1) You should see a doctor. Anything else I share is personal experience, not medical advice. Chronic acid reflux is a medical condition that should be discussed with a medical professional.
2) There are often food triggers to acid reflux. I figured out my triggers by eating a very bland diet until I stopped having reflux, and then adding things one by one. You can find lists of common triggers on the internet.
3) It can help to tilt your bed so that your head is higher than your feet while you sleep. There are "wedge pillows" you can buy fairly inexpensively, but I would fall off of them during the night. I bought a frame that tilts my entire box spring. That works for me.
4) I also have a hiatal hernia, meaning that a part of my stomach has protruded through my diaphragm. This is part of the issue. Of course you need to see a doctor to figure out if this case for you.
As part of the treatment for this, I eat many small meals during the day rather than the normal 2 or 3 big meals. It took me a while to get this right (at first, I ate too many calories and gained weight)... but it seems to really help.
5) Did you get my main point... you need to see a doctor for this.