I prefer working on some aspects at home creatively after the images are 'done' so to say, I guess actually being out and about taking shots is the most creativity but, making them 'artistcally perfect'

is done at home at my own whim of creative juices flowing.
Lately I have really enjoyed going to the old studio barn <other than freezing> and sitting with the customers to design everything as well. And I wont enjoy the day that is soon on its way when I wont being going there anymore, my thoughts are ... gosh, what shall I do with myself? How can I? I might just camp out there on occassion if I need a lift but, Im certain that the next year will change it so dramatically that I dont think it will be the same.
I have gone to a couple of group events, and although informative and interesting, I could live without them. Around ehre they tend to be...a bit off really is the only way I can explain it.
I had a friend who had studio space in a co-op here in Mass, and it was a fabulous place, you could feel the creativity flowing everywhere..probably helped that its an old factory, and has that charm about it already but, being around so many others, and having a common goal, that is a fabulous feeling. Certainly doesnt hurt.