Sounds good, but cav'll have ideas...
did I tell you I finally cooked ossobuco? what reminded me is that instead of using celery in the underlayer of onions, carrots, and celery, I used chopped rainbow swiss chard stems... rather liked it myself...
Top tip on pepper skins:
When you have charred/roasted them, put them in an airtight container (e.g. pot with tight fitting lid/bowl covered with cling film - that's Ceran wrap, if my American is correct - or just put them in a plastic bag and tie a knot).
Leave for 10-15 minutes until they cool enough to handle very easily and have created a steam environment in the container which allows the skins to be peeled off with minimum effort.
Hmm, how did I miss the new posts here?? Piffka, the term 'tri-tip' is unfamiliar to me. Is it a cut from the sirloin tip? If so, you could go either way, but marinate them for sure, to add flavour and tenderness. I have even taken to marinating tenderloin roasts to give them oomph, and the screams of ecstasy from my clients has been overwhelming. KP, good advice on the peppers, I always do that, sometimes even a day ahead and then peel them the next morning. You were so's "Saran wrap", a brand name, but all plastic wrap will do.
Oops, a couple of pointers on peppers: If cut up, grill and leave the skins on. If you want roasted peeled peppers, roast them whole, or grill until soft, then cover and let steam until cool. You can peel under cold running water too, helps the process.
Osso, my mom cooked ossobuco the other day, some "heart smart" recipe

and according to my dad it was awful. After cooking ossobuco day after day when working in the restaurants and catering companies, I have my own take on it. I like celery root instead of celery for the sofrito, with some chopped celery leaves thrown in too. I like the balance in the sauce tipped towards more wine and less tomato. I can't stand gremolata. I prefer to use chopped garlic, parsley and lemon zest in the sauce itself, rather than serve it raw on the side.
good thread cav, just bookmarking to read later. hope you're doing better.
I'm doing great, pueo, all things considered. Thanks for asking.
Yah, I didn't do the gremolata business, just added as you did to the sauce..
Another cool approach to ossobuco is to simply poach it in a light veal stock and some white wine without searing, with the usual mirepoix. When done, strain the stock and reduce it, and cook some lovely spring veggies to serve alongside the veal and reduced stock.
Yes, my next try will be sans tomato...
although the dish I did make was reallllllllly good.
It is hard for me to cook the same way twice, attention deficit you know.
What prevents me from cooking grand all the time is mostly bank deficit, but I feel for you osso.
So....Mrs. cav is at a company function tonight. I looked in the fridge and got depressed. All I really had that was 'ready to eat' was some leftover peanut chicken from a local delivery place. I thought, well, cooking for one will not bear me down. I found some dried apricots, and reconstituted them in hot water. I pureed that, added hoisin, ginger, garlic and some sambal, and then stirred it into the leftover chicken. It gave those sad leftovers just the zip they needed.