I understand all that, and thats a major reason why I feel we can develop controls and designs for livability hermetically sealed FROM the Mars environment, and thats doable through our present level of technology..
Sublimation of everything (especially water )is only a problem for large areas and if we make Mars a "colony". Such a site condition may take us a few millennia , meantime we will be living in as safe an envi ronment as we are able to construct nd maintain, with an availability of critical resources either in storage, recycling reservoirs, or manufacture.
Normal max availability of something like ground water, is a lit less than 1500 feet depth on earth. Beneath that e have a problem with thermal gradients and salt. Id suspect that, due to the fact that weve measured the TG of Mars at about 6 degrees C per Kilometer, w may be abl to acquire available Ground water at greater depths, but we will need to b able to safely "reservoir it" so it to doesnt go through some unwanted phase chnges and sublimate right off the planet.
I dont see anything right now that would give us "no go" decisions except for what do we do about long term radiation protection.
Alpha and beta, not a real problem , gamma, not so much. I dont see any evidence of galena in the sulfur pockets they've speck'ed from orbit. So we may be spending several decades just "Tunneling around and making sure we can pep a way to access lower "suburban levels" (There may be lead there but I havent seen any data.) Itd be easy to make lead screening from galena because we do know of the existence of peroxide salts on Mars and reaction of Lead Sulfide with proxide is an old miners trick)
The word " suburbs" is gonna have an entirely new meaning wrt Mars human exploration.