Harvested alive - 10 years investigation of Force Organ Harvesting ... 362,813 views ... 27 May 2017 ... Deerpark Studios ... 1:02:52
The above shocking video is about a 10-year investigation of the atrocity committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the People's Republic of China (PRC) -- that of killing members of the Falun Gong for the removal (while they are alive) and transplanting of their organs into the bodies of desperate organ buyers.
As "harvesting" is a euphemism, I'll state this horrific moral disaster in unequivocal terms. The Falun Gong is a "spiritual" organization allegedly comprised of about 100 million members in China. These people are currently being used as a source of live organ transplants in the PRC. Words do not seem enough to define this outrageous open secret of the CCP, which is not a government, but a cruel and loathsome criminal organization, a bunch of lowlife gangsters who appear to be human but are not. The CCP member who started this atrocity is "The Toadmaster" Jiang Zemin.
Imagine how you would feel if you were a Falun Gong member in the PRC, never knowing when you or anyone close to you who was also a FG member might be kidnapped and taken to a hospital to have your liver, your kidneys and your eyes removed by a monstrous doctor, then your body burned in the boiler room of the hospital, with your organs, within a matter of as little as 4 hours, being placed in the body of anyone within or visiting China who can pay the disgusting fee for your sacred body parts.
I will not here repeat the vile and casual utterances of the soulless monsters quoted in the referenced video, who openly affirmed -- to clever telephone investigators -- this enormous ongoing crime.
The Divine karmically retributive backlash to the moral disaster going on in China -- which also includes the persecution of Tibetans, Christians, and the Uygur muslims in western China -- is likely to bring the corrupt CCP to an early end. As other Chinese are also suffering from exploitation, work-related family fragmentation, and health problems due to pollution, it's likely that at some point the Chinese people will turn on the CCP.
The 1.4 billion people of China could bring about the final whimper of the comparatively few whiny little CCP bitches who are abusing, repressing, exploiting and murdering them. The CCP is so repressive because they are very afraid of an uprising. It's like they are an inept elephant trainer who fears their elephant is going to step on them. At the same time, with their suspicion raising belt and road project, and their shiny baubles of city infrastructure, the CCP is trying -- but failing -- to distract the rest of the world, and con us into believing they are model world citizens who can be trusted.
Although economies would no doubt suffer, ideally, as a matter of moral principle, no country should trade with China or accept anything further from them. The countries that accepted belt and road infrastructure are already leveraged by China. To have any relations at all with a very corrupt regime is to be tainted by association, just as anyone who associates with a gangster is in danger. Let the CCP rot in its own vile juices. The Chinese people will no doubt suffer, no matter what happens, but such is the price for allowing their little bitches to take charge. The world is paying the price for the Trump disaster brought about by the blind or dumb Americans who allowed a ridiculous racist con man to impress them.
A civil war, uprising or revolution is the means through which the abusive and the abused -- both evil and locked into their bad karma to the bitter end -- are removed from Life by Nature (or God), with both sides losing, and the slate "wiped clean" and ready for another round of ignorant corruption.