Sorry - I messed up the qote - but this was quoted by guy above:
"...what i do find interesting is that through out the thread, there is such an effort to justify the perceived racism of the event. as baldi said, 2 wrongs don't make a right. and to me, to continue to treat blacks as if they are helpless and need constant defending is also a kind of racism, though a type that is based in benificence (sic?). well meaning as it is, it still implies that blacks are lesser beings just as much as the ravings of the aryan nation whackos.
that's not to say that i don't think that their should be no organizations of people with common beliefs, race, religion or national heritage.
ya know what i think is bizarre ? it seems to me that race relations have actually worsened in the last decade or so. in the '70s and '80s i really thought we'd made progress. now it appears to me that we've all lost a lot of ground.

Maybe some people who defended the right of these people to do what they did, actually "perceived" the incident differently, and in fact, did not find it to be racist. In that case, there need not have been an implication that blacks are "lesser beings" and need defending and/or protecting. I know I am wondering what all the fuss is about , although I will admit to curiousity and would like to hear what the reasoning behind this decision was. But I also know that I could keep my mind open long enough to listen and maybe even find some sense and logic in it- even if it's not the decision I would have made. Did anyone ever state the actual reasoning behind the decision?
But I agree with you that racial relationships are more strained and there is an even greater divide in some instances than thirty years ago. I think it's because we don't
want to try to understand each other - we
look for ways in which we can take offense. What is important is not who funded this event - but the attitudes of the people who both did the turning away and were turned away. Until either side can try to see the other's viewpoint - and drops the righteous indignation for just a moment - nothing will change.