Ooooh... you are bad, Jane!!!
Okay, I admit,

I've never gone much over 90 miles an hour and that was a long time ago. When I go 80 now

, it is only because my car is a wicked thing and loves to speed. Really, I try to be
scrupulously boring about following the speed limit.
Have you ever driven on the fast toll roads of Spain? Those are wonderfully broad and smooth and not very crowded. You can get up to a high rate of speed there, though not as high as the autobahn.
A trip to Germany with you pointing out the sights would be great fun. I am, didja know?, partly German... I had g-grandparents on one side named "Springer" and on the other side - "Frey." I really OUGHT to see Germany, don't you think?
Hey Danon! How are you? I love to ride on trains and I particularly love to use passes so that I don't have to worry about tickets each time I hop on. There is something so freeing about not having a car or a bunch of luggage. One of my favorite memories was taking the night train from Scotland to London. NOT that the sleeping berths were comfortable and the station stops always woke me up so I didn't sleep well, but zooming along close to the ground and headed towards that great city was wonderful... especially when the morning sun rose over the incredibly beautiful English countryside. Whew... there are some fine British clouds.
I'm <ahem> sure there are some good ones on the continent, too.