Rove was the source of the Plame leak... so it appears

Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 12:56 pm
sumac wrote:
Tico said:

Whether she was or was not a "covert agent" under the IIPA has yet to be determined.

I want to make sure that I understand where you are headed with this, so I am asking for clarification.

Just what would determine it?

Are you suggesting that it would take the examination of a court to determine it?

Ultimately, it would take a conviction of a crime charged under that Act involving Ms. Plame. But an indictment is the first step in that direction, and would indicate Fitzgerald and the GJ believe she was a "covert agent." Ultimately, it would become a conclusion for the fact finder to render.

Do you think there should be some lesser standard? It's a legal question, and it requires a legal determination. The opinion of the prosecutor would be informative, but not ultimately determinative.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 12:58 pm
Chrissee wrote:
sumac wrote:
Tico said:

Whether she was or was not a "covert agent" under the IIPA has yet to be determined.

I want to make sure that I understand where you are headed with this, so I am asking for clarification.

I already know. He likes to waste people's time.

I'm pretty sure that's your function here ... to make wild conjecture and unsupportable statements, attributing them as factual, and requiring others to point out the many errors in your thinking process.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 01:16 pm
Tykie, you are projecting again. LOL
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 01:21 pm
When are you two going to realize that you're in love with each other?
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 01:44 pm
kickycan wrote:
When are you two going to realize that you're in love with each other?

hahahaha... it's the quiet ones ya gotta watch. Very Happy
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 01:48 pm
kickycan wrote:
When are you two going to realize that you're in love with each other?

I'm not quite sure I know how to respond .... oh, wait, yes I do .... http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/puke.gif
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 02:05 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Chrissee wrote:
sumac wrote:
Tico said:

Whether she was or was not a "covert agent" under the IIPA has yet to be determined.

I want to make sure that I understand where you are headed with this, so I am asking for clarification.

I already know. He likes to waste people's time.

I'm pretty sure that's your function here ... to make wild conjecture and unsupportable statements, attributing them as factual, and requiring others to point out the many errors in your thinking process.

Sounds like a Republican shill to me. Ken Mehlman certainly comes to mind, but there are SO many others. And wouldn't ya know it, this is also a classic Karl Rove tactic, popularized by the GOP and their minions.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 02:21 pm
Hey, Tico - help me out with understanding something here...
Just for my own clarification - You don't have any doubt that Rove had ill intent when he was talking to reporters about Plame, do you?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 02:30 pm
News reporters had earlier reported that VP Cheney had nominate Wilson for the Niger investigation. The evidence suggests that Rove was correcting that bit of misreporting and noting the fact that it was Wilson's wife. Plame, a CIA official, who has nominated him for the assignment. Clearly he was trying to do damage control prodthen decline is more or less axiom,aticuction orts regarding the yellowcake from Niger matter.

Perhaps in your view that constitutes "ill intent".

How would you characterize the intent of Mark Felt's series of leaks concerning Watergate? He had just been passed over for promotion to FBI Director, following Hoover's death and the appointment of an outsider (L. Patrick Grey) to that post.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 02:59 pm
And the resemblance between Felt and Rove is what?
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 03:01 pm
No, George, that's from the recently distributed RNC talking points and is incorrect. As I posted several days ago:

squinney wrote:

Now, it has also come up that Wilson claimed that Cheney requested that he go, and that Rove was simply stopping Cooper from printing something false when he mentioned it was actually Plame that asked him to go.


Media repeated false GOP talking point on authorization for Wilson trip to Niger

Numerous media figures have repeated, or failed to question, a Republican National Committee (RNC) talking point asserting that former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV claimed that Vice President Dick Cheney "sent him" on a 2002 CIA mission to Niger, as well as White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove's reported assertion that "Wilson's wife" authorized the trip. The RNC has accused Wilson of misrepresenting the Niger trip in its effort to explain and justify Rove's alleged involvement in leaking the identity of Wilson's wife, former clandestine CIA officer Valerie Plame. Specifically, according to the RNC talking point, Rove told Time magazine writer Matthew Cooper that "Wilson's wife," who worked at the CIA, had authorized Wilson's trip because Rove was trying to prevent Cooper from writing inaccurately that Cheney had sent Wilson on the mission. As the RNC alleged: "The bottom line is Karl Rove was discouraging a reporter from writing a false story based on a false premise and the Democrats are engaging in blatant partisan political attacks."

In fact, both of the claims underpinning the RNC's defense of Rove are false: Wilson never claimed he was sent to Niger at Cheney's request, and it was the CIA's Directorate of Operations, Counterproliferation Division (CPD), that authorized the trip, not Plame.

The RNC talking point: Wilson said he was sent to Niger at Cheney's behest

In order to defend Rove's mention of "Wilson's wife" to Cooper, the RNC sought to demonstrate that Rove had reason to believe that Cooper would falsely report that Cheney sent Wilson on the Niger trip, and that Rove needed to set the record straight by telling Cooper that Plame had actually authorized the trip, as Rove's lawyer has claimed. In an attempt to suggest that public statements made by Wilson had led Cooper to believe that Cheney authorized the trip, the RNC misrepresented a July 6, 2003, op-ed by Wilson in The New York Times and distorted a remark from Wilson in an August 3, 2003, interview on CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer -- made after Rove discussed Plame with Cooper and therefore could not have been a basis for Rove's purported concern -- to assert that "Wilson falsely claimed that it was Vice President Cheney who sent him to Niger."

The RNC cited Wilson's Times op-ed as evidence that he claimed Cheney sent him to Niger. But the op-ed actually noted that it was "agency officials" from the CIA who "asked if I would travel to Niger" to answer questions Cheney's office had about a particular intelligence report:

In February 2002, I was informed by officials at the Central Intelligence Agency that Vice President Dick Cheney's office had questions about a particular intelligence report. While I never saw the report, I was told that it referred to a memorandum of agreement that documented the sale of uranium yellowcake -- a form of lightly processed ore -- by Niger to Iraq in the late 1990's. The agency officials asked if I would travel to Niger to check out the story so they could provide a response to the vice president's office.

The RNC then distorted Wilson's appearance on CNN's Late Edition by excluding a crucial portion of his remarks in which he noted that "it's absolutely true" that Cheney was unaware that Wilson was traveling to Niger and reiterated that the "CIA, at the operational level, made a determination" to send Wilson to answer a "serious question" posed by Cheney's office.

Additionally, Rove's conversation with Cooper took place on July 11, 2003 -- more than three weeks before Wilson's CNN appearance -- so it is chronologically impossible for Rove to have been refuting a statement that Wilson hadn't made yet, as Salon.com has pointed out.

From the RNC talking points:

Joe Wilson: "What They Did, What The Office Of The Vice President Did, And, In Fact, I Believe Now From Mr. Libby's Statement, It Was Probably The Vice President Himself ..." (CNN's "Late Edition," 8/3/03)

From the August 3, 2003, edition of CNN's Late Edition:

WILSON: Well, look, it's absolutely true that neither the vice president nor Dr. [then-national security adviser Condoleezza] Rice nor even [then-CIA Director] George Tenet knew that I was traveling to Niger.

What they did, what the office of the vice president did, and, in fact, I believe now from Mr. Libby's statement, it was probably the vice president himself --

BLITZER: [I. Lewis] "Scooter" Libby is the chief of staff for the vice president.

WILSON: Scooter Libby. They asked essentially that we follow up on this report -- that the agency follow up on the report. So it was a question that went to the CIA briefer from the Office of the Vice President. The CIA, at the operational level, made a determination that the best way to answer this serious question was to send somebody out there who knew something about both the uranium business and those Niger officials that were in office at the time these reported documents were executed...


So, it WAS NOT an attempt to keep Cooper from reporting that Cheney had sent Wilson. Wilson hadn't made that claim.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 03:03 pm
snood wrote:
Hey, Tico - help me out with understanding something here...
Just for my own clarification - You don't have any doubt that Rove had ill intent when he was talking to reporters about Plame, do you?
I'm waiting to.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 03:06 pm
Me to.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 03:10 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
News reporters had earlier reported that VP Cheney had nominate Wilson for the Niger investigation. The evidence suggests that Rove was correcting that bit of misreporting and noting the fact that it was Wilson's wife. Plame, a CIA official, who has nominated him for the assignment. Clearly he was trying to do damage control prodthen decline is more or less axiom,aticuction orts regarding the yellowcake from Niger matter.

Perhaps in your view that constitutes "ill intent".

How would you characterize the intent of Mark Felt's series of leaks concerning Watergate? He had just been passed over for promotion to FBI Director, following Hoover's death and the appointment of an outsider (L. Patrick Grey) to that post.

Odd use of "evidence", george. What supports your thesis other than Mehlman's claim that this was Rove's intent? How valuable is that, "evidence"-wise? Zero.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 03:30 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

I'll bet there is a Senior Administration Official who thinks she is NOT a covert agent. ....

.....But again, we don't know who this "Senior Administration Official" is, or any of the context of how or when they reached their conclusion ... do we?.....

....unless you are attributing the beliefs of some unknown "Senior Administration Official," via osmosis or some other means, to Karl Rove.

The "some other means" I highlighted involves a social convention you might have heard of: meetings.

Tico, these people all tend to hang out together. More to the point, I do believe that they have been instructed together in meetings of what or what not to do about classified information. Or if there are private instruction sessions, the same people would be doing the instruction. If all the senior officials are instructed by the same people on how to handle classified info, it would be virtually certain that they would all share the same ideas on the subject.

To repeat: If one senior official thinks that Plame was covered under the act, it makes it far, far more likely that the other senior officials feel the same way.

Ticomaya wrote:
You can't possibly make a credulous argument that because some other official holds a belief, the basis for which is unknown, that Ms. Plame is or was a "covert agent," that somehow inplicates Rove. It's utter nonsense.

Since I assume the people who instruct senior Administration officials about classified info have some good credentials, I would think that the fact that one senior official has come to the conclusion that Plame is covered under the Identities Act greatly increases the likelihood that the other senior officials think the same thing. Yes.

Is it conclusive proof? No. But, we do not need thoroughly conclusive proof to discuss what is going on, do we?.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 03:35 pm
Hey, I have a couple more questions.

1. George, can you find any of those reports that say Wilson claimed Cheney sent him to Niger?

2. Ari Fleisher left, and Scott took over smack dab in the middle of the leak. I mean that very week. Anyone think there's anything to that? Just coincidence?
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 03:39 pm

Tico, since you are the one who devoted large amounts of bandwidth to unsourced rants that confuse the Senate Intelligence Committee report with the dissenting addendum, (rejected by 15 out of 18 Senators on the Committee), you are hardly in a position to get persnickety about thoroughly conclusive proof being required before discussion can take place. Mr. Green
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 03:45 pm
Uh, Tico?
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 03:50 pm
I don't know why I come back here.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:13 pm


Rove/Novak Photos they are going to regret

In this photograph taken in June 2003, Karl Rove, senior advisor to President Bush and Robert Novak are pictured together at a party marking the 40th anniversary of Novak's newspaper column at the Army Navy Club in Washington DC. At the event a number of people wore buttons reading, "I'm a source, not a target." Rove is at the center of a controversy about the leaking of a CIA operative's identity which originally appeared in Novak's newspaper column. (AP Photo/Lauren Shay) (hat tip Robert) You can read the red button on Rove's jacket.

"I'm a source, not a target."

Apparently this was in reference to one of Novak's old sayings and several people were wearing them that night.




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