Mills75 wrote:DontTreadOnMe wrote:
good thing that those countries don't have national health care either! otherwise, the rich guys there would have to pay their taxes !

The rich would have to pay their fair share of taxes? That's blasphemy! Now go to the Chapel of Free* Market Orthodoxy (or tune into Fox News) and repent for your pinko communist blatherings!
*'Free' in this context is defined as publicly subsidized risk but privatized profit.
funny, isn't it ?? the people who have either done very well or inherited very well in our country and have the most to lose financially from a down turn in america's quality of life, seem to be some of the most reluctant to sacrifice anything to insure long life to the goose that lays the golden egg.
they don't want to play by the rules of a progressive tax code, and they don't want a flat tax. they want to pay
no tax.
yet they still want an army to protect them, a police and fire department to respond to their emergencies, a power,communications and road infrastructure that they use every day but expect the peasants to cowboy up the cash.
i guess i should feel honored to be allowed the privilige of supporting the plutocracy.
but somehow, i'm just not feeling it.