Operation "warp Speed" has nothing to do with anything, its a self promotion campaign.
He says'The vaccines are on my watch", well SO WAS THE RUNAWAY PANDEMIC WHERE THE US LED THE WORLD IN CASES AND DEATHS. If he feels hes responsible for one then hes surely responsible for the other.
(Fact is that the Brits and Isrealis and Germans were ahead of us, So much so that Moderna was an"acquisition" , and Pfizer was alrady workin away with CRSPR.
He may not know his ass from a mortise but hes always sure to be in the photos .
SITTIN ON HIS ASS is (apparently a bit higher than your pay grade) recognizing the FACT that hes doing NOTHING in the interim.
You may be the last guy who dies because of his recalcitrance to good science. Hes still got his base "believing that he even knows what the **** hes talking about"
You poor schlubs. Are you guys even wearing masks??