Fri 14 Mar, 2003 08:50 pm
Its the new rules of poker, the players are at the table, cards dealt, raises are back and forth, the pot grows, Bush calls the table "It's time for people to show their cards, and to let the world know where they stand when it comes to Saddam." Cards are slowly showing, Bush sees he has a losing hand, says i didn't mean to call, i want a reshuffle of the deck, players decline, Bush decides to take his chips out of the pot saying "i don't lose if i dont play by the rules." Others note that Bush agreed to the rules when he sat down at the table. Bush says he misunderstood the rules. Bush says pfffffffffffffffttttttttttt i never liked you guys anyway. Game continues, Bush not invited back.
1. Bush did ask for a security council vote.
2. With a no vote, Bush can only go to war with Iraq in violation of U.N. charter.
3. With a no vote, Blair can't support Bush without violation of G.B. law.
4. Without a vote Bush and Blair might sidestep violation of UN Charter.
I never did like poker much. Too many cheaters ;-)