Sat 14 May, 2005 09:49 pm
So I have the entire day tomorrow to spend in Boston with no responsibilities.
What is there to do?
Re: What is there to do in Boston?
McGentrix wrote:So I have the entire day tomorrow to spend in Boston with no responsibilities.
What is there to do?
Sit around wishing you were somewhere warmer...
Done the historical sites? Been on Old Ironsides herself? Seen the State House? Checked out the Tea Party site? Nearly been run over by a car several times? Had your photo taken with one of those neat life-sized statues near the State House? Lazed about on the Common?
I've only been there once years ago but I loved Boston, I found it fascinating.
Fantastic city. (you shoulda posted a bit earlier, as there's an out-of-town a2k'r there today getting a bit of a tour from a local)
There have been a couple of threads on what to do there. It's a small enough city that it's quite easy to simply walk around and see a lot. The harbour's simply great. I could spend a whole day there.
well, I came late to this tea party.
Eat at Bangkok City. Trust me. You won't regret it. Probably my favorite restaurant in the entire world.
Um, where is Bankok City?
Near a bridge, if my memory is correct, but maybe not. Anyway, click that link, and you get to see not only the address and a map, but also a bunch of positive stuff from pleased customers such as I! (Although admittedly I did not author any of said comments.)
Hmmmm, that's just down the road.
Smog, do you live here?
Nope! But I've been in your lovely city many, many times. It's quite wonderful there. And I miss Bangkok City..... a lot. Man, that makes the entire city awesome. Well, Bangkok City and the Red Sox.... and the rest of the state, too, actually. The whole damn place is great.
I wanna be in Massachusetts!!
And do eat at Bangkok City, littlek. You'll be hooked!
(I've been strangely giddy recently. I scare myself!)
Did they put lithium in your water?
I like Boston too. I also like thai food - a lot!
And I was right: It IS near a bridge! Oh man, so much giddy. So much lithium. SO MUCH!
So lil'k, eaten at the BC yet?
Heh, noooo, not yet. I'm barely surviving this week on a regular schedule, let alone that involves an outing into Boston.