and the necessity to save the ship of state by throwing all dead weight over the side. After all, Karl, who better to understand such a principle in operation than you?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:24 pm
Setanta wrote:
and the necessity to save the ship of state by throwing all dead weight over the side.

And what about the rats ...
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:24 pm
They can be relied up on to bail on their own, Walter.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:25 pm
Oh boy. Satan's little helper going down? Could it be?
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:26 pm
Wouldn't be the first time he's "gone down. "
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:29 pm
Kicky - I didn't want this to get out, but he's actually getting a HUGE payoff from Halliburton.

Promise not to repeat this. It's a secret.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:31 pm
Don't tease me like that, dammit...
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:37 pm
But....it's so easy... LOL.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:46 pm
What Does the Government Really Want from Miller and Cooper?
Saturday :: July 02, 2005

What Does the Government Really Want from Miller and Cooper?

Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald has stated in court pleadings that he already knows the identity of Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper's sources regarding the senior white house official who leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame to Robert Novak.

Miller did some reporting for a story but never wrote an article. She has maintained she intends to go to jail rather than reveal her source -- though Fitzgerald has indicated in court filings that he already knows that official's identity.

So, why is it so necessary for them to provide the information?

As the Wapo article suggests, the investigation has moved from one involving the identity of the White House official to one involving perjury - i.e., a cover-up. The source may have been questioned in front of the grand jury and lied.

Knowing the identity of the source is not enough for a perjury conviction. There must be two witnesses to the perjurious statement. Telephone records would not be enough, because they only provide the number dialed, not the identity of the person speaking. Matthew Cooper's and Judith Miller's e-mails and notes may provide that corroboration.

Remember when former President Clinton was investigated for perjury?

The law is clear that in a perjury prosecution under 18 U.S.C. ' 1621, the falsity of a statement alleged to be perjurious cannot be established by the testimony of just one witness. This ancient common law rule, referred to as the "two-witness rule, " has survived repeated challenges to its legitimacy, and has been judicially recognized as the standard of proof for perjury prosecutions brought under ' 1621. See, e.g., Weiler v. United States, 323 U.S. 606, 608-610 (1945) (discussing the history and policy rationales of the two-witness rule); United States v. Chaplin, 25 F.3d 1373, 1377-78 (7th Cir. 1994) (two-witness rule applies to perjury prosecutions).

The Department of Justice recognizes the applicability of the two-witness rule to perjury prosecutions brought under Section 1621. See Department of Justice Manual, 1997 Supplement, at 9-69.265.

The "two witness" rule, derived from common law, governs the proof required for a perjury conviction under Section 1621. Weiler v. United States, 323 U.S. 606, 609 (1945). The rule means that a perjury conviction may not rest solely on the uncorroborated testimony of one witness. United States v. Hammer, 271 U.S. 620, 626 (1926). The two witness rule, however, does not require two witnesses to every perjurious statement. The falsity of the perjurious statement may be established either by the testimony of two independent witnesses or by one witness and independent corroborating evidence that is inconsistent with the innocence of the accused. Weiler, 323 U.S. at 610. Also, the second witness need not fully corroborate the first, but must substantiate the other's testimony concerning the defendant's perjurious statement. United States v. Chaplin, 25 F.3d 1373, 1381-82 (7th Cir. 1994).

I don't know who the White House official is, but the higher up he is, the more likely the prosecutor would want two live witnesses, not just documents, to support a perjury charge. What do you think of this possibility, from American Prospect in 2004?

Rove also adamantly insisted to the FBI that he was not the administration official who leaked the information that Plame was a covert CIA operative to conservative columnist Robert Novak last July. Rather, Rove insisted, he had only circulated information about Plame after it had appeared in Novak's column. He also told the FBI, the same sources said, that circulating the information was a legitimate means to counter what he claimed was politically motivated criticism of the Bush administration by Plame's husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 01:48 pm
Air Force One records subpoenaed in CIA leak probe
Air Force One records subpoenaed in CIA leak probe
White House says it's cooperating
From Kelli Arena

WASHINGTON (CNN) --The grand jury investigating the leak of a covert CIA operative's name subpoenaed a wide range of White House documents, including records of telephone calls from Air Force One and information relating to an internal working group dealing with Iraq, government sources confirmed to CNN on Friday.

"We are complying fully with the request from the Department of Justice," White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Friday.

Three subpoenas were issued in January to the White House when the grand jury was beginning its investigation into who may have leaked the name of Valerie Plame to columnist and CNN host Robert Novak in July -- and whether the person or persons responsible broke the law. It is a federal crime to knowingly disclose the name of an undercover agent.

"Our counsel's office immediately sent a letter to White House staff, directing everyone to cooperate fully and comply with the request from those leading the investigation," McClellan said.

"No one wants to get to the bottom of it more than the president of the United States."

Government sources said the federal grand jury was seeking any information about contacts between White House officials and more than two dozen reporters and different media institutions. The grand jury also asked for a transcript of a briefing by former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer and a list of those attending a birthday reception for former President Gerald Ford.

"These subpoenas are one indication that what we had hoped would happen with regard to the CIA leak probe is indeed happening -- that it will be a thorough and fearless investigation," Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer of New York said in a statement.

The subpoenaed information regarding telephone calls to and from Air Force One, sources said, covered July 7-12, while the president was on a trip to Africa. The requested transcript was from a briefing during that trip as well.

Newsday reported that two of the subpoenas dealt mostly with requests for information before and after the publication of Novak's July 14 column. During this time, a lot of questions were posed to the White House about former Ambassador Joe Wilson, who is married to Plame, and a trip the CIA asked him to take to look into allegations that Niger had provided uranium to Iraq.

Wilson concluded those allegations were not true. Wilson has said that he believes the leak was meant as White House retaliation for his report.

Many of the documents subpoenaed Friday relate to the White House Iraq Group, a little-known task force dedicated to dealing with Iraq. Newsweek reported that the group was created in August 2002 and charged with developing a strategy for publicizing the White House's assertion that Saddam Hussein posed a threat to the United States.

The Newsweek report cites an earlier Washington Post article that lists senior political adviser Karl Rove, Bush advisers Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice and Vice President Dick Cheney among the group's members.

Previously, investigators from the Justice Department and the FBI had asked White House officials to provide a wide variety of information, including copies of e-mail messages and telephone logs for officials who had contact with reporters. That information was not subpoenaed and was provided to the White House counsel's office, which forwarded it to the investigators.

The grand jury, which met again Friday, has heard from at least four current or former White House officials. Much of its work recently has also reportedly been to pore over many documents relating to the case.

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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 02:23 pm
Re: Air Force One records subpoenaed in CIA leak probe
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Air Force One records subpoenaed in CIA leak probe
White House says it's cooperating
From Kelli Arena

WASHINGTON (CNN) --Many of the documents subpoenaed Friday relate to the White House Iraq Group, a little-known task force dedicated to dealing with Iraq. Newsweek reported that the group was created in August 2002 and charged with developing a strategy for publicizing the White House's assertion that Saddam Hussein posed a threat to the United States.

The Newsweek report cites an earlier Washington Post article that lists senior political adviser Karl Rove, Bush advisers Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice and Vice President Dick Cheney among the group's members.

gosh, this just keeps popping up.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 02:35 pm
kickycan wrote:
Oh boy. Satan's little helper going down? Could it be?

No no, not Bush, it's Rove that's going down. :wink:
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2005 03:07 pm
The Beeb had this story in 2003. There are so many holes to exit this thing from.

She was billed as an analyst. Not a spy. They didn't know her job was secretive.....that's #1.
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