Well, despite my asking you be civil and educate me, you don't want to, and want to analyze me instead of answering questions.
We have no idea at this point how long this situation is going to last, and it's not my job to come up with ways to manage supply chains, and other. Not sure why you're putting that on me, or others. Why is that my job?
Why don't you do that? Why don't you figure it out? Why are you asking me to do it?
Finally, no, I'm not satisfied, clearly or otherwise with not understanding your point. That's why I asked you to clarify. But since you're not going to address that, and instead want to pretend you know mine and others thoughts and motives, I guess we'll leave it at that.
It seems you want me and others to come up with answers, so you can knock them down. Is that fun for you? You do it often enough.
Again, what was your reason to bring up illegal drugs, comparing them to word of mouth advertising, as opposed to selling online?
I had no idea you were making any sort of analogy, and if you are, I don't know what it is.
Maybe it's not that I don't understand analogies. Maybe it's that you don't make very good ones. No insult intended, but it's not always the fault of the person who is politely saying they don't understand, and please explain, and could be the problem of the person making the analogy.
If that's the case, than don't make an analogy, and say it in a way we/I can understand.
I don't notice anyone else saying they understood you either. Either here or on other threads. So if multiple people don't get you, is it all of us? Or you?
I'm not looking far enough in the future to a time where everyday items have to be sold covertly like illegal drugs. Word of mouth advertising is a lot of work, and at first at least, and usually works locally.
If something is being prohibited online, I'll find something else to sell that isn't. I've been switching products and focus for years, going with what is needed and easy to supply at any given moment.
I sell on line because it's the least amount of work I've ever done, it's fun, and secondary to that is income. It seems the money comes when I'm not paying attention to that, and more to the customer. So, when I'm told I'm prohibited for the time being to stop selling a particular thing, it's no problem to me.
I'm flexible.