Foxfyre wrote:What victims would that be DTOM?
didn't you read bbb's post? it gave a whole slew of examples of his work. you should go back and look it over.
if you want a recent victim of the rove slime technique, how about john kerry ?
a guy who has voted consistantly in favor of vet's rights/benefits, voted for good defense spending (including the reduction and cutting of some systems
as outlined by george h.w.bush and dod secretary cheney, volunteered for the military and even requested posting in vietnam, winner of several citations...
is portrayed as a hater of the military...
is painted out as weak on defense ("why, he cut voted to cut missle systems!" yep he did. the ones designated for discontinuance by pentagon and dod. they left that part out though )
his voluntary service in an unpopular war gets labeled as a cheesey attempt to "pad his resume".
labeled a coward who didn't deserve his citations.
the list goes on. and a shameful list it is. if you don't think so, ponder this. one of the kids serving in iraq today, returns, enters politics down the line and has the same disgraceful tactics used against him by rove or one of his type strategists. for simple political gain. it's disgusting.
btw, i will not enter into yet another roundrobin of the whole kerry is/isn't stuff.
but it is only logical that rove, as "the arcitect" of the bush campaign was in full control and in some cases masterminded the completely bogus evisceration of john kerry's military history.
moral of the story ? if ya play with tar, some of it is gonna stick to you. so says the boy scout manual. but then karl's no boy scout, so i guess he never read that..
or as we used to say in sunny so. cal. "what goes around comes around".