Ticomaya wrote:parados wrote:Ticomaya wrote:
I heard Victoria Toensing on Fox News this a.m. questioning Plame's status as a covert agent. Plame reportedly returned to Washington from her last overseas assignment in 1997. Is Plame a "covert agent"? I'm certainly not foolish enough to claim that I know one way or another based on the facts as I know them to be. I'll leave that to the libbies on this thread.
Isn't it lovely that GOP spin miesters are questioning the final decision of the CIA which actually employed and gave Plame her assignments...
Geez Tico.. why should we take the word of Toensing over the CIA? This is downright silly on your part.
Toensing made her analysis based on a set of articulated facts. I don't know what facts the CIA is using in making their determination, nor do I know who made that determination on behalf of the CIA, or whether it was in the context of Sec. 426. Do you?
Don't you think it's silly to make assumptions based on a set of unknown facts?
The letter CIA sent to Conyers pretty clearly states they found "possible violations of criminal law" concerning the disclosure of the identity of an employee operating under cover.
What unknown fact do we have? The only unknown assertion is yours when you claim that the CIA found possible violations of criminal law without even looking at the law.
What part of "employee operating under cover" isn't included in 426? THe CIA determined that there was the possible violation of law. The DoJ CONCURRED which is why they have a GJ investigating.
Your argument is silly on its face Tico.. It would be like arguing that a bank wasn't robbed when a GJ is sitting to decide to bring an indictment.