Your preamble is spot on, but not Denmark.
Do you have more pictures like that one in stock, Dutchy?
What I can say is that there is a restaurant called "La Cantina" in that place..
You are also spot on Francis, Restaurant is at No. 16.
You may do the honours.
Just to add that the place is Stortorget square, Gamla Stan (old town) in Stockholm, Sweden.
Francis this could be anywhere in the world, no idea where to start, what is the significance of this rock formation. Are they linked to any particular event of importance?
That rock formation is typical of some place in the southern hemisphere...
Looking at the second photo I can show you several identical rocks along our southern coastline, however I'm going to suggest Nugget Point, New Zealand.
Your former suggestion was better than the latter..
Sugar Loaf Rock, Western australia?
Looks like it, a bit, but it isn't, Dutchy.
It lays in a more populated area.
Not Western Australia.
That coastline is exactly where I live but I cannot locate that pyramid like rock formation. My city has a population of over 1 million people, the next big city on the south coast is Melbourne but that hasn't rock formations like we have to my knowledge unless you go further out along the coast. The distance between my city and Melbourne is over 700km and there are numerous smaller cities in between on the rugged coastline. So I may need another clue.
Hehe! All the clues you need are included in your post!
I'm sure you can locate that pyramid like rock...

Pyramid Rock - Phillip Island - Victoria.
(Have been to the Nobbies at Phillip Island but can't remember having seen this particular rock)
Notwithstanding, it does exist and is often photographed...
That's the place, Dutchy.
We are in Milwaukee, looking at the Calatrava addition to the Milwaukee Art Museum...
You must be a local ossobucu.

Well done, your turn.
I almost always recognize anything by Calatrava...
I'm off looking for something interesting. Will try to be speedy.