Rove was the source of the Plame leak... so it appears

Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 01:50 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
The big difference is the known facts.. We know that the CIA asserted that a covert agent was revealed.

We know this is a fact? We have heard a high ranking CIA official say it? or has it been quoted with an inference that this was the intent? From what I've been reading from numerous sources, there is considerable question about that at this time.

Perhaps we need to see it written on CIA letterhead?

CIA letterhead discussing the revelation of a covert agent and the dates they contacted the DoJ about that fact are located here...

Anything on when they asserted that everyone in Gitmo was a terrorist?
Your speculation vs the CIA determination reported to law enforcement are apples and oranges.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 01:59 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
The big difference is the known facts.. We know that the CIA asserted that a covert agent was revealed.

We know this is a fact? We have heard a high ranking CIA official say it? or has it been quoted with an inference that this was the intent? From what I've been reading from numerous sources, there is considerable question about that at this time.

We know it is a known fact because the CIA said as much to the Dept of Justice on several occasions. See here..
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 02:13 pm
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
The big difference is the known facts.. We know that the CIA asserted that a covert agent was revealed.

We know this is a fact? We have heard a high ranking CIA official say it? or has it been quoted with an inference that this was the intent? From what I've been reading from numerous sources, there is considerable question about that at this time.

Perhaps we need to see it written on CIA letterhead?

CIA letterhead discussing the revelation of a covert agent and the dates they contacted the DoJ about that fact are located here...

I've read the letter, and I don't see anything about "covert agent." You're making a large logical leap of faith, one I'm not willing to make. But you go right ahead and do it ... I'm just pointing it out.

Anything on when they asserted that everyone in Gitmo was a terrorist?
Your speculation vs the CIA determination reported to law enforcement are apples and oranges.

Please see my response .... HERE.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 02:27 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
Provide your source of the CIA claiming everyone in Gitmo is a terrorist, preferably written on CIA letterhead.

I forgot to type those last two posts to you slowly ... my fault. Maybe if you just read them slowly it will have the same effect. Try reading THIS POST in particular. Good luck.

And in case you forgot, you didn't answer my questions in that last post to you.

Your question does not deserve an answer since it is based on a faulty premise as I keep pointing out to you.

You compare apples to oranges then want to know why I won't believe an apple is an orange. An apple is not an orange. The fact that the SPECIFICALLY referred a case about a covert agent being revealed in no way relates to your claim that

"Okay. The CIA thinks everyone at Gitmo is a terrorist. Case closed'

You obviously meant that the CIA had said that and I should believe it. One small little problem. You provided no evidence of the CIA saying that.

1. We know the CIA said that Plame was a covert agent covered under Fed law based on their referring the case to the DoJ.
2. You asked that I believe something that you provided no evidence for. The people detained in Gitmo are under miltary control, not CIA. There is no evidence that the CIA has ever made determinations on everyone in Gitmo, or anyone for that matter. Military tribunals were what was used to classify them. Not CIA tribunals.

The CIA argued that a law was broken when Plame was revealed. You are arguing that it was not. The CIA has information of 2 items required for the law. The status of Plame as an agent and the status of when she worked under cover overseas. Your argument is that the CIA claimed there was a law broken while knowing full well the status did not meet the requirements. I find your argument lame.

In a court of law the CIA would and will be required to show such. Not a big deal. They will be able to do so. When it comes to Gitmo and the Plame case your question is lame on several counts. One I showed above. The other is that evidence of a possible criminal act is not the same level as incarcaration for that act. If Rove was presently in jail then you could compare him to Gitmo detainees.

Because the CIA felt this met the standard of the law doesn't mean that Rove is guilty since there are other areas of the law that must be met that the CIA does not have knowledge of. It is those areas that the prosecutor is attempting to discover. The CIA said what it knew which was the part of the law covered by 426. You are free to argue they lied all you want. Go for it. Please continue to do so. I will be more than happy to continue to point out the fact that you are calling the CIA liars.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 02:38 pm
nimh wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Each one has his own set of facts supporting that conclusion, and no I don't know what those facts are. But the decision to detain them should be made upon an articulable set of facts, not merely because the CIA thinks they should be held indefinitely.

Quite. The Gitmo case is a complicated total of elements, some of which we can not know, others are for all of us to review in the news and reports.

You have come to the conclusion that the detainees there are probably terrorists, on the basis of the different things you have read about it. Not just on the basis of what the CIA says or didn't say.

Similarly, I'm sure Parados, like the rest of us, has come to the conclusion that there are probably a significant number of innocents at Gitmo on the basis of a scope of information. Knowing Parados, he has not come to that conclusion simply because he does or does not want to believe the CIA; he has reviewed the prospect of what the CIA might know, and balanced it off against all the other information he has read that would suggest otherwise. And this of course is where your equation with the Plame case (and your allegation of hypocrisy or at least inconsistency to Parados), falls flat.

I, for one, do not believe all detainees at Gitmo are probably terrorists and I do not believe so, not because I simply wouldn't take the CIA at its word, but because I have seen enough other information IMO to suggest otherwise.

Quite off topic, but what might that be?

In comparison, have you seen any information regarding Plame's status that would give you reason to not accept the CIA's assertion on the matter? Could you share it with us?

I'm asking a particular question, one I've phrased several times now, and one which as of yet has not been answered. Let me restate it here: According to the prevailing theory of the liberals convinced of Rove's guilt, when the "leak" occurred, was Ms. Plame a "covert agent" as defined in Sec. 426 because she had served within the preceding five years outside the United States?

I thought it was a simple question, but nobody can answer it. The CIA certainly hasn't answered it. Based on a vague statement in the CIA letter that references a "possible" violation of criminal law concerning the unauthorized disclosure of confidential information," a task the CIA is charged to do in order so the DOJ can investigate the case and determine whether a crime in fact did occur, the left is prepared to leap to the conclusion that Ms. Plame satisfies the legal definition of Sec. 426.

If your argument is simply - well, I don't know anything that would refute the CIA's assertion about Plame's work for them, but I am simply not willing to just take them on their word on it - then you are going a lot further than Parados or the rest of us are going re: Gitmo.

Our unwillingness to believe the CIA on Gitmo is at least based on pieces of information that in our eyes contradict it. Your unwillingness to believe the CIA on the question of who actually worked for them would be based on - sheer principle?

LOL ... no, but I am unwilling to believe the CIA has determined that Ms. Plame satisfies the definition of "covert agent" when there is no evidence to suggest they've done so. The reference in the letter is vague at best, and we don't know what laws they are talking about, or what legal determinations have been made in the course of their satisfaction of their duties under Executive Order 12333.

(Now that would be quite a can of worms - did you show the same unwillingness to take the CIA on its word when it came to Saddam Hussein's alleged posession of WMD, for example?)

But as I say above, it isn't that I don't believe the CIA, I just don't assign to the statement made in the January, 2004, letter the importance you anti-Rove folks do.

See, I was actually going somewhere with that ;-)

There's also the question of sheer scope of course: not taking an agency's word on the guilt of hundreds of people at a stroke is quite another thing than not believing their statement about a single employee of theirs. But that flaw in your equation was already clear enough, I think.

No ... there may be a flaw in my thinking, but if so, you've not identified it. If the CIA was trying to make a statement about their employee in the January, 2004, letter, we don't know what it is. Perhaps they think it's possible the protections of the law extend to their former covert agent, Ms. Plame. I don't know. But again, my question remains unanswerable. And apparently not a single leftist can admit it.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 02:39 pm
Are you really going to argue that an "undercover CIA employee" can not be a "covert agent"? and is not covered as such under 426?

I find that argument laughable.. I will have to bookmark that one for when and if there is a trial to trot it out as your defense. It's too funny. 426A specifically defines covert agent as an undecover CIA employee that works or has worked overseas. This puts us right back to your argument that you have no evidence of Plame being overseas for any assignment..

Gee. That would be classified and the CIA would have that information to make the determination if revealing her name violated the law and they DID make that determination. Your only logical refutation is that the CIA either failed to read the law or they lied.

Which argument are you making Tico? Are you calling the CIA investigators incompetent or liars?
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 02:43 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 02:54 pm
parados wrote:
Are you really going to argue that an "undercover CIA employee" can not be a "covert agent"? and is not covered as such under 426?


I find that argument laughable.. I will have to bookmark that one for when and if there is a trial to trot it out as your defense. It's too funny. 426A specifically defines covert agent as an undecover CIA employee that works or has worked overseas. This puts us right back to your argument that you have no evidence of Plame being overseas for any assignment..

Gee. That would be classified and the CIA would have that information to make the determination if revealing her name violated the law and they DID make that determination. Your only logical refutation is that the CIA either failed to read the law or they lied.

Which argument are you making Tico? Are you calling the CIA investigators incompetent or liars?

And I, on the other hand, will bookmark this post and pull it out to show your relative lack of reading comprehension.

My argument, for the umpteenth time, .... <typing slowly again> ... is that the CIA has only suggested the possibility that a law might have been violated ... they did not state that Ms. Plame fits the definition of Sec. 426. . They aren't the prosecutors, that's not their role. They pass the information to DOJ, and allow for a full investigation, then wash their hands, not having had to make the determination that no crime occurred.

If you haven't grasped this by now, it's probable you won't.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 03:01 pm
Re: 'Mark of Rove': Attack, leave no trail
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
'Mark of Rove': Attack, leave no trail
His Texas opponents saw pattern in political operatives' campaigns
07:45 AM CDT on Wednesday, July 13, 2005
By WAYNE SLATER / The Dallas Morning News

AUSTIN - As Texas' top political operative, Karl Rove honed an ability to damage an opponent without clear evidence that he was responsible.

which is why when i heard ol' nervous norvis, ken mehlman, tearfully moaning on and on about how poor defensless karl was being "smeeearred! partisans are besmurching his good name! he shows up for work every day! and, and, and partisans are just smearrring him !!!", soda pop shot outta my nose so hard it knocked a picture of the wall across the room.

jeeezzzz. rove may or may not be guilty of a "legal crime" or whatever. but for cryin' out loud, it is a complete farce to try and paint the guy as bambi.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 03:05 pm
He isn't superman either, and I would be damned frustrated trying to do my job with reporters hounding my every step, seeing myself accused every night on the nightly news, being on the front page of every newspaper, and knowing the Democrats were leaping in front of every camera demanding that I be investigated, reprimanded, fired, or tarred and feathered.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 03:06 pm
Rove doesn't deserve the punishment so many people want to dole out on him. I think 100,000 years of continuous rape by the most vile demons in the deepest pits of hell should me more than adequate retribution for Karl.

After that give him a glass of lemonade and send him home to his boy-lover.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 03:08 pm
Re: Rove was the source of the Plame leak... so it appears
From the initial post ...

blatham wrote:
Rove Source of Plame Leak?
Editor & Publisher reported this just before midnight Friday. Time Magazine has turned over documents to the Grand Jury which is investigating the Valerie Plame leak. On the McLaughlin Group Friday night, Lawrence O'Donnell, senior MSNBC political analyst, said that the leak came from Karl Rove.

Here is the transcript of O'Donnell's remarks:

"What we're going to go to now in the next stage, when Matt Cooper's e-mails, within Time Magazine, are handed over to the grand jury, the ultimate revelation, probably within the week of who his source is.

"And I know I'm going to get pulled into the grand jury for saying this but the source of...for Matt Cooper was Karl Rove, and that will be revealed in this document dump that Time magazine's going to do with the grand jury."

I wonder what else O'Donnell knows.
Following his comments through Editor and Publisher has been interesting.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 03:33 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
He isn't superman either, and I would be damned frustrated trying to do my job with reporters hounding my every step, seeing myself accused every night on the nightly news, being on the front page of every newspaper, and knowing the Democrats were leaping in front of every camera demanding that I be investigated, reprimanded, fired, or tarred and feathered.

Rove earned it; he's getting it---way too long over due. He is a real scum bag. Smart, but a scum bag nevertheless.

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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 03:34 pm
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
Rove doesn't deserve the punishment so many people want to dole out on him. I think 100,000 years of continuous rape by the most vile demons in the deepest pits of hell should me more than adequate retribution for Karl.

After that give him a glass of lemonade and send him home to his boy-lover.

Don't you think Jeff Gannon is too much exposed for Karl to go back to him?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 04:59 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
The Letter to Conyers implies possible wrong doing, but that could be just about anything. It does not explicitly say that Valerie Plame was a covert agent or that she was intentionally outed. That could be inferred, but only by speculation. It meaning could also be an effort to clear up an accusation that somebody intended to commit a crime. We honestly can't know what was in the memo sent over to the DOJ at this time.

Implies possible wrong doing? No. it states there is a possibility of a crime based on the evidence CIA has.

What does the CIA have? It has the name of an agent that has been revealed in the press. It has a law that specifically talks about how revealing an agents name can be a crime. The only way it can POSSIBLY be a crime is if the known facts by the CIA point to a violation of that law.

I will explain it for Tico in my next post. Feel free to read it and explain how you think the CIA failed to meet its requirements.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 05:16 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

I'm not asserting she's not a covert agent. I recognize I don't have all the facts at my disposal. You'll recall my first question was asking whether it's been established -- or just assumed -- that she's a covert agent.
Oh? what are you saying then? If she isn't a covert agent then you are asserting what? The CIA claimed she was. You are questioning their classification. OK. Fine.. what evidence do you to contradict the CIA which is the ONLY source that would have the relevent information. Such information would be obviously classified since a trip overseas as a covert agent would have to be that. You are requiring that you be given information that can not be provided then asking if it is true because you aren't being given that information. A lame argument on your part Tico. Using that argument one could make the case that Rove is obviously guilty since they don't have information that the prosecuter has.

What authority are you deferring to? This is the whole point. I've seen nothing to establish that Ms. Plame is a covert agent, except for you all claiming: (A) "of course she's a covert agent," (B) the fact that CIA has suggested the possibility there might have been a law violated means she's a covert agent, and (C) -- my personal favorite -- the fact that Fitzgerald is investigating the matter means she's a covert agent.

For all I know, the CIA knew that at one time Ms. Plame was a CIA covert agent (probably up until 2002 [1997 + 5 years] if certain reports are to be believed), and relied upon that in taking their position. They might be looking at a different law entirely. But I'm not aware of there being anything to suggest definitively that the CIA has concluded that Ms. Plame fits the Sec. 426 definition of "covert agent" at all times material herein.

So while I'm interested in engaging in a legal analysis of this particular issue based on the known facts, you folks would prefer to not do that. I imagine it's because you can't prove she's a covert agent based on the known facts. And you can't bring yourselves to admit it, for some reason. Perhaps there are facts that exist that establish Ms. Plame is a covert agent ... perhaps Fitzgerald has information that will establish that Ms. Plame is a covert agent ... perhaps the CIA has facts that will establish that Ms. Plame is a covert agent. But at the present time you don't know what those facts are, or frankly, whether any such facts exist.

The facts are Tico that the CIA examined the law and the revelation and concluded that based on those facts there was the possibility of a crime. Lets assume for a moment that your argument is correct and Plame was NOT overseas in the last 5 yeas and did not meet the standard set out in 426. If that was the case then there is NO possibility of a crime, is there. The ONLY way there can be the possibility of a crime being committed in revealing the identity of an employee of the CIA that was undercover is if it meets the standard set out in 426. In order for your argument to have any validity Tico it means that the CIA was incompetent or lying.

REPEAT - If Plame did NOT meet the standard set out in 426 then there is NO POSSIBILITY of a crime.
The CIA said there WAS that possibility hence either Plame did meet that standard or they are lying or incompetent. There are NO OTHER CHOICES here Tico..

Can you present ANY OTHER reason of why the CIA would say there was the possibility of a crime Tico? I can see NONE based on the specifics of what the CIA alleged was the crime.

As you have repeatedly stated Tico the ONLY way it could POSSIBLY be a crime is if Plame met the standards in 426.. The CIA said it was POSSIBLY a CRIME.

This argument is one a child could understand Tico. Either it is POSSIBLY a crime or it is NOT POSSIBLY a crime. IF the standards of the crime are NOT MET then it can't POSSIBLY be a crime. The CIA stated it was POSSIBLY a crime. They can't know the intent or the access to Classified information of the leaker but they CAN know the classification of Plame. They could NOT say it was possibly a crime if Plame did not meet the standards set out in the law. There is ONLY one conclusion. the CIA states that Plame meets the standards in 426. You are calling them either incompetent or liars in your statement Tico. I want to know which you think they are.

DO you think the CIA is incompetent Tico?
Do you think the CIA is lying Tico?
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 05:21 pm
Parad0s wrote
I will explain it for Tico in my next post. Feel free to read it and explain how you think the CIA failed to meet its requirements.

Perhaps you can elaborate or even post how I even inferred that the CIA failed to meet its requirements, much less said that. All I said is that based on the letter to Conyers that you posted, there is no clear conclusion about much of anything or anybody that can be drawn.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 05:22 pm
Watching "Hardball" right now .... David Gregory is the guest host.

"First Amendment Attorney" Bruce Sanford is his guest, and he agrees completely with my position. He helped write the the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, with Toensing. He says the law was intended to protect agents abroad, and not designed to be the basis of a leak investigation. He says Plame does not appear to fit the definition of a covert agent.

Gregory is flabbergasted.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 05:27 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
He isn't superman either, and I would be damned frustrated trying to do my job with reporters hounding my every step, seeing myself accused every night on the nightly news, being on the front page of every newspaper, and knowing the Democrats were leaping in front of every camera demanding that I be investigated, reprimanded, fired, or tarred and feathered.

ummm, guess he's feeling the pain of some of his previous victims then, eh ? Laughing
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 05:37 pm
parados wrote:
The CIA claimed she was.

No, they haven't. And the sooner you come to grips with that fact, the better.

You are questioning their classification. OK. Fine.. what evidence do you to contradict the CIA which is the ONLY source that would have the relevent information. Such information would be obviously classified since a trip overseas as a covert agent would have to be that. You are requiring that you be given information that can not be provided then asking if it is true because you aren't being given that information. A lame argument on your part Tico. Using that argument one could make the case that Rove is obviously guilty since they don't have information that the prosecuter has.

I'm saying the only way we are going to know is to wait and see. You are the one suggesting you know facts that aren't in evidence. You don't think that's "lame"?

The facts are Tico that the CIA examined the law and the revelation and concluded that based on those facts there was the possibility of a crime. Lets assume for a moment that your argument is correct and Plame was NOT overseas in the last 5 yeas and did not meet the standard set out in 426. If that was the case then there is NO possibility of a crime, is there.

I don't know. As I said, neither you nor I know what law they are referring to in the letter.

The ONLY way there can be the possibility of a crime being committed in revealing the identity of an employee of the CIA that was undercover is if it meets the standard set out in 426.

That doesn't seem to be what Cyclops thinks. He seems to think there might be some other crimes to be charged.

In order for your argument to have any validity Tico it means that the CIA was incompetent or lying.

No again. The CIA, acting in what they view is the best interests of National Security, could have referred this case to the DOJ for further investigation. You are foolish to assume this means Plame is a "covert agent" under Sec. 426.

REPEAT - If Plame did NOT meet the standard set out in 426 then there is NO POSSIBILITY of a crime.
The CIA said there WAS that possibility hence either Plame did meet that standard or they are lying or incompetent. There are NO OTHER CHOICES here Tico..

You compound your foolish argument by repeating it.

Can you present ANY OTHER reason of why the CIA would say there was the possibility of a crime Tico? I can see NONE based on the specifics of what the CIA alleged was the crime.

I've done so several times. I can't explain why you refuse to comprehend (although my guess is "partisanship").

As you have repeatedly stated Tico the ONLY way it could POSSIBLY be a crime is if Plame met the standards in 426.. The CIA said it was POSSIBLY a CRIME.

Again, you are attributing to me an argument I've not made.
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