How I found that ugly place.... (well, just my opinion)
I looked in Arc Space, the superior website for architectural photography. (There now, I've given myself away.) Looked up a few people, heh, not all of them italians. Looked up Massimiliano Fuksas, the italian architect whom I keep seeing mentioned lately, most recently in some conversation with Rem Koolhaas on the designboom website. Checked out his work.
Here's his woo-hoo website - -
click on that wavy webby thing to choose italian or english. All sorts of buildings to look at there, she says, blinking - click Archive and scroll.
Anyway, that is a golfing resort, and that is a golf hotel, I gather. It's a little confusing, since I see on the telegraph UK website, you can also buy villas there for 1 to 4 million euros.
Good link on the Golf Resort -