How many books have Dr Tiller written and published? You expect people on a2k to read all of them? You're serious? Get real, for cry'n out loud.
Nice; you give us his name and title. Where's the proof of your claims concerning his "findings?" For this, you must provide title of book and page numbers.
If you want an edjucation than read some of them. Dont you know that is the only way to open doors? You must have a key, I have provided you all with enough answers. And they wont go away. I will never cease in my promise to YAH after he made me a believer; by causing something to happen to me that in no way could be explained ,except by the research of Dr. Tiller, and, Dr. Horowitz.
When Yeshua said " be like little children" you didn't have to go overboard.
For what they bring to the field of knowledge, Dr. Tiller and his cohort, Dr. Dibble, are held in a particular regard by the mainstream of academic and theoretical physicists and physiologists. Sorta the same regard as that in which picnic goers hold ants and mosquitos.
Little wonder their "work" is published all but exclusively under the banner of Dr. Tiller's own publishing house. As has been said, the term "Alternative Science" is short in the mifddle by one small word: "to".
That a little ole prepositon can alter the meaning of such "scientific works" is outrageous! LOL
Please see "which religion is the real religion?" for my responses to the request for proof.
Thank you.