Just why is it that bush is the most hated man on earth?
"President Bush has an opportunity at Gleneagles to signal that his administration will no longer ignore the scientific evidence and act to cut emissions,"
"Never before have we faced such a global threat. And if we do not begin effective action now it will be much harder to stop the runaway train as it continues to gather momentum,"
"A lack of full scientific certainty about some aspects of climate change is not a reason for delaying an immediate response that will, at a reasonable cost, prevent dangerous anthropogenic [man-made] interference with the climate system," the statement says.
But perhaps Mr Blair is not all he seems
Britain doing deals with Hamas
Israeli fury as Straw admits Britain has held talks with Hamas
Could it be that Bush is standing next to Bin Blair?
A new biography of Tony Blair published this month in Italy has led to the Prime Minister being compared to Osama bin Laden.
All Americans should be alarmed at these developments.