pngirouard wrote:Hello Cicerone.
While the awol story was much of an item, it was a useless one for Bush wasn't awol. He wasn't absent without leave or permission. It was worse: he used everything he knew to be hidden in plain site, at tax payer's expense. I say (and I served in Vietnam not as a draftee) that what he was: a political coward wanting some military service on his record but no exposure whatsoever to anything warlike. I guess his father must still to this day be ashamed of him given his personal military record although as any dad he would never admit it.
I would respect him more had he just did what most senior members in his administration did: deferment. Instead we paid quite a lot of money for him to become a pilot. And it was only but a waste of money for he made sure to never fly again and stay in hiding. Quite the expert con man at an early age. At the time he was called "Texas Soufflé". A lot of air. Too bad Texas had to be driven in this matter, they surely didn't deserve that.
The Report of the Independent Review Panel, issued in response to the CBS 60 Minutes segment and investigating the forged documents used in that episode, sees it quite differently. On p.130 of that report, it clearly states that not only did President Bush volunteer for Vietnam, they have confirmed that Ms. Mapes had clear evidence of that information prior to airing the episode.
A lot of the other baloney you just recited is also debunked, but I've posted it so many times, I'm exhausted.