Sun 22 May, 2005 02:40 pm
Several years ago my father-in-law came down with Alzheimer' disease and it fell to my husband to live with him and take care of him. We were raising our grandson and sending him to school so I had to stay here. On the weekends I would go to his home (about 100 miles away) and cook meals for my husband to warm up. One weekend I made thumb print cookies and he really enjoyed them. A couple of weekends later I was making chocolate chip cookies and spreading them on clean dish towels to cool and while I had my back turned washing up the dishes I heard him come in but he was so quiet that I turned around to see where he went to and he was pressing his thumb in each cookie. I said "No, Dad we don't put jelly on these" and he just looked at me and said "Why can't I press them, you did". I just laughed with him and he picked up a half dozen of the cookies and went off looking for my husband, who was sitting in the family room and had saw what had happened. He went out on the porch and sat on to the porch swing and just thoroughly enjoyed his cookies.
That's a nice story rulupe.
My father had Alzheimers and there were some things that happened that were just so funny.
Like the time he called my mom complaining that his shoes didn't fit anymore. My mom left work, went home and found that my dad had put on six pairs of socks! No wonder his shoes didn't fit anymore.
It is so easy to get caught up in the awfulness of Alzheimers and it is so easy to forget that there is still a person in there - someone you love.
Your father in law is a lucky man to have people who care about him around, people who still enjoy and appreciate him.
Thank you for sharing your story.
You sound like you really have your hands full! Caring for your father in law, your husband and your grandchild.
Oh my. I can't even imagine.
Welcome to A2K. You'll find a lot of listening ears for overwhelmed people here.