timberlandko wrote:Whichever way this goes, one thing's for sure: whole lotta stuff is being said now that will be of some later embarrassment and inconvenience to its speakers - one way or the other. And it seems to me one side in this game has a lot more at stake than the other.
Another postulation - framed as a Texas Hold 'em metaphor (a poker game, for those to whom the reference is obscure): who has the most to lose? The Current Administration, or The Opposition? Win or lose, The Current Administration remains The Current Administration, in control of The Big Game, at least nominally, untill the '06 mid-terms, and reasonably assured of a seat at the table at least untill the '08 General Election. They can be hurt, yeah, but this hand isn't "Make or Break".
Seems to me the ones who are "All In", no chips left, they're betting table stakes, are The Opposition; lose this hand, and they're pretty much out of the game - off the table. This one hand can't win them The Big Game, but it will determine whether or not they continue as players. Fine, the betting is done, now we wait for the last card to fall.
You were doing a pretty good job of fair and balanced for the last couple of posts but that's much too much to expect for long eh, Timber?
What the "opposition" is doing is exactly what an opposition should do. You try to cast aspersions upon a competely legitimate function, {although you're hardly the only one, nor are you the worst by any stretch of the imagination; as I said, you've been doing fair for a couple of posts} a function I must remind y'all that you'd be screaming for the Repubs to do if the situation was reversed.
Quote:"This is a serious investigation," Bush told reporters after a Cabinet meeting, with Rove sitting just behind him. "And it is very important for people not to prejudge the investigation based on media reports."
Yup folks, ignore the independent media and absorb the talking lies put out by Mehlman and the RNC. That's where you'll find the info necessary to prejudge the investigation.
You should be criticizing the WH for its flip flopping. Remember the quotes from way back when; "if anybody in my administration is responsible for a leak, they're gone"; "Karl Rove wasn't involved in this AT ALL" and similar "we're being straight with you all on this" statements.
Do you think it's even remotely possible that Karl Rove did this competely on his own, talked to nobody in the WH? It doesn't seem plausible now does it? How many more potential liars do you think there are? Who do you think they might be?
Quote:Bush said he would not discuss the matter further until a criminal investigation is finished.
I think we can all agree that this was an intelligent and honest thing to say and to do. Why try to affect public opinion when a criminal {note CRIMINAL} investigation is in process.
Quote:With urging from the White House, Republican congressmen lined up in support of Rove and most GOP politicians outside Washington followed suit.
"It's a tempest in a teapot," said Denzil Garrison, former state GOP leader in Oklahoma. But some Republicans said Rove may need to go. "I think he should resign," said Jim Holt, a Republican state senator in Arkansas who is running for lieutenant governor. "I hope Karl Rove doesn't come gunning for me."
Oooooooppppppps, it's tough to get a firm grip on that "sense of honesty". It's a slippery little thing for some folks.
Quote:Bush previously had suggested he'd fire anyone found to have been a leaker in the case.
To fire someone or not fire someone has NOTHING at all to do with any criminal investigation. It is purely an administrative thing. Why the stalling, why the stonewalling?
"Uhhh, Barb dear, I can't talk about this, so could you drop an few hints here and there and then I'll just have Scott connect the dots for the MSM."
Quote:McClellan said Bush agreed with Laura Bush, who earlier Wednesday told reporters traveling with her in Africa that Rove was a good family friend.
{everything in the quote boxes is from;
entitled, "Bush Passes on Public Endorsement of Rove" by Tom Raum, AP writer}