This thread is hilarious and makes everyone all the more lovable to me.
Today I looked in the mirror, yawned, and started laughing.
Who is this silly woman?! She's goofy looking.
I seem to recall being a lot better looking: now the bags under my eyes don't ever disappear, my neck has some funky spreading going on, my face seems to be getting rounder?, and my nose is as bulbous as she ever was.
But I still like my eyes, and I something felt right about the dishevelled animal look I had going on. I'm losing weight again; bum of my bottoms hanging a tad too much.....
Ever notice how much prettier you seem after a round or so of lovemaking? Maybe that's just me..the trip to the bathroom afterwards, the quick smile to oneself 'eh! way to go tiger!' much more forgiveness then...much better than make-up!