Wed 19 Mar, 2003 05:11 pm
I may be sticking my neck out at this time and accused of being unpatriotic, but here goes:
Some very unkind people might consider that Bush is among the most fortunate people on earth, whose greatest friends and allies are terrorists and terrorism and yet the terrorists never seem to win!
Each and every major act of terrorism around the world, since his legal friends gave him the White House, is being used by the Bush Administration to further their personal political objectives and the profits of their largest financial backers - weapons manufacturers and oil companies.
The terrible attack of 9/11, as it was certain to do, rescued an unpopular President and made him popular, united the nation behind him, gave him overwhelming public and international support for his long-planned invasion of Afghanistan, allowed him to justify his 'War On Terrorism' in turn enabling him to proclaim any mineral-rich nation he wished as a supporter of terrorism and gave him some domestic and overseas support for his next pre-election invasion target, oil-rich Iraq. So who benefitted other than the Bush Administration and friends? Certainly not bin Laden or even Saddam Hussein.
Then, just when it was most needed, along came the Bali bomb, which was guaranteed only to assist Bush further by bringing Australia and others on board his invasion train, but once again did nothing for the terrorists.
So what happens when there are no terrorist atrocities to assist them? They keep the public with them by raising the subject as frequently as possible on TV and issuing an endless stream of terrifying threats about nuclear, chemical and biological weapons far beyond the interests or ability of any average terrorist or nation to obtain or produce, due to the dangers and fear of American retaliation.
At the same time, the Administration arrange the arrest, at home and overseas, of a continuous series of likely suspects in a blaze of publicity and put them into concentration camps outside American jurisdiction to serve life-sentences, where they can deny nothing or may even be persuaded to make false confessions. Then there are the invasions ....
Actions certain to anger and encourage any would-be terrorists into fresh atrocities.
It is human nature that people always unite behind and vote for their governments in times of crisis, so by keeping the nation in this permanent state, Bush can only win, whilst his political opponents and terrorists are the certain losers!
Some might conclude that there are some extremely clever people in high places?
He'd better keep praying there is no such thing as karma.
PDiddie wrote:He'd better keep praying there is no such thing as karma.
...and we'd all better pray there is.
It is the saddest of facts that, wars, terrorism and threats (founded or not) keep Members of the Administration on television, in the news and provide endless photo-calls - leaving their opponents fighting for scraps from the table.
It will take a big candidate and many donations to overcome the handicaps.
As an afterthought, faced with a too strong opposition, could not the duration of the alleged "War On Terrorism" and war-footing be used by an unscrupulous Administration to justify avoiding an election?
A lot of stuff happened this week: Rick Santorum tripped over a chair trying to get away from some parents of gay children, the unemployment rate went up to 6 percent, Bill Bennett got outed as a moralistic asshole who has a pretty nasty gambling problem, a Federal court ruled that most of that Campaign Finance Reform legislation that was passed last year is unconstitutional, and even Republic sycophants like Andy Sullivan and Glenn 'Instapundit' Reynolds admitted they were a little uncomfortable with the Big Aircraft Carrier Party.
So when the Sunday Talking Heads line up and say the Democrats don't have a clue, much less a chance...
...remember who they're whoring for.
There are two candidates that I see as willing to challenge Bush, the problem is they'll also challenge the corps that fund so much of both parties.
And the people are there in the guise of this "Anti-War" movement, they just need to shift gears. I plan on attending a vigil/meeting tomorrow and bring this point up.
I just fear that should we fail that
this is where we will end up:(
Do you think Dubya would pay me back for all this duct tape and plastic sheeting sitting unused in the garage