frolic wrote:I still wonder why Howard, Blair and Aznar(aka Anzar) want to put their entire political capital at risk to support this war? Is it because they believ public opinion will change its view once the war is over. Or is there another reason? Big contracts for the national compagnies for rebuilding Iraq?
I believe Blair, in any case, is genuinely convinced that Saddam Hussein is an acute threat and that it is his duty as PM to act against this threat - even if it should take him against public opinion.
You see this more, I'm sure, with politicians who have long adapted their every move to public opinion; there comes a moment when they suddenly feel this deep urge to take a stand of conviction at least once. Blair already achieved the highest one can in public opinion, but he's thus far always been derided for having a focus group in place of a mind of his own; this is his chance to make a name as statesman, too, if it goes well.
Of course it didn't quite work as he want to, as I think he also genuinely sought the support of the UN, and the fact that he stayed loyal to the war effort even when it wasnt achieved also must have something to do with a sense there was no way back anymore by then.