Sun 5 Jun, 2005 09:41 am
We count time by seconds, minutes, hours days, etc., and I presume it is based on the cycle of day and night. Our lifetime is but a blink of the eye in relation to the estimated age of the earth, sun and universe. Is it possible that time is counted differently in another dimension.......the fourth dimension?
I've thought about it many about you?
Speaking from experience old chap it definitely is.
In fact,in the fourth dimension,time is counted any way anybody wishes to count it and there are thus as many ways to count time as there are those who wish to count it in a different manner than we do.This explains why we only very occasionally hear a voice from the fourth dimension so I thought it would be worthwhile to set the record straight on this important matter before anybody starts running off with some crazy idea that might drive them nuts.
spendius wrote:Speaking from experience old chap it definitely is.
In fact,in the fourth dimension,time is counted any way anybody wishes to count it and there are thus as many ways to count time as there are those who wish to count it in a different manner than we do.This explains why we only very occasionally hear a voice from the fourth dimension so I thought it would be worthwhile to set the record straight on this important matter before anybody starts running off with some crazy idea that might drive them nuts.
Aww......don't spoil my fun. I only want to drive SOME people nuts. You obviously are so divinely superior that you are exempt.........old chap. :wink:
Surely old chap,you must be able to see that if it is acceptable that you are allowed to drive some people nuts it is obviously acceptable that I spoil your fun which is bit of nothing thing anyway seen from the 4th.When people emerge into the 4th we like them to be sane and it is a bonus for us that they have had all their fun spoiled so that they can appreciate what we have to offer.
It is relative, remember. With your children it is gone and they are grown before you know it. With your mother-in-law it is interminable. The voices spendius hears from the 4th dimension depends on which relatives he has there.
Interesting question.
There is not a rational answer.
Why our time is "like that"? I´ll try to answer.
As I said in another post, Univerese has got a time; no matter how we measure that time (seconds, hours...) because it depends on movement. Every object in Universe has got its own time, but (this is the most important) it´s got the same direction.
If I have a jar and it drops from my hand this one breaks on the floor (I hope it isn´t expensive). It will fall fast or slow, but it always will fall and break. That is our time; after that you can consider if the fall has taken one second or two.
But, Why has it broken on the floor?
Because we are moving in three dimensions (time is considered as a fourth one, but it isn´t a physical dimension even though it gives a quality to all objects). So, it breaks because my jar and the floor are moving with the same dimensions. If after that, the floor collapses (I hope not) will make in the same way the jar did.
So, in a "spatial" state with more dimensiones, time as it is known now it would be completely different.
I don't honestly know.I have a little influence and when I asked permission to be located as far away as possible,which here can be quite some distance,and then some,from my relatives it was granted.
I've been working on the idea of converting everything to metric time....base 10.
Everything would be so much easier.
If something was due to happen in 6 months time, you'd know that meant 60 weeks or 600 days or 600,000 minutes etc....
10 months in a year
10 weeks in a month
10 days in a week
10 hours in a day
100 minutes in an hour
100 seconds in a minute
Working out when the sun comes up might take some getting used to, but that will be a problem no matter where you are in the universe. My system could be applied to any part of the universe.....universally.
Anyone see a problem with it?
Sure there's a problem.Selling it to us stick-in-the-muds will take every ounce of your ingenuity and even then it might not work.
Oh it'll work, no problem.
Selling it might be a least until we've colonised a few more planets.
What do you mean by the 4th dimension?
I like to think,in my higher flights,that we on these threads occasionally reach the 4th dimension.
When we do,which is not often but with practice we may alter that,we may find ourselves contemplating the other three dimensions which,as you are no doubt aware,are somewhat cliched.To escape from the clutches of the ordinary dimensions is probably the reason we are here.
This is why I feel that "meetings" with A2K members might be considered counter-productive as they weaken the influences which swirl around in the 4th.Suppose for example that one were to meet Lola in the flesh and find that the photographs of herself she has so kindly allowed us to view consisted entirely of what movie stars call their "best side" and had hidden from us a prominent nose.We would then have been dragged out of the 4th,where we can easily imagine her perfections and be back with reality and mundane preoccupations.This,I fear would have a deleterious effect on communications within the 4th and that is not something I am in favour of.
If you read these threads and post on them you must have noticed how time moves in various ways not necessarily connected with mechanical,synchronised clocks.When that happens you are in the 4th.
I have just enough strength to hold on to the 4th long enough to send my regards from there.
And not only that:
Gravity affects time, this has been proven.
Thus, time will be different on every world, whether it be the moon, Jupiter, a black hole, or the very hot middle of mum's womb.
On The Ovarian Trolley is a chapter in a book I once read.
Can anyone name it?
*it was a question in last week's quiz at the pub.
(Editor-you're telling lies again spendi.)
Okay he's talking to heself again.
Once they start speaking of self in third person, we get a new literature break.
Its when they move to referring to theirself in the 4th and 5th person that we start to see part of who they really are.
EM would you burn that Dali painting, its starting to get on my nerves and all, and then go sit on your hands and just be still
Emergency interruption.
Don't burn Dali stopWill explain laterstop.
It's nothing psychological.It's just a literary conceit.
It hints at the lower-middle class ambience in my pub.That's all.
I'll explain the $th dimension tomorrow.And after that the %th is easy.
Up Up and Away... "5th dimension"
Where are Lola's photographs?