Rove was the source of the Plame leak... so it appears

Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:05 am
Chrissee wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
None of this addresses the fact that noone on the right seems to care in the slightest that laws are broken, or that national security is compromised, by the actions of the ADMINISTRATION; we know for a fact that more people than Rove are involved in this.

Once again, you cannot honestly address the issue of the moral failings of those you hold up as your leaders. Instead you have changed the subject to an attack on Liberals. How typical.


Or they obfuscate.

... or they ask legitimate questions the left apparently cannot answer.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:05 am
Actally, I think everyone here thinks Rove should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law if he's guilty. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) And I think we agree that we just gotta wait and see before we know if he's guilty. (And who knows if we'll ever know, but at least we'll know the result of the grand jury proceedings.)

Meanwhile, what happens here are variations of corrections as something is put forward to bolster a case and someone says "eh, not so much."

And meanwhile, I'm learning a ton by what people are bringing to the "eh, not so much" part. Particular thanks to parados, Tico, and especially Kuvasz.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:06 am
Hey, was writing that when Tico got his shot in -- goes the other way too, Tico.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:07 am
Let's hope that Fitzgerald proves to be a Sampson in tearing down those pillars and walls because it will take someone very strong to tear down the powerful walls of this administration. After these last five years of watching get away with every single dastardly despicable act, like Nimh, I don't hold my breath.

People on this board say we should wait until he proven guilty before we say anything. But the very fact that it was Rove who talked to reporters regardless if he mentioned Valerie Plame by name after months of saying no one in the Whitehouse was involved by their spokesperson; I think any reasonable person has a legitimate reason to suspect he is guilty.

Bush said he wanted to get to the bottom of it; a good start would have been to walk down the hall and ask Karl Rove if he was involved in any way. For that matter Karl Rove should have been straight up and told of his role of the Plame mater if he had nothing to hide sooner than after the Times turned over evidence that pointed to his name. So he gave Cooper permission to talk about his source, but after Times turned over Cooper files what was left to keep secret? So that is not any indication of innocence.
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:08 am
Shrug. I don't know whether she was 'a covert agent' according to the statutes of THAT law. This does not preclude other laws from stating that she was a covert agent for the purpose of enacting those laws.

As I've said before, we don't know where this is going to go yet.

But let's look at what the statute says exactly by breaking it down into small pieces.


Now, she doesn't fit under this part of the statute. This is pretty clear in that she didn't work outside of the US in the last five years; as far as we know, that is. But wait! An important part is coming up:


OR? You mean that there is an ALTERNATIVE definition of a covert agent? Let's see:


Well, her intelligence relationship certainly was classified information. let's go on:

(i) who resides and acts outside the United States as an agent of, or informant or source of operational assistance to, an intelligence agency,

There may be a point here. We don't know how this will be interpreted, because Plame DID operate outside of the US at one time. But who can say how it will be interpreted?


So we go on

(ii) who is at the time of the disclosure acting as an agent of, or informant to, the foreign counterintelligence or foreign counterterrorism components of the Federal Bureau of Investigation;

Hmm, well, she didn't work for the FBI as far as we know, so this doesn't seem to hold up either. Luckily, there is one further


(C) an individual, other than a United States citizen, whose past or present intelligence relationship to the United States is classified information and who is a present or former agent of, or a present or former informant or source of operational assistance to, an intelligence agency.

Well, I'm not sure Plame is a foriegn citizen. But is she considered to be an American citizen? There may be some leverage here.

All of this of course doesn't count the MUCH easier to prosecute Perjury and Conspiracy angles. We'll have to wait and see what happens.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:30 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Shrug. I don't know whether she was 'a covert agent' according to the statutes of THAT law. This does not preclude other laws from stating that she was a covert agent for the purpose of enacting those laws.

What "other laws" might you be referring to? And what do these "other laws" have to do with the issue at hand?

As I've said before, we don't know where this is going to go yet.

But let's look at what the statute says exactly by breaking it down into small pieces.


(i) who resides and acts outside the United States as an agent of, or informant or source of operational assistance to, an intelligence agency,

There may be a point here.

Of course there's a point here.

We don't know how this will be interpreted, because Plame DID operate outside of the US at one time. But who can say how it will be interpreted?

<raises hand> I know, I know.

It will be interpreted strictly. The legislative body saw fit to use the words "resides" and "acts," not "resided" or "acted." There is a reason they chose those particular words. The question is: At the time of the incident, did the alleged covert agent "reside and act outside of the US as an agent of, or informant or source of operational assistance to, an intelligence agency"?

The answer, I'm lead to believe, is "no."


So we go on

Yes, lets ...

(ii) who is at the time of the disclosure acting as an agent of, or informant to, the foreign counterintelligence or foreign counterterrorism components of the Federal Bureau of Investigation;

Hmm, well, she didn't work for the FBI as far as we know, so this doesn't seem to hold up either. Luckily, there is one further


(C) an individual, other than a United States citizen, whose past or present intelligence relationship to the United States is classified information and who is a present or former agent of, or a present or former informant or source of operational assistance to, an intelligence agency.

Well, I'm not sure Plame is a foriegn citizen. But is she considered to be an American citizen? There may be some leverage here.

Do you really think so?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:31 am
If Valerie Plame was not actually an undercover CIA employee, why did Gonzales say she was?


• Text of an e-mail to White House staff Tuesday from counsel Alberto R. Gonzales about the Justice Department's investigation about the leak of a CIA officer's identity:

"We were informed last evening by the Department of Justice that it has opened an investigation into possible unauthorized disclosures concerning the identity of an undercover CIA employee. ...you must preserve all materials that might in any way be related to the department's investigation."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:42 am
revel wrote:
If Valerie Plame was not actually an undercover CIA employee, why did Gonzales say she was?


• Text of an e-mail to White House staff Tuesday from counsel Alberto R. Gonzales about the Justice Department's investigation about the leak of a CIA officer's identity:

"We were informed last evening by the Department of Justice that it has opened an investigation into possible unauthorized disclosures concerning the identity of an undercover CIA employee. ...you must preserve all materials that might in any way be related to the department's investigation."

If you want to debate whether Plame is an "undercover CIA employee," go right ahead.

We've been discussing whether she is a "covert agent."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:46 am
Ticomaya wrote:

I heard Victoria Toensing on Fox News this a.m. questioning Plame's status as a covert agent. Plame reportedly returned to Washington from her last overseas assignment in 1997. Is Plame a "covert agent"? I'm certainly not foolish enough to claim that I know one way or another based on the facts as I know them to be. I'll leave that to the libbies on this thread.

Isn't it lovely that GOP spin miesters are questioning the final decision of the CIA which actually employed and gave Plame her assignments...

Geez Tico.. why should we take the word of Toensing over the CIA? This is downright silly on your part.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:48 am
Ticomaya wrote:
revel wrote:
If Valerie Plame was not actually an undercover CIA employee, why did Gonzales say she was?


• Text of an e-mail to White House staff Tuesday from counsel Alberto R. Gonzales about the Justice Department's investigation about the leak of a CIA officer's identity:

"We were informed last evening by the Department of Justice that it has opened an investigation into possible unauthorized disclosures concerning the identity of an undercover CIA employee. ...you must preserve all materials that might in any way be related to the department's investigation."

If you want to debate whether Plame is an "undercover CIA employee," go right ahead.

We've been discussing whether she is a "covert agent."

An undercover CIA employee isn't covered by the law? More obfuscation and parsing of words Tico..

Tap dance some more, they jury is getting tired of this one.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:54 am
Law is nothing more than the specific definition of words. Perhaps we should discuss the meaning of "is"?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:54 am
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
revel wrote:
If Valerie Plame was not actually an undercover CIA employee, why did Gonzales say she was?


• Text of an e-mail to White House staff Tuesday from counsel Alberto R. Gonzales about the Justice Department's investigation about the leak of a CIA officer's identity:

"We were informed last evening by the Department of Justice that it has opened an investigation into possible unauthorized disclosures concerning the identity of an undercover CIA employee. ...you must preserve all materials that might in any way be related to the department's investigation."

If you want to debate whether Plame is an "undercover CIA employee," go right ahead.

We've been discussing whether she is a "covert agent."

An undercover CIA employee isn't covered by the law? More obfuscation and parsing of words Tico..

Did I say an "undercover CIA employee" can't be a "covert agent"? No, I did not make that assertion.

Nor did I say that because one is an "undercover CIA employee" that necessarily makes one a "covert agent."

But I did say that in order to be a "covert agent" as defined in 50 U.S.C. 426, one must meet that definition.

Or haven't you been reading my posts the past few pages?

Tap dance some more, they jury is getting tired of this one.

The jury will be instructed as to what the law is, and I believe that part of those instructions will include the definition of "covert agent" as set forth in 50 U.S.C. 426. And they will be asked to decide whether Ms. Plame fits that definition.

What say you?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 08:58 am
Tico, whats the difference between an "undercover CIA employee" and a "covert agent"?
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 09:00 am
Tico, this actually addresses my point about there being 'other laws' in order to prosecute this case with.

Are you familiar with the laws and penalties for revealing the identity of an 'undercover CIA employee?'

To everyone yelling at Tico, you can't blame a lawyer for acting like a lawyer; he makes his living by twisting the truth around. This board is no different.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 09:00 am
Sorry Tico..

Ignoring the relevent parts of the law and bringing up non relevent parts doesn't change the fact that revealing the identity of Plame was a crime.

(4) The term ''covert agent'' means -
(A) a present or retired officer or employee of an
intelligence agency or a present or retired member of the Armed
Forces assigned to duty with an intelligence agency -
(i) whose identity as such an officer, employee, or member
is classified information, and
(ii) who is serving outside the United States or has within
the last five years served outside the United States;or

(B) a United States citizen whose intelligence relationship
to the United States is classified information, and -
(i) who resides and acts outside the United States as an
agent of, or informant or source of operational assistance
to, an intelligence agency, or
(ii) who is at the time of the disclosure acting as an
agent of, or informant to, the foreign counterintelligence or
foreign counterterrorism components of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation; or
(C) an individual, other than a United States citizen, whose
past or present intelligence relationship to the United States
is classified information and who is a present or former agent
of, or a present or former informant or source of operational
assistance to, an intelligence agency.

Plame clearly fits under definition A.. The law does not require that you fit under all 3 catagories since one can't be a citizen and a non citizen. The law also uses the word OR between each definition.


(5) The term ''intelligence agency'' means the Central
Intelligence Agency, a foreign intelligence component of the
Department of Defense, or the foreign counterintelligence or
foreign counterterrorism components of the Federal Bureau of

Plame clearly worked for the Central Intelligence Agency.

If you were pulling this crap in a court room Tico the judge would have fined you for contempt by this point. You know better.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 09:01 am
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

I heard Victoria Toensing on Fox News this a.m. questioning Plame's status as a covert agent. Plame reportedly returned to Washington from her last overseas assignment in 1997. Is Plame a "covert agent"? I'm certainly not foolish enough to claim that I know one way or another based on the facts as I know them to be. I'll leave that to the libbies on this thread.

Isn't it lovely that GOP spin miesters are questioning the final decision of the CIA which actually employed and gave Plame her assignments...

Geez Tico.. why should we take the word of Toensing over the CIA? This is downright silly on your part.

Toensing made her analysis based on a set of articulated facts. I don't know what facts the CIA is using in making their determination, nor do I know who made that determination on behalf of the CIA, or whether it was in the context of Sec. 426. Do you?

Don't you think it's silly to make assumptions based on a set of unknown facts?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 09:04 am

Tico will undoubtedly bring up the fact that Plame has been stationed within the US for the last 6 years. Unfortunately for him, the phrase

who is serving outside the United States or has within
the last five years served outside the United States

allows for the fact that if Plame did a SINGLE THING in an official capacity outside the United States within the last 5 years, she can be said to have been serving.

Tico, can you say without a doubt that Plame hasn't done anything outside of the United States within the last five years?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 09:08 am
parados wrote:
Sorry Tico..

Ignoring the relevent parts of the law and bringing up non relevent parts doesn't change the fact that revealing the identity of Plame was a crime.

(4) The term ''covert agent'' means -
(A) a present or retired officer or employee of an
intelligence agency or a present or retired member of the Armed
Forces assigned to duty with an intelligence agency -
(i) whose identity as such an officer, employee, or member
is classified information, and
(ii) who is serving outside the United States or has within
the last five years served outside the United States;or

(B) a United States citizen whose intelligence relationship
to the United States is classified information, and -
(i) who resides and acts outside the United States as an
agent of, or informant or source of operational assistance
to, an intelligence agency, or
(ii) who is at the time of the disclosure acting as an
agent of, or informant to, the foreign counterintelligence or
foreign counterterrorism components of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation; or
(C) an individual, other than a United States citizen, whose
past or present intelligence relationship to the United States
is classified information and who is a present or former agent
of, or a present or former informant or source of operational
assistance to, an intelligence agency.

Plame clearly fits under definition A.. The law does not require that you fit under all 3 catagories since one can't be a citizen and a non citizen. The law also uses the word OR between each definition.


(5) The term ''intelligence agency'' means the Central
Intelligence Agency, a foreign intelligence component of the
Department of Defense, or the foreign counterintelligence or
foreign counterterrorism components of the Federal Bureau of

Plame clearly worked for the Central Intelligence Agency.

If you were pulling this crap in a court room Tico the judge would have fined you for contempt by this point. You know better.

I'm going to type this real slowly, parados, because you seem to be having difficulty understanding what I'm saying.

You say, "Plame clearly fits under definition A," but you don't explain why you believe she does.

As you correctly stated, one mustn't ignore the relevant parts of the law. It important when looking at subsection (4)(A) that you are aware that both subsections (4)(A)(i) and (4)(A)(ii) conditions must be met in order for that definition to apply.

I have told you the basis for my questioning whether she satisfies subsection (4)(A) ---------> THE ISSUE IS WHETHER SHE "IS SERVING OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES OR HAS WITHIN THE LAST FIVE YEARS SERVED OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 09:14 am
Tico, can you please speed up your typing? My screen scrolls too slowly when you type like that...
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Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2005 09:15 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Tico, can you say without a doubt that Plame hasn't done anything outside of the United States within the last five years?



And if you'd been paying close attention you would have noticed that I earlier said the following:

I heard Victoria Toensing on Fox News this a.m. questioning Plame's status as a covert agent. Plame reportedly returned to Washington from her last overseas assignment in 1997. Is Plame a "covert agent"? I'm certainly not foolish enough to claim that I know one way or another based on the facts as I know them to be. I'll leave that to the libbies on this thread.


I have also heard that Plame was "outed" by Aldrich Ames back in 1994, so she was brought back to the States and given a desk job. If that's accurate, that would likely mean she was not sent overseas again.
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