Rove was the source of the Plame leak... so it appears

Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:14 pm
Rove had no ill intent when he talked to reporters about Wilson.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:17 pm
snood wrote:
Hey, Tico - help me out with understanding something here...
Just for my own clarification - You don't have any doubt that Rove had ill intent when he was talking to reporters about Plame, do you?

I hate to sound like a lawyer ... but I am, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to explain what you mean by "ill intent." But even before you do, I can tell you that I think Rove's intent was to clarify what he perceived was a miscommunication by Wilson in conveying that Cheney's office had sent Wilson to Niger. I don't think he intended to "out" Ms. Plame, nor do I think he believed her to be "under cover." Those are my beliefs based on the facts as I know them to be.

snood wrote:
Uh, Tico?

Hey ... like I said, I'm a lawyer. I wasn't ignoring you, but I do have to work every now and then. :wink:
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:21 pm
blatham wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
News reporters had earlier reported that VP Cheney had nominate Wilson for the Niger investigation. The evidence suggests that Rove was correcting that bit of misreporting and noting the fact that it was Wilson's wife. Plame, a CIA official, who has nominated him for the assignment. Clearly he was trying to do damage control prodthen decline is more or less axiom,aticuction orts regarding the yellowcake from Niger matter.

Perhaps in your view that constitutes "ill intent".

How would you characterize the intent of Mark Felt's series of leaks concerning Watergate? He had just been passed over for promotion to FBI Director, following Hoover's death and the appointment of an outsider (L. Patrick Grey) to that post.

Odd use of "evidence", george. What supports your thesis other than Mehlman's claim that this was Rove's intent? How valuable is that, "evidence"-wise? Zero.

Isn't that also what Rove's attorney has stated as well? It is thus attributable to Rove himself ... and as such, Rove's statement of his intent in this regard is certainly relevant evidence (you can give it what weight you feel it deserves) ... unlike the legal opinion of the unknown "Senior Administration Official"' who has opined that Plame is/was a "covert agent" under the IIPA.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:26 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

I'll bet there is a Senior Administration Official who thinks she is NOT a covert agent. ....

.....But again, we don't know who this "Senior Administration Official" is, or any of the context of how or when they reached their conclusion ... do we?.....

....unless you are attributing the beliefs of some unknown "Senior Administration Official," via osmosis or some other means, to Karl Rove.

The "some other means" I highlighted involves a social convention you might have heard of: meetings.

I'm curious KW: Have you ever attended a meeting? I was attending one during the period of time you folks were so concerned about my whereabouts these past few hours. Well, in the off-chance you haven't, let me fill you in on what you might observe at a typical meeting ... divergent opinions. Yes, this is a frequent occurrence, notwithstanding some libbies' impressions of the Bush Administration, ... and I'm sure it occurs in WH staff meeting.

But to even get to that level (forgetting for the moment how we would possibly attribute the opinion of some unknown "Senior Administration Official" to Rove) I suppose we must assume this "Senior Administration Official" must be a WH staffer attending the very same meetings as Rove. But there is not, at this time, anything to suggest such is the case.

Tico, these people all tend to hang out together.

Which people?

More to the point, I do believe that they have been instructed together in meetings of what or what not to do about classified information. Or if there are private instruction sessions, the same people would be doing the instruction. If all the senior officials are instructed by the same people on how to handle classified info, it would be virtually certain that they would all share the same ideas on the subject.

Okay. Let's assume, arguendo, this is correct ... are you suggesting the "Senior Administration Official" was complying with the instruction he/she was given when he stated his opinion in this regard?

To repeat: If one senior official thinks that Plame was covered under the act, it makes it far, far more likely that the other senior officials feel the same way.

I fail to see how you can honestly believe that. But you can certainly make that assertion if you choose.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:27 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
... Mark Felt... He had just been passed over for promotion to FBI Director, following Hoover's death ...

that one is really getting stale, george..

"he didn't get the job he wanted, so it's all made up by a spoil sport".

so are you saying that watergate didn't happen ?
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:27 pm
kelticwizard wrote:

Tico, since you are the one who devoted large amounts of bandwidth to unsourced rants that confuse the Senate Intelligence Committee report with the dissenting addendum, (rejected by 15 out of 18 Senators on the Committee), you are hardly in a position to get persnickety about thoroughly conclusive proof being required before discussion can take place. Mr. Green

I'm not sure I did that. Would you please link to what you perceive as my transgression in that regard?
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:28 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
... Mark Felt... He had just been passed over for promotion to FBI Director, following Hoover's death ...

that one is really getting stale, george..

"he didn't get the job he wanted, so it's all made up by a spoil sport".

so are you saying that watergate didn't happen ?

I think the question georgeob is asking is: Did Felt have "ill intent"?
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:32 pm
Does it matter?

Not today, it doesn't. Nice attempt at changing the subject, once again.

What is it with Republicans and comparing two bad behaviours in order to justify the lesser one?

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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:36 pm
I'm not so sure it can even be considered the "lesser one."
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:43 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
blatham wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
News reporters had earlier reported that VP Cheney had nominate Wilson for the Niger investigation. The evidence suggests that Rove was correcting that bit of misreporting and noting the fact that it was Wilson's wife. Plame, a CIA official, who has nominated him for the assignment. Clearly he was trying to do damage control prodthen decline is more or less axiom,aticuction orts regarding the yellowcake from Niger matter.

Perhaps in your view that constitutes "ill intent".

How would you characterize the intent of Mark Felt's series of leaks concerning Watergate? He had just been passed over for promotion to FBI Director, following Hoover's death and the appointment of an outsider (L. Patrick Grey) to that post.

Odd use of "evidence", george. What supports your thesis other than Mehlman's claim that this was Rove's intent? How valuable is that, "evidence"-wise? Zero.

Isn't that also what Rove's attorney has stated as well? It is thus attributable to Rove himself ... and as such, Rove's statement of his intent in this regard is certainly relevant evidence (you can give it what weight you feel it deserves) ... unlike the legal opinion of the unknown "Senior Administration Official"' who has opined that Plame is/was a "covert agent" under the IIPA.


Yes, Rove's lawyer/Rove as well. Thanks. As regards 'weight', you as a prosecutor likely have a good sense of the dependability regarding protestations of snow-white innocence.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:46 pm
blatham wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
blatham wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
News reporters had earlier reported that VP Cheney had nominate Wilson for the Niger investigation. The evidence suggests that Rove was correcting that bit of misreporting and noting the fact that it was Wilson's wife. Plame, a CIA official, who has nominated him for the assignment. Clearly he was trying to do damage control prodthen decline is more or less axiom,aticuction orts regarding the yellowcake from Niger matter.

Perhaps in your view that constitutes "ill intent".

How would you characterize the intent of Mark Felt's series of leaks concerning Watergate? He had just been passed over for promotion to FBI Director, following Hoover's death and the appointment of an outsider (L. Patrick Grey) to that post.

Odd use of "evidence", george. What supports your thesis other than Mehlman's claim that this was Rove's intent? How valuable is that, "evidence"-wise? Zero.

Isn't that also what Rove's attorney has stated as well? It is thus attributable to Rove himself ... and as such, Rove's statement of his intent in this regard is certainly relevant evidence (you can give it what weight you feel it deserves) ... unlike the legal opinion of the unknown "Senior Administration Official"' who has opined that Plame is/was a "covert agent" under the IIPA.


Yes, Rove's lawyer/Rove as well. Thanks. As regards 'weight', you as a prosecutor likely have a good sense of the dependability regarding protestations of snow-white innocence.

... but evidence nonetheless, you would agree?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:48 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
... Mark Felt... He had just been passed over for promotion to FBI Director, following Hoover's death ...

that one is really getting stale, george..

"he didn't get the job he wanted, so it's all made up by a spoil sport".

so are you saying that watergate didn't happen ?

I think the question georgeob is asking is: Did Felt have "ill intent"?

the problem is, we have no way of knowing other than what he says. the same is true of clarke, o'neill, plame/wilson and even (god forgive me) rove.

if we take everything else away, and apply only the one question; "was it ill intended" to each one of those people in making a guess as to reasons for their individual actions; there's a very distinct difference of how you guys label felt, clarke, o'neill as sore losers, wilson and plame as out to get the president (by sending joe to niger ??) even though you can't point at anything previous to this brouha that indicates any bias against bush other than dual party campaign donations (be sure to save the receipts for the tax guy, joe. yes val, i will. ).

but rove, who's job it is to be a dirty bahstad, get's the bambi makeover. karl, our little angel. he had no ill intent. kari wouldn't hurt a fly.

admit it, if karl was a democrat, you guys would be out in front of the white house with torches and a coil of rope. and a lawyer pointing at the passage in the constitution that can be interpreted as allowing the lynching in a time of war. Laughing
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 04:52 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Does it matter?

Not today, it doesn't. Nice attempt at changing the subject, once again.

What is it with Republicans and comparing two bad behaviours in order to justify the lesser one?


it's called bias, baby. until recently, most americans thought that it was a quality found only in "them damn liburrrallllls". recent polls suggest that the majority view is changing. 'bout dern time...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 05:10 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
blatham wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
blatham wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
News reporters had earlier reported that VP Cheney had nominate Wilson for the Niger investigation. The evidence suggests that Rove was correcting that bit of misreporting and noting the fact that it was Wilson's wife. Plame, a CIA official, who has nominated him for the assignment. Clearly he was trying to do damage control prodthen decline is more or less axiom,aticuction orts regarding the yellowcake from Niger matter.

Perhaps in your view that constitutes "ill intent".

How would you characterize the intent of Mark Felt's series of leaks concerning Watergate? He had just been passed over for promotion to FBI Director, following Hoover's death and the appointment of an outsider (L. Patrick Grey) to that post.

Odd use of "evidence", george. What supports your thesis other than Mehlman's claim that this was Rove's intent? How valuable is that, "evidence"-wise? Zero.

Isn't that also what Rove's attorney has stated as well? It is thus attributable to Rove himself ... and as such, Rove's statement of his intent in this regard is certainly relevant evidence (you can give it what weight you feel it deserves) ... unlike the legal opinion of the unknown "Senior Administration Official"' who has opined that Plame is/was a "covert agent" under the IIPA.


Yes, Rove's lawyer/Rove as well. Thanks. As regards 'weight', you as a prosecutor likely have a good sense of the dependability regarding protestations of snow-white innocence.

... but evidence nonetheless, you would agree?

Absolutely, in the normal sense in which our legal systems allows or counts (properly) as 'evidence' the testimony of an accused/indicted individual.

Of course, it would be playing fast and loose with the truth for george or you to suggest this might be the only evidence in play on the question. Or that it might be the most credible evidence. Karl has a track record of dirty tricks and of a strategy of vengeance towards opponents that makes the claim "He did it altruistically and to help a reporter out with facts" not one a bookie would back.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 05:40 pm
blatham wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
blatham wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
blatham wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
News reporters had earlier reported that VP Cheney had nominate Wilson for the Niger investigation. The evidence suggests that Rove was correcting that bit of misreporting and noting the fact that it was Wilson's wife. Plame, a CIA official, who has nominated him for the assignment. Clearly he was trying to do damage control prodthen decline is more or less axiom,aticuction orts regarding the yellowcake from Niger matter.

Perhaps in your view that constitutes "ill intent".

How would you characterize the intent of Mark Felt's series of leaks concerning Watergate? He had just been passed over for promotion to FBI Director, following Hoover's death and the appointment of an outsider (L. Patrick Grey) to that post.

Odd use of "evidence", george. What supports your thesis other than Mehlman's claim that this was Rove's intent? How valuable is that, "evidence"-wise? Zero.

Isn't that also what Rove's attorney has stated as well? It is thus attributable to Rove himself ... and as such, Rove's statement of his intent in this regard is certainly relevant evidence (you can give it what weight you feel it deserves) ... unlike the legal opinion of the unknown "Senior Administration Official"' who has opined that Plame is/was a "covert agent" under the IIPA.


Yes, Rove's lawyer/Rove as well. Thanks. As regards 'weight', you as a prosecutor likely have a good sense of the dependability regarding protestations of snow-white innocence.

... but evidence nonetheless, you would agree?

Absolutely, in the normal sense in which our legal systems allows or counts (properly) as 'evidence' the testimony of an accused/indicted individual.

Of course, it would be playing fast and loose with the truth for george or you to suggest this might be the only evidence in play on the question. Or that it might be the most credible evidence. Karl has a track record of dirty tricks and of a strategy of vengeance towards opponents that makes the claim "He did it altruistically and to help a reporter out with facts" not one a bookie would back.

Of course there is other evidence of intent. And without question there would have to be a whole lot more evidence of his intent than his past "track record of dirty tricks" you've identified, before Fitzgerald brought charges against Rove. Remember it's a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard, and the burden would be on Fitzgerald to prove.

But remember the issue (the mini issue, if you will) we're addressing is not the ultimate question of criminal guilt, but rather that provocative question from Snood: Whether Rove acted with "ill intent."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 06:00 pm
I certainly do see Tico's point re: attributing motivation based on the assumption of a priori knowledge or understanding about Plame. We can assume meeting or some other venue, or seeing the State Department memo, or even an aside from Cheney to go hurt Wilson via Plame. But an assumption is still just that.

But I think your assertion that determination must derive only from conviction in a court of law is too extreme a position.

We can do some of the same cognitive work. Looking at empirical evidence, using principles of logic such as inference and deduction, etc.

Let's not give lawyers all of the power. We can be Sherlock Holmes at times. Power of the people.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 06:49 pm
tico said:
Of course there is other evidence of intent. And without question there would have to be a whole lot more evidence of his intent than his past "track record of dirty tricks" you've identified, before Fitzgerald brought charges against Rove. Remember it's a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard, and the burden would be on Fitzgerald to prove.

But remember the issue (the mini issue, if you will) we're addressing is not the ultimate question of criminal guilt, but rather that provocative question from Snood: Whether Rove acted with "ill intent."

We'll leave Fitzgerald's task to Fitzgerald. I've looked into his heart - it's a good heart.

Was Rove seeking to discredit Wilson, and through that ad hominem, to discredit Wilson's claim re yellowcake (and the greater claim sitting in the wings...deceit on the real dangers of Iraq)...who doubts it, really? Is that 'ill intent'? Of course, in any coherent sense of the term.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 06:53 pm
A jury might have to make that decision.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 06:58 pm
sumac wrote:
I certainly do see Tico's point re: attributing motivation based on the assumption of a priori knowledge or understanding about Plame. We can assume meeting or some other venue, or seeing the State Department memo, or even an aside from Cheney to go hurt Wilson via Plame. But an assumption is still just that.

But I think your assertion that determination must derive only from conviction in a court of law is too extreme a position.

We can do some of the same cognitive work. Looking at empirical evidence, using principles of logic such as inference and deduction, etc.

Let's not give lawyers all of the power. We can be Sherlock Holmes at times. Power of the people.

What's wrong with the lawyers having all the power?

This issue (whether Rove committed a crime) is obviously deserving of a legal analysis. Of course we can employ inference and deduction in our fanciful discussion of this issue, but we should be mindful of the shortfalls of doing so.

Because I think we can analyze this issue now, prior to any indictment, I raised the question of whether or not Plame is a "covert agent." The answer to that question, at any meaningful level, will ONLY be answered by a finder of fact (a jury) in the course of a criminal trial brought under the IIPA.

Prior to that happening, of course, the grand jury must return an indictment. They must find a crime was committed and there is probable cause to believe the accused commited the crime. That necessitates a finding that Plame was a "covert agent" -- assuming the charge is under the IIPA. So I asked the question whether she was, and if so, what is the basis for that determination. If you have been reading most of this thread, you know I have yet to hear a satisfactory answer.

The latest explanation from the left is that a "U.S. Official" -- not even a "Senior Administration Official" if I'm looking at the correct Time article, just some unknown US Official -- has determined she is a "covert agent."

If you want to assume she's a "covert agent" because you think she is, because Fitzgerald has called witnesses before a Grand Jury, or because Time is reporting a US Official has decided she is one, be my guest. But please do not suffer under the delusion that said assumption is grounded in reality.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 07:01 pm
blatham wrote:
tico said:
Of course there is other evidence of intent. And without question there would have to be a whole lot more evidence of his intent than his past "track record of dirty tricks" you've identified, before Fitzgerald brought charges against Rove. Remember it's a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard, and the burden would be on Fitzgerald to prove.

But remember the issue (the mini issue, if you will) we're addressing is not the ultimate question of criminal guilt, but rather that provocative question from Snood: Whether Rove acted with "ill intent."

We'll leave Fitzgerald's task to Fitzgerald. I've looked into his heart - it's a good heart.

Was Rove seeking to discredit Wilson, and through that ad hominem, to discredit Wilson's claim re yellowcake (and the greater claim sitting in the wings...deceit on the real dangers of Iraq)...who doubts it, really? Is that 'ill intent'? Of course, in any coherent sense of the term.

I don't really see an attempt to clarify an incorrect inference raised by Wilson as an "ill intent." But then again, I don't know what Snood means by "ill intent."
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