iddii5 wrote:
Government has the authority to force us to comply with decisions. Are there some areas of decision-making that should be off limits? Should there be limits to the types of power that government has to force compliance with decisions?
Power is an incredibly broad topic. Humans are intelligent creatures that are capable of devising enumerable means of manipulating and coercing each other in various ways.
Morality and ethics involve choosing when and how to exercise power based on other reasons besides how to most effectively achieve goals.
If people decide that their goals are worth pursuing by any means whatsoever, they are liable to completely dehumanize and/or kill others that stand in their way.
When can the ends justify such unethical means except where people perceive themselves as fighting for survival and/or sanity?
In order to become civilized, people have to reach an awareness that life, liberty, and happiness are possible without oppressing/destroying others to achieve and protect their way of life. That, in turn, requires some level of mutual respect and peace among people with differing views.