LOL. I prick out my "hormone malfuction" with tweezers!
After having reread all 19 pages of this thread, my salute and gratitude goes to Walter for many things including his and Ulla's graciousness and generosity of their time and talents to share with us. I consider this journey one of the best ones from all my trips, because it was shared with good people, and the memories from this trip will remain top-most as a "favorite." Thank you, Walter and Ulla, and also to Clary, Urs, dys, Diane, and McTag for sharing yourselves. c.i.
The feeling is mutual, c.i.
You all were even more enjoyable in person than you are here on a2k. That, to me, is remarkable.
I love a2kers!
I fully agree with Diane! And I am looking forward to meeting more of these interesting people.
Nice avatar, Diane :-)
One of our local/county monthly magazines presented the Hotel Jonathan ( here: the restaurant there) as 'Restaurant of the month' in the June edition:

Walter, be sure to mention to Ulla that the woman who lives here in ABQ (she is originally from Germany) called yesterday. I think Ulla said that a mutual friend will be coming here in September to take a course in English(?). Anyway, she was delightful and I look forward to meeting her and Ulla's friend later this year.
Done - thanks, Diane! :wink:
Walter, Your selection of the Jonathan was excellent for the room, restaurant, but especially the price. Thanks for looking out for us - in every way.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Done - thanks, Diane! :wink:
Ulla's friend just received an email from her cousin in ABQ after Ulla phoned her and told her about it
The world is small.
Just announcing that there will be a mini meeting in
Augsburg, Bavaria, on June 18/19: Calamity Jane is on holidays in here, and urs and I are going to meet her.
I'll make some photos from driving there/back and of course of Augsburg as well.
You be taking a map with you Walter?
Gute Reise, viel Vergnuegen! Gruss doch Urs von mir.
dys: yes.
(Although navigation was a gift I got by birth, I always have a map in the boot.)
McTag: thanks, and certainly I will do so.
As long as he doesn't bring a fog horn with him
I look forward meeting urs and Walter, of course.
CalamityJane wrote:As long as he doesn't bring a fog horn with him
I look forward meeting urs and Walter, of course.
Urs is my favourite German, (after Walter and Mrs Walter of course), a total, I'll quit while I'm ahead
McT, Are you ever "ahead?" LOL