Tue 31 May, 2005 02:02 pm
I found these M&Ms, inspired by Star Wars, that are made with dark chocolate. Unfortunately I have been only able to find them at WalMart and I hate going into WalMart. Anyone know where else I can purchase them. They are so yummy, I plan on joining the dark side.
try google.
looks like they're for sale online...
I've seen them at the grocery store here.
Local grocery store in Houston unfortunately won't help me - I have looked in mine and I have looked in the local seven eleven, the local CVS, Walgreens, Brooks.
Even the damn website I can't get into as I need to get a certain flash thing to view the dark side M&M promotion and I won't download that stuff.
I am afraid I will have to join the dark side and go into a Wal Mart.
here -- use these when u go in there
We've gotten them at Target. They're yummy.
They must be available in these parts, as our receptionist offers a bowl of them at the front counter. I haven't asked where they come from. Now I have to worry they're from WalMart...
I hate to even admit I enter Wal Mart - never did until I had children - I mean how can I argue with them - diapers are cheaper there than even those food clubs.
I found them at Brooks Pharamacy - there were 3 bags hidden under the regular milk chocolate M&Ms. Upon checking out, I told the man at the register - I am going to the dark side. And his response was - these M&Ms are great! I have several bags at home!
Now I know why I can't find them, people are hoarding them!